Chapter 24

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Cyrus's POV

Cyrus sighed, he was bored of all these customs. "Are you done yet?" Cyrus asked calmly. "Almost your highness, let me grab you're crown," he said as he swiftly made his way to grab his crown. Just a minute later he felt his servant put his crown on him. "Thank you," Cyrus said to his servant before leaving his dressing room. He walked through the halls of the castle and paused once he saw a painting of Alexius a couple days after she returned home after being lost for over four years. "Alexius.." Cyrus whispered. "Cycy!" a women called. "Here we go again," Cyrus muttered to himself. 

"You're not wishing I was her again, are you?" Seihera asked. "What if I am, what are you going to do about it?" Cyrus asked, his temper was starting to rise again. "When will you forget her an move on! You have a family now, you need to get over her, she's dead and she's never coming back!" Seihera snapped. "Alexius risked everything for me!" Cyrus spat, "She helped me when no one would, she loved me when no on even bothered to look my way! All you ever did was ask for a new dress!" Seihera gasped, "No I haven't! When will you move on and love me! I've tried so hard, but am I ever going to be enough? Have you ever truly loved me?" Seihera cried. Cyrus shook his head, "This argument is getting us no where. I can't stand you anymore." Cyrus started to walk away when he noticed his son, Alexander, in the door way. 

"Are you and mom going to get divorced?" Alexander asked, you could see fear in his silver eyes. Cyrus paused, unsure what to say, then he remembered taking Alexius to the palace and going to sleep.

"Ack!" Cyrus shouted, he then quickly noticed that it was a dream. Cyrus let out a sigh of relief, but what if it was one of those dreams that predict the future or something? Cyrus shook off the thought and hoped out of his bed. He didn't know if Alexius was going to make it, but he sure hoped that she would.


"Is she awake yet?" Cyrus asked Tobias as he made his way to Alexius's chambers, but Tobias shook his head and continued on. It had been more than over a week now a no signs of her waking up, but no signs of her being dead either. It's a miracle that she's still alive, only Tobias could know how though.

 Cyrus walked into Alexius's room and like normal, Imogen was there begging her daughter to wake up. "Your highness, you should get some rest," Cyrus said, putting a hand on the queens shoulder. "I know, but I'm scared to leave her for too long," Imogen whispered. "I'll be here and come get you if something happens," Cyrus said. Imogen nodded, "Okay then, I'm so thankful for you Cyrus." Imogen pulled Cyrus into a hug before leaving.

Cyrus sighed and sat down in the chair that Imogen was sitting in before and grabbed Alexius hand. "Please wake up, your mother isn't doing to well, she needs you," Cyrus whispered. Every now and then Hakkan would come and check on Alexius, but he hadn't recently. He obviously lost hope in her waking up. 

Speaking of Hakkan, Cyrus hadn't seen him a day or two, he probably went back to his kingdom. Cyrus rubbed his thumb across her hand, so many scars they had, even more than a regular knight would have. They were so alike by their scars, he kind of thought it was funny. Cyrus kissed her hand and then got up out of his seat and walked over towards the balcony, he wanted a little bit of fresh air.

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