Extra Stuff! (Fun facts & etc.)

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So yeah, I got some fun facts about Alexius!!!!

1. Alexius loves bows and actually doesn't mind wearing dresses and jewelry, she kinda likes it.

2. Alexius had to specifically ask for a silver crown because her skin gets irritated by gold.

3. Alexius is short for her age, she also has a ginger tint to her hair and before Darius was born she kept her hair long.

4. Alexius was named after Jaron's mother, Erin. (Alexius Elizabeth Erin of Carthya)

5. Jaron is super overprotective of Alexius because she reminds him of his mother. (Erin and Alexius look similar and they both have artistic skills)

6. Alexius believed that Darius was born to take the throne from her, she was always sort of jelly of Darius. 

7. A month after Alexius ran away, Alexius actually went back to Drylliad to return home, but changed her mind because she believed that her parents hated her. 

8. Alexius named changed a lot before I officaly decided. It was Alexia, Alexias, Alexis, Alexiuss, Alaine, Alaxius, and then I finally chose Alexius.

9. I'm not really fond of the name I picked for Alexius anymore, I kinda wished it was something else, but I don't know what that something is though lol.

10. Alexius's name was actually inspired by my irl name, it was a joke at first but then I kinda grew on it and decided to keep it. (I promise my name isn't Alexius but it's very close to it)

Did ya know or expect any of those?? ;]

So I got some facts about this and the last book!

1. Cyrus was originally going to betray Alexius and attempt to kill her in the first book.

2. The bird, Phoenix, was supposed to be important, but I lost interest in adding importance to her eventually.

3. I'm still debating if I want Darius to be dead or it to be like OG Darius's story lol.

4. Aria was a last minute choice as a character, I forget about her a lot.

5. Hakkan and Alexius were supposed to spend more time together to the point Alexius started to wonder if she actually liked Hakkan, but that was scrapped for obvious reasons.

6. Cyrus and Hakkan were supposed to have an epic battle, but i forgot to put it in the book TvT

7. Hakkan was originally going to be the one to stab Alexius, but it didn't make sense so i had to srap that idea.

8. I often will write my chapters during my history class or math class instead of doing my work 0-0

9. I'm writing this while in math class right now, my friend keeps on looking over my shoulder at what I'm typing and I'm trying not to get caught by our math teacher, who's my mother btw. My friend is also looking at Percy jackson fanart right now to and she keeps on showing me art while I'm trying to type!!!!!!

Oh! Btw, expect a lot of drawing of scenes and scenes to come soon!! (i've been doing a lot of drawing)

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