The Foresser

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The sky light was high in the sky that day, the birds chirping in the cold morning air, flying towards the mountains so they can pass through them and go down to where summer is. The deer eating up the dry yellowish green grass. It was mid-November here in Chroncontice town. Weird name for a town huh? Well the people that lived there were weird. But, their was a special boy in that town. A boy with the powers to see into the future, past, and near present. How you may ask? Well, I am the one telling the story here about my powers. The story of a boy who was alive before he died of his insanity. Now, let's rewind time here, to the day I die and became, The Foresser.

Laughter filled the air. The air of blood, it's smell smelled of metal, hint of urine, and the faint smell of sanity being lost. The gleam of metal pinched the air as it shined it sliver metallic glow on the dead bodys. The sword shook violently as blood ran down from the hilt, to the end of the blade. The hand gripping it leeds up to a boy, laughing, laughing like he had the best day of his live. He watches the light leave the victims eyes.

The victim looked up at him, speaking before his final breath of death took him to paradise. "P-please.... d-don't kill... a-a-anyone else..." He choked on blood as it spilled from his mouth, also leaking from his eyes.

The light left his eyes as the murder looked at him, with rage in his eyes. "I will kill anyone I want, because the boy from before died and I took his place!"


The boy gasped as he fell from his bed. Groaning, he lifted himself up and sat on the bed. He looked at the clock, 7:45.

"DAMIEN!!!" The voice of his mother called him from downstairs to the kitchen. "BREAKFAST IS READY! I'VE LET YOU SLEEP IN ENOUGH FOR A SCHOOL DAY! NOW GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!"

Damien growled, he hated his name. He never did liked it. "I'LL BE RIGHT DOWN THERE MOM!"

He sat up and started towards the door, but stopped as he starts getting a dizzy spell. He gasped as he fell to the floor, closing his eyes to help stop the horrible pain. A migraine shot up into his brain. Cursing himself as he dragged into to the bathroom and looked up in the mirror.

His light dark chocolate hair up in a spiky mess. His cheek bones set into a firm scowl as he grabbed a comb and combed through his hair. He finished and scowled again, he wanted his hair straight but could never get it that way because it would always be in the same spot it always was when he woke up with bed hair.

He shook it off as he looked up into his eyes. The eyes no one will ever understand. His father had brown eyes, almost to the point of black. His mother had a rich creamy color of a perfect amount of hazel. The odd part about him was, his eyes were blue with a mix of green. No one in his family history had his kind of eye color. It was mostly a proud family of hazel or brown colored eyes. But this was special. The doctors couldn't explain why it was this way either. They guessed a misread in the genetic DNA. But there was nothing wrong with his DNA or blood. His eyes were just blue and green. Blue as the deep ocean depth where mysteries hung in them. Green as the bright forest and dark on the edges of the forest cold and evil ominous feel.

Damien rubbed the eyes as the bottom half of it was black with a tint of purple from abuse and Insomnia. He sighed as he toke a pain pill, he drank it down with ice cold water as the feel of it send shivers down his spines. He went in his room to get dress. He dress up with a deep dark red blood shirt with a light blue coat he loves. He put on some baggy light blue jeans with holes almost everywhere. He then put on some pitch black converse that set off his gloomy mood.

Damien walked downstairs to the kitchen as his mother scowled at him. "Took your lazy ass long enough Damien!"

His father looked up from the newspaper, he hit it across his head as he walked by and took his seat at the table. "No kidding! Ethan was up just as we woke up! You need to learn better from him Damien!" He pointed his finger at a boy who had pale blond hair and brown dark eyes just like his father. "Even you too Aiden! You're the oldest! You're too set a good example for him and your other brother, Ethan!"

Aiden looked down at the table with tired eyes. His cheek bruised badly, but was healing in an ugly color as green was mixed with the deep dark purple grayish center of the main hit where the red blood cells explode at. "I'm sorry father... I try my best..."

"But your stupid piece of shit dyslexia gets in your way! We know already your special enough to not read as well!" His father bellowed across the table at Aiden. His body shaking enough to make it look like an earthquake was happening around only himself.

Damien could never hate Aiden. He was the sweetest oldest brother the world could ever have. His mental illness gets in his way as people would still bully him for it. But Damien would get in their way making sure they only hit him. Aiden would call Damien is 'guardian angel' as he always came in time when the bulling happened. This never bothered Damien because he would foresee when and where it would happened. Damien loved only Aiden in his family because he was the only one who would never picked on him, but would help him with his homework even though Aiden had dyslexia.

But then there was the perfect one out of the boys. Ethan, the boy was the middle child of the three boys as Damien was the baby. You think the baby would be the perfect one right? Wrong, Damien wasn't the perfect child just because of special colored eyes his mother and father hated. Ethan was the image of perfection to mom and dad. He had his dad's tall, lean built and blond bright hair as he had his mother's face and hazel colored eyes. He walked up to the table to sit by his father with a plate of bacon, eggs, and biscuits with gravy on them.

Ethan smiled to himself as he took a bite of his bacon. Listening to father as he rant on about the usual. He swallowed his bacon down his throat as he set his hazel nut eyes on poor Aiden. "Dad's right you know Aiden, you should know better. I can't believe you're the oldest. You should just go away from this family. You don't even look anything like mom or dad Aiden, this means you were just a mistake."

Something snapped inside of Damien as he pushed the chair away from him and did something he didn't even think he would do, he punched Ethan straight in the face, almost breaking his nose. Ethan howled in pain as blood when pouring of his nose. "Shut the hell up Ethan!" Damien yelled as Aiden looked at him with wide eyes, "Just shut the hell up! I'm tired of you giving Aiden and me crap all the time you good for nothing bastard! Just shut the-" Damien got cut off as his father punched him straight in the jaw.

Damien screamed in pain as he got kneed in the gut. His father put him in a headlock as he slammed his head on the counter top, making Damien coughing out blood and dizzy. He looked up at his mother who was just standing there looking at him in disappointment. Aiden eyes when wide with shock as Ethan just stand their smirking at him while wiping away the blood from his nose.

His Father grabbed him by the hair and put his face close to his. He was gripping his hair tight enough to make tears leak out from his closed eyes. "The hells your problem!" His father yelling in his face. His breath smelled up early morning alcohol, "You don't punch your brother in the face like that! Even saying curse words in front of us too! Just for this, no dinner for the next week and cleaning every inch of his damn house! YOU GOT IT?!"

Damien weakly nodded as his father released him. He kick his knee before sitting at the table again. Aiden was looking at him with his huge deep dark chocolate eyes. Damien just shook his head to just let him know to just let his go...

After breakfast was finally done Aiden and Damien walked together in the early morning snow as Ethan was given a ride... just as always...

Aiden stopped suddenly, making Damien almost slam into him. Aiden turned around and make eye contacted with him. There was pain and sadness in there as Damien senses were raised. "Damien please stop this..." Aiden spoke him in a clam voice just as gentle as the light snowy air. "You need to stop standing up for me Damien, you getting more bruises then before. I'm your older brother! I'm the one who should be protecting you!"

"But Aiden, you know I don't mind protecting you! Please! Just let me continue doing this! You're the only person in my life that makes me want to life this hellish life!"

Aiden takes a deep long sigh, he finally exhales making frost appear before him. "I'm sorry Damien, but keep on living... okay... just remember to not help me..."

Aiden toke off running as Damien just stared at his figure until it disappeared. His heart felt as if a knife was shrinking into it, feeling it go deeper until it ripped to pieces. Damien just looked down at the ground walking the whole way too school that day...

The whole school day when by in a flash as the bell rung the day to be over. Damien was packing his art supplies. Putting the paint brushes back in the place where they always were. At least Damien didn't mind school. He was never bullied there as people where cool to him. He could have been pretty popular kid if he wanted to, but didn't want to be as he didn't want any friends. He could if he wanted to, but chose not to as he focused on his studies so one day he can go to college and get way from Ethan and his parents.

All the kids in school liked Damien, he was a nice kid as the teachers also liked him too. So much they only gave him half the homework he does. He was a straight A student as well. That their, was the only thing his parents liked about him. Aiden got C's and B's, he got help with his homework making mom and dad pay more money for his education. Ethan got A's and B's which wasn't bad.

Damien packed up and started heading out into the cold and the long journey home. After a while of walking Damien, felt the air was colder than usual. He remember checking the temperature back at school. It was only to be thirty degrees, but to him it felt like negative two. Shivering, Damien started walking faster, trying to speed up his body heat. No use. His thighs felt like they were only numb, ice prickling at his skin through his pants. Damien sped up fast, and fast, but no use. His hands felt like they were about to fall off.

Something wet caught his attention as be looked down and saw blood run down from the edge of his fingertips. Damien stopped with horror as he stared down at the blood. He slowly when to touch his finger... slowly... then a pain splitting headache raged through his mind. Damien yelled out in agony of pure pain. He quickly put on an full burst of speed and ran into the front door. Gasping for breath, he hanged his head down in his knees as he fell down to the floor.

Closing his eyes he let the pain slowly fade away. He looked at his frostbit fingers, then shock when through his whole body. His fingertips were cold, but not frostbite cold as they were slowly warming up to the house warmth. Not an trace of blood could be seen on his fingers. Damien laid their... wondering what happened...

Shrugging to himself, Damien got up and started doing his punishment chores. It was about eight when he finally finished. The family sat the table eating their dinner ad Aiden looked at his plate with guilt. Damien told him to not share his food with him, making him sadder to know we wasn't doing his job as a big brother so well...

Sighing, Damien fell back first on his bed. Looking up at the ceiling as he let sleep take over his tired out body...

Blood.... Dark red sun and moon.... Laughter.... smoke in the air... killing my lungs... my hands.... filled with blood everywhere...

A sound of a cry caught my attention as I walked through the blood filled room. I looked into what looked like a living room. There was a man... or a boy...? His face and body where blurry... so I couldn't really tell... the sound of his cry was blurry too.

I walked up to him, slowly but the figure notice me and choked out an sound like scream.

"YoU!" It's blood finger pointed up at me. "YoU KilLeD Me! YOu heArtLEss baSTraEd!"

The figure started crawling towards me leaving an trail of blood. Panic welled up inside of me as I wasted no time running away from that thing. Confusion filled me. Why did it say I killed it?! I wouldn't kill anyone-

Pain... head splitting... everything in my body... in pain... I moan in pain as I fall to the blood soaked ground... my head pounding... so much...

The figure caught up with me as it grabbed my leg. I screamed in fear as it climbs on onto me. I keep on wiggling myself but it keeps it grip on me. Hard enough for my bones to make them feel like their puddles. I scream in agony of the pain.

The figure leans it's head down next to my face, just barley one inch away from mine. "Go TO HeLL!!!" It screamed in my face as it grab my forehead with both hands and started ripping it apart... I screamed... and begged it to stop... it never did...

Damien wakes up in cold sweat, checking his head to be safe and secured on the right place.


Damien groaned, he wished he could just get away from this women... "I'LL BE RIGHT DOWN THERE!!!" Damien called back while getting dressed. After he did he took out his Dream Journal from under his bed.

He kept it under a spring where if you weren't careful enough it could poke you hard enough to make bleeding last an long time. Damien kept one for his weird dreams... or futures that were seen in the dreams... if he couldn't tell it was an future he wrote 'Future?' Next to his paragraphs of his dream... or future...

Time when by all this week... those dreams he kept having... we're getting stronger... each time he closed his eyes... he saw the figure, who was now getting less blurry, every time he closed his eyes... his fear of this thing has caused him to snap at people sometimes... people at school where less nice to him. His parents giving him more work having his stress level rise.

Time just seem too went by for him... he looked at a calendar on today. Surprise to see it was already mid-December.

But then... that's when everything snapped inside of him...

Damien woke up to no bloody dream for the first time in weeks. He sighed in relief, glad to be rid of those nightmares...

His mother called him down as usual. Cleaning before he eat the breakfast he barley ever got compared to Ethan.

Aiden seemed to have gotten ill last week. Coughing hard enough to make his whole body shake. Mom was just pissed off more than lately because Aiden has been making her buy medicine for him. Aiden had been healing very slowly... making Damien worry for him.

Damien got to school. Ignoring the glares he got now... he wonders how this ever happened...

Lunch rolled by as Damien sat by his usual spot at the near lunchroom. He took a bite from his ham sandwich as his brother, Ethan, got up on an lunch table holding up something brown and leather like. Damien's Dream Journal.

Damien froze when he saw it. Wondering how the hell it got into his brothers hand.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Ethan yelled out towards the crowd. He got their attention just the second he spoke 'ladies'. "I have here, my worthless brother number 2, Dream Journal!"

The crowd giggle with laughter as Damien started running towards his brother.

"I have read in here about Damien's dreams, and possible crazy futures?"

"HE'S ALREADY CRAZY!!!" A student yelled out from the crowd making people howl with laughter

Damien growled, running faster and faster until a group of kids 'accidentally' blocked his way. Damien punched at the middle kid, who punched at Damien's stomach, taking the breath away from him.

Ethan smirked as he continued to hurt his brother, not physically, but emotionally. "So, everyone dying to know what's in here." He flipped open the book as Damien's heart soared inside his chest while getting an beat down by the group of kids. "Page one. 'Today in my dream from last night, I saw are next door neighbor Emily, getting hit by an car."

Ethan looked at the book, confusion and horror filled his eyes as he remember two years ago about Emily Farison, getting hit by a car. An chill racked at in the back of his spine. He felt the eyes of everyone on him as he swallowed and continued with this book of death. "'I didn't believe the dream at first, but then that night at six p.m., I watched to see if it was true. Emily was playing basketball. It was her favorite sport. She missed the hoop and the ball when rolling down into the road. I'm guessing Emily or the driver didn't see each other as a car came just when by as she got hit at the back first. Her body went flying, almost right at the stop sign that was at the end of the street as we live in way back in are dead end street.' "Ethan looked at the book with horror. He remembers this. Emily was his first crush. Her dying made him sad and depressed for almost a year.

Ethan look up, he saw faces of horror and shocked eyes on him, and half on Damien as the group of boys still when at him. Ethan looked at the book some more and telling the crowd some more. John Harrison, died at food poisoning. Amber Autumn, died from loss of blood from murder of boyfriend. Jake Bowell, died from lack of hunger of poor way of living.

Ethan dropped the book on the ground, horror filled every inch of him. The people in there he heard about or knew them... were all told point of death. The date, death, way of it... everything... was all correct.

One of the group of boys stopped beating Damien up, He heard his brother's name in there. Jake Bowell, his older brother meant everything to him. He dropped to his knees and sobbed remembering his death.

Damien got up, his own blood covering him from head to toe. Everyone's eyes were on him. His heart felt it would burst as he quickly ran to his book, picking it up and exiting the lunch room. Nobody stopped him as Damien ran, crying and sobbing at the fact that everyone knew what he was now.

He was a monster...

Damien when home late that night. Skipping dinner as he knew both his parents didn't care if he was gone. He had a feeling they wanted him dead so less mouths to feed.

Sighing, Damien when to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. He was a mess. His hair was everywhere, leaves were stuck in it as he ran into the nearby forest not far from his hometown. He washed up his face. His eye were deep dark blue and green from the running he did all day. Damien changed out of his clothes and put on a loose tank top and left his boxers on.

He when down stairs to get an drink of water, but an glimpses of sliver caught his eyes. He turn to have his eyes meet his father sword. Resting in an simple brown holder, it's hilt glinted with an faint shine to it. Slowly, Damien when up to the sword, taking it down and carefully pulling it out. Damien gasped at the piece of beauty. The sword wasn't heavy, but it wasn't light either. The edges perfectly sharp as the faintest of a single strand of hair could cut right threw it. It glistened in the light as the pure sliver could be show.

He shook his head. "What on earth are you doing Damien?! It's just a sword!" He thought to himself as he slid it back into it's holder and put it back up. But all that night... he couldn't stop thinking about that sword...

One month, two month, third month, and forth month. Damien finally to snapped. The day he when back to his school, everyone treated him just like a monster. On one would ever say hi to him. Even the teachers themselves would ignore him and act like he wasn't there. A ghost of an student. Everyone called him Death's Worker. Just because of his dream journal... just because Ethan read it too everyone... just because Aiden didn't need his help anymore... just because he had this curse of foretelling the future. All just because of him, he was snapping into a different person.

On that fateful day after school, Damien walked home. Quite and soft like the wind as he walked. When he got home his parents stiffened up. They were afraid of him. So afraid of their own son they made him have his food upstairs, do the chores when no one was around. He went upstairs to meet eye contact with Aiden. Aiden would talk to him now and them, he was unsure if Aiden was afraid of him or not.

He quickly when up to his room. Closing the door softly until suddenly he got an dizzy spell. Groaning, he fell down on the bed. Ten minutes when by and the pain still wouldn't stop. This wasn't natural. Whimpering, as he saw images of his family being killed. He screamed at the top of his lungs. His sanity finally snapped.

His soul felt dark and powerful. He opened the door and when downstairs to find the sword in it's nice little place on the wall. He checked to see if anyone was around. No one. Damien smirked as he took the sword and pulled it out. He gripped the handle tightly, fitting perfectly in his palm just like it was meant for him.

"Kill... kill... KILL!!!" An voice screamed inside his head. He laughed to himself quietly, looking for his first victim. He found his father in the living room, drinking a beer and watching t.v. with his back turned to him.

Their Damien saw it, like on everyone else he saw, like Emily, the death mark. It's blue and purplish aura like wave was around his father neck. Damien eyes glinted with happiness, finally able to kill his jackass father.

Slowly like the wind, softly like the cries of an maiden, he quickly put his father's sword at his father's neck. He could feel his father's eyes widening at the cold sharp metal at his throat.

"What the hell-" Blood, and the feel of it on his hand as his father's warm and sticky blood warmed up his fingers.

Damien grinned, he never knew it felt this great to kill a person. He left his father's limp body on the couch and when for the person who brought him into his world.

He found her, his own sweet and asshole of a mother cooking dinner. He could see the plates on the table as hers, dads, and Ethan's were filled with the most food on them. Hate burned inside him as he enter the kitchen leaving bloody foot prints behind him.

This mother turned to him thinking it was Ethan, but screamed to find her baby covered in blood. Damien quickly put his hand over her mouth. Her screams were muffled until he slammed her into the floor. She cried out in pain as he pinned her down and saw the death mark on her. It ran from her neck down to her stomach.

Damien gave his mother an soft smile with his eyes too as his mother looked at him with fear and horror just for him. "Thanks for making me this way~ my sweet loving mother~ GO DIE IN AN PIT OF HELL!!!" Her cries were silenced when he stabbed her in the throat, and when deeply into her all the way down to her stomach.

Blood pour out of her as Damien smile at the sight. He picked up her organs and threw them out until he could find her heart. He tore it apart slowly and ripped it in half.

He heard footsteps going down the stairs as he heard the voice of only person he hated more than his family, Ethan.

"Mom! Are you okay I thought I heard- HOLY SHIT!!!!"

Damien knew he saw dad. He heard sobbing and call of his name softly.

He had this all planed out in his head, there was another path to the living room he could take and kill that annoying pest that ruined his life.

Damien quietly when the other way around and saw the body of his crying brother weeping over their bastard of a father. He toke an step closer, and closer, until the floor squeaked under him. Ethan's head snapped up and turned around, only for his wet eyes to grow twice the size they possible could be.

Ethan's body shook as he looked at his brother with true fear. His eyes were on his sword now, then back at too look at his face.

"Y-you MONSTER!! YOU KILLED DAD!!!" Damien quickly saw the death mark on him before Ethan quickly tackled him into the floor. His eyes bright with rage and fear. "I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS!!!"

Damien growled as he flung his brother off him before his fist could land on his face. He did have to give his brother some credit, he was fast at moving. Damien punched his brother in his stomach as Ethan returned the blow on his nose, almost breaking it. Damien cried out in pain as blood flowed out his nose and kneed Ethan in the stomach for payback while grabbing his head and head butting him.

Ethan groaned in pain as blood trickled down his forehead as the blow barely did anything to Damien. Quickly, he threw his brother up against an wall and pinned him tightly with his body up against his.

He smirked while he grabbed his sword and start working where the death mark was, Ethan's heart. "You know Ethan, I never really did like you. You made my life a living hell because you read my damn dream journal!" He pushed his sword into Ethan making him cough and scream in pain and out blood, "All I wanted was a nice life where I could go to college, meet an nice girl and start an family together. But no. You ruined my dream because all you do is hurt me... ONLY ME! NOW LOOK AND SEE I DO THE SAME THING YOU DID ME AND TAKE THE LOVE OF MY PARENTS!!!!"

He slowly stabbed Ethan's heart, twisting it left and right as he watched the light in his eyes fade away.

Panting, he dropped his brother and started laughing like an mad man. Killing made his heart soar with happiness, until in the corner of his eyes he saw Aiden, shaky and pale.

He turned and stared down at his brother while Aiden did the same. His lips trying to say something but can't because fear is making it impossible. Slowly Damien came up to him. Aiden finally opened up his mouth and spoke.

"W-w-w-w-w... why?!" Tears streamed down his face as Damien looked at him with no emotion. "Damien?! Why did you do this?!" He touched his brother's shoulder as Damien stiffened up. "TELL ME WHY!"

Damien stared at him, looking at him with no emotion. Fast as lighting he grabbed his brother's hand and twisted it making his snap in half as Aiden screamed pain.

"I killed them because I hated them! The death marks told me they needed to go to hell! All those with dark death marks go to hell Aiden! I need to kill these people!... they don't belong in this world... they belong in hell where their soul live their burning for all internity!"

Aiden looked at him with pitiful eyes. "That doesn't m-mean they should be killed Damien... people can still change and save themselves f-from damnation... even you..."

Anger burned brightly in his eyes as he kick and stabbed his brother in the stomach. Aiden cough out blood while grabbing his brother's sword. He pulled it out as he fell to the ground hard.

Aiden looked up at him, speaking before his final breath of death took him to paradise. "P-please.... d-don't kill... a-a-anyone else..." He choked on blood as it spilled from his mouth, also leaking from his eyes.

The light left his eyes as Damien looked at him, with rage in his eyes. "I will kill anyone I want, because the boy from before died and I took his place!"

He grabbed his blood colored sword as it glinted in the moonlight with it sliver bloody hell glow. Damien felt his body changing as he laughed. "Because from this day forth... I am the Foresser! Ruler of time and death of anyone who's soul has a death mark on them!"

Damien howled with laughter, until he looked at the body of the only person he cared about. Tears leaked from his eyes as he began to softly cry, then turn into a violent sob. He killed the only person he care about in this world because of the hate, rage, and anger that should never been put on him.

He closed his brother's eyes. "I'm so sorry Aiden... I will always love you... please... forgive me when my time has come when we meet in the other world... I only beg forgiveness... brother..."

He choked out a sob as he got up from the sound of sirens coming down here. One of the neighbors must have heard and saw what had happened...

Damien made a break for it as he burst open the back door and jumped into the fence and ran to the only place he could call home. The forest.

Panting, Damien stopped to take a breather. He saw a stream and sat next to it. He scooped up some water and drank it until the last drop was dry. He when to take another scoop, until his eyes widen at the look of his own face in the light of the moonlight.

His hair had turned into pure snow white while this eyes the mix of blue and green, were separated into one color. His right eye had the color of his deep dark color of forest green, to symbolize the future of his life killing. His left eye held the color of his light ocean sea color blue, to symbolize the past of his mistake and longing.

Panic filled up his chest. He didn't know how he could have changed his look like that, or when. But he knew deep down... he had to kill people... to keep going... to kill the people with the death mark on them...

He grabbed the sword, his sword now, he walked into the forest... to find a meaning to his life and power...

This is the story of me... Damien Perthry... and the story of how I became the Foresser.

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