[ Prologue - The Fire ]

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No, it is not warm anymore

It's hot... burning hot...

That was the first thing I could feel, my body is shaking, somebody is carrying me, was it mom? 

After a few hours, my senses kicked in. My nose scented a sharp smell of smoke, it smells terrible, making me cough a few times. My ears could hear a lot of meows, how many cats are there? there is one cat who seems to be shouting, probably commanding the rest of the cats on where to go.

"Everybody! cross this log! carefully! help the queens carry the kits!" He shouted.

Cracks, I hear cracks.

"Daisykit! watch out! Daisykit!!" a middle-aged female cat next to you yowled, followed by the whimpering sounds of pain from a young cat. 

What happened? who is Daisykit?

"Woodenstar! d-Daisykit! s-she f-fell.. t-the fire-,"  the same middle-aged female cried.

"I'm sorry, Dovelight, your kit is in StarClan now, we can't afford to waste more time, the remaining clan members must keep going," the male who's been shouting replied. "everyone! remember to be careful! walk in the middle of the log and keep your balance! and guard the kits and apprentices!!" he continued.

You could hear more cracks below you, it doesn't sound good.

And for the rest of the day, all you can hear is shouting, crying and yowling. you wished the terrible noises would stop so you could have some rest.

finally, after what felt like days, the shouting stopped, the cat who carried you put you down on a cold bed, your fur was used to being in the middle of warmth that everything else but the air feels cold.

After a while, you got used to the bed and curled up comfortably, It didn't take long until you lost conscience and slept.

It was a long day, 

little did you know, Tomorrow's day would be longer.

《Do you wish to continue?》

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