Chapter 1

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It had just turned dawn and FalconFur had just had her three kits, LavenderKit,BatKit,and FinchKit
----------------------------------------------A few moons later

She knew that she couldn't take her kits to TimeClan in the middle of leaf-bare TimeClan already was low on prey. With her heart broken she made the decision to leave her kits to die.
"BatKit,LavenderKit,FinchKit come here for a second." She called for her kits. They came bounding over for they loved their mother.
"I have a idea let's play hide and seek I'll hide first. Now count to 60 and come find me." She touched each of their noses known it would be her last.
"1,2,3,4." They began to count. FalconFur ran into the woods carefully placing her paws where there was little snow. Once she made it to the river she crossed on the stepping stones and disappeared into the think brambles that protected the TimeClan boarder.
"57,58,59,60! Here I come mother!" FinchKit yelled. "I'll check the forest.LavenderKit you check the river and FinchKit you check the field." BatKit said in a stern voice. LavenderKit nodded and so did FinchKit. They all went their separate ways to look for their mother.
FinchKit wondered into the big open field,she smelled around for the familiar sent of her mother, she smelled nothing. Suddenly she heard yelling from the forest, she bolted into the deep dark forest.
She emerged into a clearing and saw a horrible sight. Her sister LavenderKit was pinned against a rock formation by a pack of dogs, her brother was also there trying to fight off the dogs, but he was weak and cold for he hadn't eaten for the past few days. She hurled herself into the fight and managed to get a few hits in the dogs,they retreated.
      "LAVENDERKIT," she bounded to her sisters side "Don't go please don't go I need you." She began to cry. Her brother padded up to her side and in a weak voice said, "StarClan has called her and she is with them. She will always be watching you." FinchKit sniffled "Won't she watch you too?" She choked out between sobs. There was no response, she looked back to see her brother laying in the snow in a daze eyes glossed over. "NO! Not you too not now!" She tried to listen for a heartbeat but it was silence all around.
   Until a strong voice said,"Do you need help?" She spun around to see a brown tabby Tom facing her with his eyes filled with sorrow for he had seen the whole thing he also had one crooked ear. Once more he spoke "I'm WisperStar leader of TimeClan, it has seemed that you have lost your mother and siblings, I will take you in as my own." He padded up to her and rapped his tail around her tiny body. She leaned into him and began to cry. They say there in sorrow ,WisperStar grieving as if they were his own kits, they sat like that until sun fall then they stood and walked back into the deep woods back to the safety of the clan.
I hope you enjoyed this part of the story, I know it's sad but I promise it gets happier.

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