an off cheer day

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Lily's pov

"Bye hayes after your done practice sit on the bleachers and wait." I say
"Okay." He says hugging me." Be careful please."
"I will. Why are you always so worried?" I ask.
"Because i've seen you hurt to many times. Your head, your leg, im sorry i just cant watch that again. Your my twin and i just cant see you like that again". He sighs. I hand him his helmet. I wave as he walks into the gym. I see a car that looks like nash just before i walk in but that is impossible because he would never come to watch either of us practice. I walk into my gym and walk to the locker rooms to see all my teammates.
"Hey guys" i say
"Hey." Tabby and sarah say
"Sup." Avia, lauren, paris, and justine say
"Cupcake!!!!" My friend mell yells.
"Jelly bean!!!!!!!" I yell back. I get changed into my uniform it looks like this.

The the tall one is jelly bean the one in the middle is me and the one on the end is avia. We're all pretty close we call avia green bean. Our backs all have our nick-names are on the back .im cupcake. Mell is jelly bean. Avia is green bean. Tabby is Cat.(lol tabby cat okay i'll stop now.) Justine is pinky. Lauren is brain. Paris is crosant. Im a flyer because im light, small oh and dont forget im easy to throw. We walk out and see some boyfriends and like 3 dads who watch their daughter and girlfriends practice. I see a face that looks like nash but the guy was wearing a hat so i couldn't tell if it was him. It bugged me. We lined up and jelly bean was luanching me so i could do a back tuck. She launches me but i land on my back.
"Ow." I state.
"You okay?" She asks putting out her hand. I grab it and pulled myself up.
"Yeah. its just. nothing." I say. She nods and gets back in place we had to do the entire thing over again cause coach says if one messes up every one starts again. But i messed up again. I messed up that move the entire class just because that person gives me a weird feeling. By the end im laying on my back with a twisted ankle from trying to land but failing. A hurt neck and back dont forget a head ache. I turned my head to look at the bleachers the person was gone. I closed my eye.
"Why are you so horrible today." My coach asks crouching next to me.
"I dont know.  Ask some one who does." I say closing my eyes again.
"Get your head in the game grier." She says walking away. I lay there until i hear.
" lily. Omg are you ok" hayes asks.
"I dont know. I just kept messing up today i could only land on my back but if i did land i'd twist my ankle and fall flat on my butt." I say

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