A Miserable Escape From Ray's Room

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There will be something that some people might not like in this chapter. If you get scared easily, I suggest skipping to the next chapter. There are no gruesome or gross details in this event AT ALL. But just in case you are easily scared, I'm just saying.

An entire day has passed. I'm still stuck in a small room with Ray. Not much interesting conversation has went on. Are Tarna, Shiran, maybe even Allen planning to starve me to death? I hope not, because if I don't get food in the next few days, there's only one thing I can do. Break out of this room. But if I do, that will just make everyone think I'm still evil. But still, starving to death is not a option.
"Wrive, stop pacing." Ray says, annoyed. I didn't even realize I had been pacing until he told me to stop.
"Sorry. I didn't realize I had been pacing until-"
"They're coming." Ray's head suddenly shoots up. He's looking around like he expects something to explode.
"No time, no time. Here's the plan: we're breaking out of here."

"Wait, what?" Until now, Ray had seemed content just letting the room "protect" him. And suddenly we've got to leave?
"Woah now, Ray. You know everyone will attack you if you-"
"And then I will punch them in the face." Ray snarls. "We are breaking out, unless you want Ultra Tech to lock you up again." "Look Wrive, I think I have a plan. A crazy one, but still a plan. You know when I said that the world was gonna end and all that stuff?"
"Yes, but-"
"Yeah, well, let's not have that happen." Suddenly Ray's hands start glowing.
"Are-are-are you using your power?" I stammer. What is going on?
"Yes. Yes I am." And then flames shoot out of his hands. I stop trying to figure out what the heck is going on and follow Ray through the gaping hole in the wall.

Ray and I find everyone in the Living Room. They were talking, but not anymore.
"Do not move." Ray orders. "Yes, I just broke a gaping hole in your wall using flames. Yes, the previously evil Wrive is standing at my side with deadly shadows at the ready.
"I don't even-" I protest, but Ray holds up a hand.
"But I'm really helping you. Ultra Tech is ready to beckon in the Apocalypse, and you can either help me or help them." No one moves. I understand their confusion/shock/fear. Tarna is sitting in a chair with her mouth hanging wide open. Allen looks panicked. ( Well, they all do, but Allen looks the most panicked. )

Shawn is the first to move. And he moves toward me. Very slowly, he gets closer.
"Wive?" His voice sounds weak. I realize that those fevers have been hitting him hard. "Evwyone says that you twied to kill Cassie. But you didn't, wight Wive?"
"No, of course not- well, not my mind. See, I-" A sudden sob steals my voice. I should have stopped Evir. "No, I-" Another sob. I sink to my knees. I should have been stronger. It's my fault. All my fault. I was weak. My fault. I didn't fight back enough. My fault. All my fault. "I..." And then small arms wrap around me.
"It's okay, Wive." Shawn whispers to me. And at that moment, it is okay. I hug Shawn back, and the rest of the world fades away. All that's left is Shawn, with his arms around me as I cry into his shoulder. Not my fault. Not my fault. Not my fault.

After a moment, I let go of Shawn and wipe my eyes.
"Thank you." I whisper to him. He nods and returns to his seat. A bit of embarrassment hits as I realize that everyone is staring at me.
"Uh...sorry. Carry on." Ray nods.
"Okay then. That happened. Where was I? Oh yeah, you can either join me or join Ultra Tech. I'm not saying you and I have to be best friends, just that you don't try to kill me. Attempts on my life are quite annoying." So my friends do the only natural thing. They try to kill us.

Someone must have given some kind of signal, because all of a sudden everyone starts attacking. Shiran starts changing into an animal, a chunk of stone breaks through the floor ( Tarna's power ), Cassie flips to the ceiling, and Ray starts throwing fire. As for me, well, I just kinda stood there. ( Epic failure. ) Tables started flying, and I can see Shawn running in circles. I think he might be singing...

Suddenly, Cassie flips down in front of me, and my body starts working again. She pulls out a sword and I barely have time to pull out Mareth and block.
"I"-slash-"Trusted"-slash-"You!" On the word "you", Cass stops slashing and starts thrusting. "I thought we were safe until you came."
"What did I do?" I protest, blocking some swings. I see a gap in Cassie's offence and sneak in a thrust, hoping to knock her sword away. She manages to keep her sword, but is forced to go on defence.
"You tried to kill me!" Cass yells as she clumsily blocks a few of my swings.
"That was Evir! I was trapped inside my body when that happened!" I yell back, slicing at her sword, hoping to knock it away.
"That doesn't make any sense!" Cass yells. A moment later, I see a perfect opportunity and go for it. Success! Cassie's sword bounces away.
"Ha! Now stop fighting. Ray really is helping us. I think." I tell Cass. She growls... and lunges into me empty handed, knocking us both down.

I drop my weapon in surprise, so Mareth has gone to join Cass' sword on the other side of the room. Cassie is now clawing at me, hoping to do what, I have no clue. But it still hurts! I push at her, trying to get her off of me. Cries of "Ow!" and "Take this!" from the various fights fill the air. I'm one of the "Ow!"ers. Finally, I manage to shove Cassie off. She tumbles away, and I scramble to my feet.
"Ray! What are we hoping to achieve here?" I yell.
"Just to take away all of their weapons and somehow convince them that we're good guys too." he replies, chucking flames at anyone close to him. I groan and grab the swords that Cass and I dropped.
"Cass is unarmed!" I look around for her and see her getting to her feet. I drop the swords again, dive, and tackle her, pinning her to the ground.
"Cass, I know that things look bad right now, but please. I need you to stop fighting." Cass' eyes are filled with anger.
"Never! I will hurt you as much as I can, so someone else can finish you off, and then we can be safe. I will not surrender!" I sigh and let the shadows come out through my hands, which are pressed to her shoulders. Cass looks panicked, and in some pain, and finally knocked out.
"Sorry. Again." I say. Then I wipe off some sweat, try to ignore the pain, and rejoin the brawl.

My compliments to Ray, because while I was mostly being owned while wrestling a girl ( I'm pathetic, I know ), Ray was holding off Tarna and Shiran. And Rolly too, I guess, but he wasn't really doing anything. So of course I immediately decide he is my new target. I start running at him, hoping to catch him by surprise, but he notices me.
"S-stay back, Wrive. I d-don't want to hurt you." I stop and roll my eyes.
"Please, Rolly. I could K.O you from here."
"No, you can't." And to my surprise, my friend ( well, whatever he is now ) actually walks toward me. I pull out Mareth and he pulls out a sword of his own. I slash as soon as he's in range, expecting an easy victory. But Rolly somehow manages to knock the sword out of my hand, kick me in the chest, and send me crashing to the floor.

Suddenly, the world is in slow motion. Rolly is holding his sword out towards me, meaning "stay put or else." Tarna throws a chunk of stone at Ray. Ray puts up a fiery shield. The hunk of stone explodes, sending flaming rocks everywhere. One of them hits the wall by Rolly and I. Rolly brings his sword up to shield himself. The stone knocks the sword out of his hands. It falls down, down, down. The blade is facing downwards. And the blade finds a nice place to settle. As my consciousness, or maybe my life flees, I am dimly aware of fire burning The Hideout. People are screaming. Although this is almost surely death, I feel no pain. Something catches my eye. It's Ray. While everyone else is either frozen with horror or screaming, he is mouthing something. Fred. Fred. Fred. Fred. Fred. Fred. Fred. Fred. Fred... And with that, Wrive Tacking's heart stops beating.

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