Back To The Land Of The Living

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Hey guys. Basically, I just realized that everything I was writing is written wrong. So from now on, my writing will be different with paragraphing and all that. So this new chapter is right. I think. If you know if this is right or wrong, please say something. Because I'm not sure. |:

My eyes open. I can see. But who cares? Wait a second... I do! My mind is still recovering from being dead. Hey, my heart is beating! So many colors and shapes are around me. I decide that although I'm alive again, I'm probably still weak from death. For a moment, I rest. I breath, and smile, and wonder how I'm alive. A sword killed me. I was on fire. How am I still perfectly... oh. I finally open my eyes and see that I'm hooked up to a bunch of wires. I'm laying on a table. I'm not perfectly fine, of course.

One, I'm a zombie. Although, I suppose Allen is a zombie too, and he seems to be okay. Two, I'm too weak to sit up. Hopefully that's just temporary. And three, I don't know if I'll ever be able to move because of these wires. However they're keeping me alive, it probably won't work if I'm not hooked up. Hopefully all this machinery can move around. Or else my new life is going to be very boring.

I hear ( I love hearing ) footsteps. A startled gasp, and the footsteps get faster.
"Wrive!" says Rolly's voice. "A-Are you... alive? You smiled and you still weren't, so..."

His face leans over me, showing hope. Time to see if I can talk.

"Yes." My voice is hoarse, probably since I haven't opened my mouth in... in...
"How long?" I rasp.

"S-Since you died? Close to a day. Hey, um, I'll get you some w-water. Or, um, something."

Rolly's face leaves my line of sight, and with my old ( or new ) solid form, I can't follow him. His footsteps are quick, and I hear, "He's back! W-Wrive is back!"

I grin. Yeah. I'm back. I try to sit up and in reply all my muscles start screaming for me to stop. I also get a massive headache. I wince and lay back down. Okay, maybe not all the way back.

Footsteps once again reach my ears, and I prepare to see someone. This time it's Ray.
"Welcome back, Wrive." I smile weakly.

"Did you do it?" He grins back.

"Yup. After you died, the fight really slowed down. Eventually, I got everyone to listen. Now they all know what's going on and want to help."

"Not me." I complain weakly. Ray nods.
"Yes, and soon I'll tell you. But for now you need to rest." Giving me no chance to argue, he starts to walk out of the room. Although disappointed that my confusion will live on for a bit longer, I am pretty tired. A little rest might do me good. But before I doze off, I want to examine my surroundings a bit better. The room that I'm in has the right material and color to be part of the Hideout, but I don't think I've been here before. Out of the corners of my eyes, I can see little bits of machinery scattered about. I can't tell what my machine looks like because it's behind me. I think there's a window in the room, because it's bright in here. Satisfied with my new understanding of my surroundings, I let sleep take me over.

When I wake up, I'm not sure how long it's been. But something new is in my room: Rolly. Upon noticing me, he jumps up out of a chair and walks over.
"Wrive! H-how are you feeling?" I try to shrug, but it ends up more like me wiggling my head awkwardly.

"Weak. Tired. Alive." At this, Rolly sighs.

"No thanks to me." I fail at shrugging again.

"Wasn't your fault."

"I know, but it feels like it is. I should have held my sword tighter. For that matter, I shouldn't have been holding my sword in the first place. I should have trusted you. I'm so sorry." I don't even try to shrug this time.

"It was important. I had to die." Rolly looks at me oddly.
"Are you sure you're feeling okay?" I chuckle, which ends up in me wheezing. Rolly makes sure that I don't choke to death, then leaves the room. When I hear someone else entering, I figure that everyone wants to talk to me. It might be a long day.

After Rolly comes Shiran. Although still not friendly, he isn't rude, either. He asks how it felt being dead, and I tell him, then we chat for a bit, then he leaves. Next up is Cassie. Oh boy.

"You okay?" she asks.

"More or less." I reply. She smiles, but then frowns.

"I don't know whether to be relieved or angry."

"How about relieved?" I suggest. That brings her smile back.

"I'm so confused. First you try to kill me, then you start attacking yourself and arguing with yourself. We lock you up, and later, when we're deciding what to do with you, you and Ray break out. Ray gives a speach about how apparently you're saving the world, and we obviously don't believe you. The fight starts, and I try for revenge. You disarm me, but then I keep fighting. You knock me out, and then apparently you die. And now you're back. Explanation, please." I give her the short confusing version.

"I got possessed and my body tried to kill you. I tried to stop myself, and ended up knocking myself out. I got locked up, and then Ray decided that we could save the world. I believed him, and we tried to convince you. We failed. I died. I went into the past. Now I'm back." Cassie stares at me.

"Well, that's a lot to take in." I smile, and we say goodbye. Cass exists, and when no one takes her place, I realize that it's time for another snooze. Sleep once again comes quickly.

When I wake up, Tarna is next to me. Our chat is just the usual "How did it feel being dead?"
"So sorry about not listening to you." And all that. Pretty boring, really. After Tarna leaves, Shawn comes in.

"Wive! Your awl better!" he celebrates.

"Almost, buddy. Almost."

"I fink I understand now. Rolly and Tawna expwained." That's a relief. Explaining possession, death, and resurrection to a five-year old would be very difficult.

"Hey bud, do you still need Fred?" Looking over him, I realize that he still looks sick, even more than when I died.

"Yeah! Did you find him?" asks Shawn. "Wait, you were dead. You couldn't have."

"No, I did." I say. Shawn looks at me with his mouth hanging open.

"Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaah!" he cheers. "Wive even sewrches for Fred while he's not alive! Tank you, Wive! Where is he?"

"Um... well, he's underneath the river. We'll get him soon." Shawn frowns for a moment, but then goes back to happy mode.

"Okay! Keep wiving, Wive!" Shawn skips out of the room. And in comes Allen. I have a question or two for him.

"Wrive! How did-"

"Why?" I rasp angrily. "Why did you steal Fred?" Allen pales.

"Steal him? Why, I don't-"

"I saw it, Allen. Your secret tunnel. Sneaking into Ray's room. Why did you do it?" Allen looks worried for a moment, but then grins. Not a friendly grin, though. An evil one.

"Ah, you saw that? How unfortunate. You see, Wrive, the door to this room is closed. I can kill you. No one would figure it out in time to stop me. See, I'm a Dusk Walker. An undercover one." My eyes must show my fear, because Allen grins wider.

"Years ago, a group of prisoners escaped from Ultra Tech. Tarna, Cassie, Shiran, Rolly and Ray were among them. Escaping was not easy, and several people, both U.T and you specials died. I was one of U.T's casualties. My ghost stuck around, not satisfied with my life. Luckily, I met you. After forming a fake friendship, we escaped. You gave me my body back and brought me straight to the escapees who had helped kill me! Using one of the hidden rooms in The Hideout, which, by the way, is really a Ultra Tech fort, I recovered some security cameras. U.T had live footage on all of you. After a while, all of your drama happened, and here we are."

"Traitor..." I whisper. Allen laughs.

"No, Wrive. Just loyal to U.T. Oh, and I forgot to mention. I never lost my power." Allen could- and apparently still can- kill people by touching them. And he's standing right next to me. My body is still miserably useless, but I still fight to move. Allen laughs and flexes his fingers. Wires prevent me from moving, not that I could have run anyway.

"You've lived two lives too long." Allen says as he reaches toward me. His hand gets closer, and closer... and the door opens.

"Wrive? I just-" Ray stares at Allen and I. "Umm... everything okay?"

"Traitor!" I cry weakly, raising a weary hand at Allen. Allen snarls and starts to run.
"Must not escape!" I cry hoarsely. Ray, although confused, gives chase. Allen has reached the end of the room, but still has an exit. Glass shards fly everywhere as Allen leaps through the window, falling two stories before hitting the ground.

"He somehow hit the ground running." Ray reports. "And he's fast." Allen has escaped. He's probably going to go report to Ultra Tech. Great. Just great.

"What just happened?" asks Ray.

"Call everyone in here. I think I need to explain everything, right after I know what this machine is." I say.

"Well, basically, it's keeping your heart from stopping. I knew about this secret room and after the fight I showed everyone the way in. And there's always been a machine here, complete with warnings and all that." I nod.

"Alright. Now call everyone in. I have a story to tell..."

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