Breaking In

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I'm going to write differently. Again. I'm going to hope that this is right. Again. It probably isn't. Again. Maybe I do need to go back to school... Nah. But anyways, hopefully you like my changes. Again. \:
Also, I have a sequel name that I like. Keep sending your ideas, though! Maybe your titles are even better. Okay, now you can read. Sorry about that.

It took a long time to form a plan. We had to examine the alarms, the guards, and, of course, what we would do if we somehow got inside. For every problem we solved, three more would take its place. What time should we strike? Night would be more predictable, but it would give us a cover. Then again, it would give the nerds a advantage, too. But we would have no advantages using daylight... and so it went for a hour or two. But finally, all the bumps in our path had been planned out, and we can walk with confidence.
"Are... are we ready?" Tarna asks aloud.
"No." replies Cass, who, surprisingly, is leading the planning. "But let's do it before you realize that." Tarna shakes her head and smiles. Meanwhile, Ray and Rolly are having a whispered conversation. Since no one needs me right now, I edge a bit closer, hoping to catch a few words. Unfortunately, a few words is all I can catch.
"My vision... I saw... but it's blurry... sure you... secrets?" Ray whispers. Rolly shakes his head.
"You were... nothing weird... we have to trust... besides, we... plan." Hmmm. Very odd. At this moment, Cass waves me over. I reluctantly leave these small mysteries behind.
After leaving Ray and Rolly, I walk over to Cassie.
"Hey Wrive. Do you think we need to worry about any secret underground rooms?"
"Although this could be an unexpected problem, there is one thing that makes this less worrisome: we won't need any secret underground rooms for our plan." I point out. Cass nods wisely.
"Very true. Thank you, Officer!" For some reason, she's taken to calling me "Officer." I don't like nor dislike this nickname, so since it pleases Cass, I accept it.
Sunset is approaching in the next hour or two, I notice while glancing around, and this is a sign. A sign that says: Hurry, hurry, hurry! We chose sunset because while we'll still be able to see, we also won't be in complete daylight. Tarna notices the sun beginning to droop as well.
"Okay, troops! Meet on the porch in fifteen minutes. The should give you time to ready yourselves." We march off to our rooms to prepare. Since Rolly and I share a room, I see his "preparing". ( Grabbing one sword. )
"So." I say, grabbing all the equipment that I'll need. "You ready?" Rolly laughs shakily.
"Ready? Wrive, we just lost a valuable member of our team, and another member is recovering from an illness. No, I'll never be ready. But the plan will continue with or without me, so I might as well roll with it." I nod.
"Then let's go."
The plan consists of a few steps, but to understand them, you have to have an idea of what U.It's layout is. The building is a large rectangle, with a fence surrounding it. Inside, the building divides into sixths. The top left section is where all the workers rest and relax. Guards, scientists, all of them. So basically, that's a room that we want to avoid. As for the top-middle, well, we're not actually sure what that room is. None of us have been there. The top-right room is where the experiments happen. Wires, machinery, that kind of thing. The bottom-left room is where everyone eats. ( Well, where the workers eat. The kids eat in their cages. ) The bottom-middle room is an empty room used only for entering or leaving Ultra Tech. And the bottom-left room is where the prisoners are; the cells. The fact that we're voluntarily going back makes me shiver, but the plan calls for it. Oh yeah, the plan! Our plan is... to bust everyone out of U.T! That's right, everyone. Yeah. We don't dream small. Or plan small. So hopefully, by tomorrow, Ultra Tech will be empty if prisoners. That's the only thought that's letting me go along with this massive operation. Ultra Tech has murdered countless people, enslaved countless more, and is going to continue to do so unless they are stopped. So we'll stop them. Easy peezy. ( P.S: In reality, nothing that requires multiple grappling hooks, the use of supernatural abilities, and a massive evil fortress is ever easy. )

Ultra Tech Layout ( This may not look right on your screen. If it's wrong, just go by the written description. )

Guard's Quarters ???                     Experiment Room

Dining Hall            Entrance/Exit  Cells

After we began our march to U.T, I realize that we all must be insane. I mean, not only are we actually going back to our prison, but walking there, I feel better than I have in years! We could actually save hundreds of lives, instead of hiding. Marching to U.T is the first time that I've truly felt alive.
As Ultra Tech enters our view and sunset approaches, we go over the plan. First, Cassie will get onto the roof above the Experiment Rooms ( a.k.a Torture Chamber. ) From there, she'll make sure that the coast is clear. If it is, Ray will follow her into the rooms. Once they're inside, Tarna, Rolly, and I will enter the Dining Hall using the roof. Once inside, we'll approach the cells, where we should hopefully meet up with Cass and Ray. From there, we'll take out any guards, free all the other kids, and make our escape. And if something goes wrong ( which it probably will ), then Shiran and Shawn can come to the rescue.
"We need something to shout if we need our back-up." Tarna says.
"What about back-up?" I suggest logically.
"Naw, that's boring!" Cass complains. "What about... hmm... ooh, ooh, I know! Double S!"
"Double S?" questions Tarna. "What does that mean?"
"Shiran and Shawn! Double S." Cass explains. Tarna argues that U.T would know something's up if we yell "Double S!" but Cass' mind is made up. By now, we've reached a small piece of raised land that we can hide behind. Peering out from behind it, the fort of Ultra Tech stands eerily still. Come on, try your luck, It seems to say. See how far you get.
"Ray, we have a fence problem." whispers Shiran.
"Problem?" snorts Ray in reply. "More like momentary annoyance. Ray walks towards the fence. I just know that some U.T guy is going to sound the alarm, but there are no signs of U.T. Ray burns a hole in the fence, and we're in.
"All right, here we go." Cassie says. She gets a running start and charges up the wall. Once she's high enough, she grabs onto the roof and pulls herself up.
"All clear." she whisper-shouts down. "Ray, grapple up here." Ray takes one of the grappling hooks and fires. His aim is true, and in a moment he's joined Cass on the roof.
"Alright. We'll meet you in the Cell Rooms, Officer." Cass says, saluting.
"Okay." I reply. I turn to walk off, but pause. "And Cass? Try not to die."
"You've already failed that test." Cass jokes. "But I will. Or won't. You know what, never mind. Just survive for a while, okay?" As her body disappears from my view, I feel an odd sensation. A weird part of me wants to follows Cass and protect her, even if it's against the plan. But that's why Ray is up there. What am I thinking? I stop thinking about this and instead follow Tarna and Rolly to the other side of the building. Once we've reached our destination, we grapple to the roof. Here, we meet our first problem. A nerd is on a lazy watch, and notices us.
"Hey! How in the-" While he wastes his time talking, I've already gathered my shadowy power. A blast of darkness hits the man, flinging him back. Tarna and Rolly rush him, using the ropes and cloth we brought to bind him to the roof with a gag in his mouth.
"You have done horrible things in your life." Tarna informs him.
"I don't feel the least bit sorry for you." The man watches, helpless, as we find a small trapdoor. ( We figured there must be some, as there were loads at The Hideout. ) Opening the trapdoor reveals a ladder. We climb down onto a small, dark platform. There are now 5 intruders in Ultra Tech, and no alarms have been raised.

*Somewhere else in Ultra Tech*

Allen stands with a worried look as workers gather around him.
"You doubt." one says.
"No, I'm still-"
"You doubt." another insists.
"I've told you a million times, I-"
"It is ready." interrupts a female worker.
"There will be no more room for doubt." says yet another worker.
"Put it on." instructs the female. In her gloved hands, she holds a helmet. It is black and hard, with a few spikes poking out.
"But I don't think-" Ray begins.
"Be cleansed!" cries a worker.
"No! No, you must stop-"
"Cleanse him, cleanse him, cleanse him!" chants a worker. The chant spreads to every workers' mouth, and they move in to place the helmet on his head. Allen is struggling to escape their clutches.
"No, this isn't what I want anymore! It's not what you want either, if you'd just-" The helmet is forced onto Allen's head, and all goes silent and still.
"Soon." says the female worker quietly. The word seems to echo around the building, having different meanings to the people who heard it. But all knew it was true: Soon.

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