Plans o Plenty

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After our your, Tarna, who I guess has become our guide, takes us to the Living Room. It's a welcome pleasure, to be able to sit and take a breather. Shawn is tuckered out and falls asleep on the couch, muttering about finding Fred in his sleep. I smile, looking at this little guy who I have come to love even more since we escaped together. Allen has become a friend, too. I mean, as a ghost, sure, we talked, but he was just too... too different to really seem like a friend. But now he has a body, he looks normal, and we can just talk. You know, as friends.

Anyway, we can't just rest. We need to figure out what we're doing next, make a plan, that kind of thing. Allen gets the conversation started.
"So what's our next move, guys? Some people obviously don't want us here..." He's talking about Shiran. "...But others wouldn't mind us staying here. Do we stay? Do we move?" I ponder this.
"I think we should vote." I say.
"Everyone." I quickly add, not wanting to exclude our new acquaintances.
"It is kind of their house. Now, anyway." Allen nods, but it doesn't look like he loves the idea.
"Ray can't vote, obviously." he objects. I sigh.
"Okay, not everyone." I amend. Allen nods once more, this time satisfied.
"Let's get everyone in here." Allen says.
"Not everyone." I remind him. He glares at me.
"Okay, I kind of walked into that one." he admits. I smirk.

Once everyone- well, not everyone- is in the Living Room, Tarna announces our idea.
"Our visitors have decided to have us take a vote on whether they stay or leave." I'm getting stressed. I really want to stay. I mean, who wants to leave free shelter, food, and basicly everything we need to survive? Not me. Will they accept us? Cassie will probably vote for us to stay. Shiran definitely won't. Rolly... not sure about him. Tarna... maybe a vote for stay? The outcome is uncertain. Allen probably wouldn't be very happy about having to leave his own house... yeah, he'll vote stay. So will I, obviously.
"All in favor of our visitors leaving, raise your hands." Tarna orders. Shiran, Rolly, and Tarna herself raise their hands. I glare at Tarna. I thought she was... well, she did try to kill me. What did I expect? She catches my glare and shrugs apologetically.
"All in favor of our guests staying, raise your hands." she instructs. Cassie, Allen and I raise our hands. Wait a second... three votes for us to leave... and three for us to stay! What do we do now? And then the decision is made as a sleeping Shawn raises his hand and mutters in his sleep.
"Gotta find Fred first..." And now a burst of happiness sparks in Allen's eyes. Probably mine too. I smile as a little thought pops into my head. Home is where the stick is. For now, anyways.

After the voting session, lots of mixed up feelings course through the room. Shiran is disappointed because we're staying. Cassie is bouncing off the walls, happy to have some new faces in the house. Allen is relieved that we get to stay. Tarna... I don't really know what she's feeling. Her vote still stings. I frown at her. Well, she's just going to have to live with us. Literally. Shawn is confused, wondering why some us are celebrating and why some of us are disapointed. And me? I feel triumphant. I feel like we just conquered a giant, but really we've conquered we conquered three. Their names are Shiran, Rolly, and Tarna. Unfortunately, our celebrating ( and skulking ) is cut off by a voice.
"Hello, Wrive. I didn't quite get to introduce myself. My name is Ray, and I see that you are more than meets the eye."

The room is dead silent. All eyes are on Ray. He smiles.
"I can see your past... I can see your future. Well, well, well." Tarna unsheathes her sword.
"Ray, return to your room, before I have to hurt you." Ray puts on a pretend pouting face.
"You're not an adult, so you don't get to boss me around. And put down that sword. We both know what would happen if you attacked me." Tarna sheathes her sword, but she looks ready to use it still. Ray paces around the room, acting like none of us have powers or weapons.
"Ah, what interesting people!" Ray exclaims.
"Oh, the child... I see it now. That will be fun." he observes, looking at Shawn. Shawn knows enough about Ray to know that he's not a friend. I wish I could comfort him, but I can't seem to break this horrible silence. Ray turns to me.
"Oh my, didn't expect that! You are much more than meets the eye. You could be... but you won't. I pity you." he said with a frown. I don't understand most of it, but maybe he was talking about my dark side when he said "more than meets the eye". The side of me that hurts. Maybe even kills. I shiver as he moves on to inspect Allen.
"Ho ho, now there's a wise one! Excellent choice. You will be great, someday." Allen frowns. Normally being great someday would be fine and dandy, but hearing about it from a complete psychopath might not be a good thing.
"Well, friends, I must be off now." Thank goodness.
"Come in and have a chat sometime. We could have wonderful conversations, I promise you." And then he exits the room and the silence is shattered.

"How did he get out?"
"What was he talking about?"
"Where's Fred?" This, of course, is from Shawn.
"Right now, we need-" I begin, but Shawn pays me no attention as he starts to walk away.
"Shawn, Ray could be out there! You don't need Fred right now." I tell him. He looks like he's on the verge of tears.
"But... but I need him, Wive! The bad man knew. I'm gonna need Fred!" I stare at Shawn. Ray had been right about me. He seemed to know about my... evil side. If he's right, and Shawn really will need Fred...
"Alright, buddy. Let's go find Fred."

We search through all the rooms that we've visited so far. It's a welcome relief to get away from everyone, because everyone's yelling. Shiran is accusing us of freeing Ray, Allen is telling him we didn't do it, Tarna's trying to calm everyone down. The dim hallway where we entered the house is now where we search. We find nothing.
"Shawn, are you sure that you need Fred?" I ask. He turns to me, his big eyes full of determination.
""We gotta keep on going, Wive. We gotta find Fred so that... so that... we can do it."
"Do what?" I ask as I check behind the door. Shawn just shrugs.
"It." he replies firmly. After a while, Allan comes into the hall.
"Guys, it's like 9:30. We need to get to bed. Wrive, you're sharing a room with His Mighty Nerdiness. Shawn, you're with me." Shawn, missing Fred, sniffles away some tears and shuffles after Allan. I go off to Rolly's room, but I know I won't be able to sleep.
You could be... but you won't. I pity you.

In a dark room with a damaged door, a man sits. He's biding his time, because he knows the action will begin soon. And it won't begin without him.
"Soon, I'll be whole again. And then they will no longer bother me, because they'll be long gone. And you have a part to play too, of course." And then Ray cackles and holds Fred up in the moonlight.

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