Shawn Goes Grave-Digging

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"Wive..." a small voice whispers. "Wive, everything is betah now." No. No, my power won. The curse my power is has been a undercover assassin, waiting for the correct moment, and I gave it the perfect opportunity. I was angry. I was desperate. And then it struck. I might have killed people. Actually killed another person. I-

"It wasn't your fault, you know." I don't look up.

"Is Shawn tuned in?" I ask. (Allen can let other people in on our conversations.)

"Yup!" Shawn says. I nod.

"Okay. Continue."

"You told me that once. You now know how hard it is to believe."

"Allen, I'm sorry. I thought saying 'It wasn't your fault' made things better. But hearing that means someone forgives you." Hot tears roll down my cheeks. "And forgiveness is a gift I don't deserve. Maybe I wasn't in control. But that was my fault too. My hands killed people."

"You don't know that. They could all still be alive." I look up.

"But they might not be." I look at Shawn.

"If I killed you, or almost did- wait, what's that?" My gaze falls on a...

"It's a corpse." Shawn says proudly.


"WHAT?" I glare at Allen. (He can be visible to others, too, if he focuses, and I don't think Shawn just randomly decide to dig up a corpse. So, probably Allen's idea.)


"Yes. Yes I did." I sigh.

"If you can't trust a ghost seeking revenge against some crazy lunatics who torture small children for fun, who can you trust?" I mutter. Shawn puts on a frowny face.

"My brain hurts." he whines.n"At first when we left, you were all like, Yeah, let's go leave these Baddy-Bad-Bads behind!" Shawn giggles. "Heehee, I said behind." Then he gets pouty again. "But then when we were throwing the Baddy-Bad-Bads and I was... was..."

"Getting hit by a laser." I tell him.

"Yeah, that time, you were all mean and dark and stuff. And then, I woke up and Mr. Fly-y got here you were sad! What are you now, Wive?" I smile, and then I glance at the corpse and my smile fades.

"Right now, I'm trying not to strangle Mr. Fly-y." I say patiently. "Corpse. Explanation. Now."

"Well, you see, as I followed you out of the building, it was clear that you could use some help. But, seeing as how I'm..."

"Fly-y?" I suggest. Allen glares at me.

"Yes, sure, so anyway, I tried to form a plan. And I did. Put me-" he gestures to himself. "In there!" he says, gesturing towards the body.

"Don't you think we could be violating some... I don't know, rights? Privacy, maybe?" I ask. Allen shakes his head.

"Oh no, of course not. You see, that is my body." I fold my arms across my chest.

"Okay, smart guy. One concern: if you touch us, won't you kill us?" Allen suddenly looks alarmed.

"Oh no, no, no! You see, when us magicals die, our power leaves us. So if we were to, say, be revived, then I would just be a normal person. And I wouldn't be.." He gestures to himself. Shawn panics.

"No more Mr. Fly-y?!?" I think for a moment. I make my decision.

"No Shawn. No more Mr. Fly-y."

Allen lets out a loud whoop and flies in excited circles.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You both know the longing to be normal. And I finally... finally, in my... second life, that wish will be fulfilled."

"So, how do you get back in there?" I wonder.

"Simply say, 'a second chance to he who died, I bring Allen Koffer back into the stream of life." I say the words and Allen disappears.

"Bye bye Mr. Fly-y." Shawn whispers, close to tears. And then the dead body's eyes open, and even though I knew it was coming, both Shawn and I still scream.

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