Trapped In Me

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A few days after I learn of my friends' mysterious powers, we have some new problems. I was just starting to relax, too! Anyways, Tarna and Rolly are telling us that Ultra Tech knows where we are! Apparently The Hideout was rigged with cameras a day or two ago. Tarna and Rolly noticed a few and quickly smashed them, but there could be more. If U.T knows where we are, then we can expect an attack any moment. I liked my week or so of freedom, but now I might lose it.

Unfortunately, there's more. Shawn was running some small fevers yesterday and still has some today. Nothing deadly, but enough to make me feel bad for him. His first real time out of captivity, and he's sick. Poor guy.

Everyone is on edge with the camera problem, but I'm confused, too. If Ultra Tech snuck into the house to place cameras, why didn't they capture us while they were here? I mean, I'm not complaining or anything, but they had a perfect chance to attack. But they didn't. I told Allen about my confusion. His answer didn't make me feel better.
"Either Ultra Tech made a big, dumb mistake, or a traitor put the cameras there." So now we're expecting an attack from the outside and inside, and Shawn is sick. Great.
"Everyone meet in the Living Room." Tarna's voice instructs suddenly. Hmm... maybe some good news is on the way.

"We found some more hidden cameras in my room as well as Shiran's." Tarna announces.
"You've got to be kidding me." I complain.
"I wish I was, Wrive." Tarna replies darkly."We must take this threat seriously."
"Look for cameras everywhere. In your rooms, in the halls, maybe even outside. Ultra Tech is serious about their spying. Be on the lookout for Dusk Walkers, too."
"Dusk Walkers? What are they?" I ask. Tarna sighs.
"You really don't know?" I shake my head. "Okay. Well, they're basically people who follow you around and try to kill you, and they won't stop until you're dead." I gulp.
"They sound lovely."
"Okay, getting back on topic. Look for anything suspicious. Ultra Tech's threat is serious. That's all." Wow. Just wow. Why can't anything go right?

I like sitting by Mercy River. It has a great view of the grassy fields. They seem to go on forever. But I'm not here to admire the view. I'm thinking about how badly everything is going. Shawn is sick, U.T may know where we are, and some creepy stalkers are probably on our trail.
"What did we do wrong?" I ask in anger. "What gives you the right to make our lives miserable, Nerd Tech?" I kick a stone. I punch the river. I just want to hurt someone, damage something. I want to pretend that the air is Ultra Tech and I'm running my blade through every- ( I swipe with Mareth ) last ( swipe ) one of them!

Suddenly the world starts to spin. Flashing colors, flashing lights, humming noises. Where am I? Does it matter? And now everything is back to normal. Except... I try to blink. No response. I cry out. No sound. I feel my mouth forming a smile.
"Good job, human. You've separated yourself from me. Very impressive." The words are coming out of my mouth, but I'm not saying them.
"Unfortunately, it will still be your body that starts my plan." My body says. I'm scared of myself. That is really, really weird.

I'm stuck in a room with black walls on all sides except one. There, a giant window rests. Halfway across the window, the image ( which is the Mercy River ) became unfocused. I think I'm looking through my eyes- well, my body's eyes. The unfocused part must be the distance between my eyes. Either I'm really small, or my body just got a massive growth spurt. I look down, but not really. My line of vision just kind of moved to where I wanted it to. Weird... but not as weird as yelling at my self from in my own mind.

What just happened? I try to yell. It ends up coming out like a loud thought... sorry, this is hard to describe.
"I came back, obviously." replies my body. "Remember me? I smashed some U.T guys. Know who I am now?"
You! Give me my body back!
"Oh no, Wrive. You see, the hopeless, useless state you're in is the state that I live in." Wrive- er, no. This is my opposite! It's me backwards! So... Evirw says? Maybe just Evir.
And you should have stayed here! I think/say.
"Hahahahaha! You hate it, right? Well so did I! Look, Wrive, I'm still a person. I used to be what you are right now. We just take turns being in control of this lovely body." Evir dips his/my foot into the water.
"Ooh! I love these new senses!" He laughs in delight.
"But anyway, I didn't take over the controls for nothing! You ready, Wrive? Let's go kill some of your friends!" And then I start fighting back.

I slam my will into the wall of my mind.
"Hey now, Wrive." Evir warns. "Calm down in there." Is that panic in his voice? I grin- wait, I grinned?
"Hey! I didn't do that!" mumbles Evir.
I...will...have...CONTROL!!! My mind is a battering ram, breaking through my mind which is my prison. Evir starts to run towards The Hideout. He moves like he hasn't walked in years. Well, maybe he hasn't. We charge into the kitchen. Boom, thud, bam! I relentlessly fight my way out of my mind that also functions as my prison. The walls are breaking down, and Evir knows it. He grabs a knife and holds it to his throat.
"Quit it!" he orders. "You can't regain control of a dead body." I freeze. I can feel Evir's barrier between us coming back up. I almost came through!
"You will sit still in there. You will not interfere with my plan. If you do, we'll both die. Got it?" At this moment, Cassie walks into the kitchen.

Evir hastily hides the knife behind his back.
"Hey Wrive!" she greeted Evir. "Did you feel the candy calling to you too?"
"Candy? Er, yeah! Candy!" Evir stammers. " good! You eat it!" To anyone other than Cass, Evir's behavior would seem suspicious. But of course Cassie just had to be the one to enter.
"Yeah! I eat it!" Cass reaches onto a shelf and grabs a jar of sparkly, rainbow unicorn shaped candies. I feel Evir roll his eyes. My huge window spins crazily. After the eye-roll stops, Evir begins to walk towards Cass.
"Ah yes! Food! It will taste good when I eat it with my mouth!" declares Evir. He's forgetting to fight off my seige on his body. I concentrate on a big push. I need to break through quickly.
"I'm going to get within arm's length of you! There's no reason why!" exclaims Evir. Luckily, Cassie starts to catch on.
"Uh, Wrive you okay? You seem... different."
"Oh. That's because..." I'm ready to push my way out. "... You just ate my mother! She was a proud candy unicorn." Evir fake-sobs. Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. This is absolutely ridiculous. Cassie doesn't fall for Evir's performance.
"I think you might be confused..." she says worriedly. Her guard is down. She just thinks Evir is weird! So he'll strike... now! But his arm holding the knife does not move. A shocked look covers his face. My will is straining to keep his arm behind his back.
"Wrive." Evir growls.

Chaos erupts in the kitchen. I'm making Evir punch himself. He's attempting to keep me at bay. Evir has dropped the knife, and Cassie sees it. Looking startled, she jumps to the ceiling. Running across it, she passes above Evir and I and drops back down to the ground. She's probably making sure Evir can't touch the knife. My will is stronger than Evir's, so he continues to beat himself up.
"Get in here, Evir." I say. Yes! I said that, not Evir.
"You made me, Wrive. You did this to yourself." he growls. Then he rams his head into the floor. Unfortunately, I feel this, not Evir. "Sorry, Cass." I mumble. Then darkness masks my vision.

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