Namjoon and Ichigo's conversation.

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(Author's notes)



"Zangetsu speaking"

'Zangetsu thinking'


"Shiro speaking"

'Shiro thinking'




"foreign language"

"thinking in foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

time skips / scene changes

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Bleach nor do I own the characters (other than some OC)

Once again translations are curtesy of google translate, I know they will not be 100% grammatically correct, so if angry, take it up with google.

Last time
The others started to appear stood next to Namjoon. Haru then looked at Jungkook and said "...


"Machangajilo, naneun nae geulub-ui maknaeida" (likewise, I'm the maknae of my group.), Haru said to the brunette. Jungkook nodded to the male with a small smile on his face. Silence filled the group and Ichigo who was stood to the side with Namjoon watching the interaction of the group members whispered to the male "Well, this is awkward, do you think we should say something? Or should we leave and watch what happens?"

Namjoon chuckled slightly and said "Yeah, let's just leave quietly, as long as we don't make any noise they won't notice us gone. I'll show you around the building." And with that they slowly and quietly made their way out of the foyer of the building.

With Namjoon and Ichigo

"So what was it that you wanted to ask me" Namjoon said to Ichigo in English. "Not much really I just wanted to ask what you group was like" Ichigo replied to the male also in English. Namjoon chuckled and said "they're original, they can be hyperactive, childish. They tease and make fun of each other, we argue a lot, and we do have our fair share of fights. I suppose it can sometimes get annoying and it does get on your nerves." Ichigo looked at the male and said "how do you manage to deal with it all?"

"After a while of being around them, they have become like brothers to me, their like my second family and plus I can't always be the leader and stop them from arguing and teasing each other cause I do admit that I join in with it as well. That's just what our family is we look out for each other. So what are your group like" Namjoon said to the black haired male.

Ichigo smiled slightly and said "I suppose they are quite a bit like yours. The youngest trio of the six of us are always getting into arguments that end up in a fight somewhere and something being broken, then it ends with one of the myself or the other older members scolding them and telling them off but. I suppose we are like a family as well. I mean Shiro and Zangetsu are relatives of mine and the other three have become close enough for me to consider them brothers, in all but blood. I guess we do look out for each other having all come from rough pasts we worry about each other a lot as well."

Namjoon nodded in understanding and replied "sounds like jin-hyung he's the eldest of the seven of us and he is like the mother of the group to the point that the others joke about it calling him eomma-jin on occasion, but he cooks for us, makes sure that we're healthy and takes care of us when we're ill. Yoongi-hyung the one with the dyed blue hair even though he is the second eldest and has a cold exterior, he doesn't show it but you can tell he cares just in his own way. He is a nicknamed by occasionally by the younger members as being the lazy grandpa of the group but I suppose in some sense he shares the father role in the group and will always make sure that the other members of the group are okay although he doesn't take some of the jokes that we make as funny, he is one of the mood makers of the group he can turn a normal and happy atmosphere awkward in less than a second and vice versa"

Ichigo nodded and said "and what of the others?" Namjoon chuckled and said "Hoseok-hyung the one with dyed red hair he is the literal ball of sunshine he helps to cheer the others up and comforts the others when they are upset. Then there is jimin the blond one he is often the main focus for the joke, especially by the two youngest they make fun of his height and the size of his hands a lot although he usually gets back at the others, he is like a koala he hugs the members a lot and he's strong for his height if one of us is hurt or depressed because of another member of the group jimin isn't afraid to tell the other what's wrong."

Ichigo chuckled and said "jimin sounds like Akuma he isn't afraid to punch someone in the face If they make a joke about him." They continued walking around before they saw everything and they decided to talk in the studio. "So what about the other two members of your group?" Namjoon smiled and said "taehyung is the second youngest and he is the main mood maker of the group, he can turn a serious situation funny in a second and turn things into a joke, when he is upset you can tell because the atmosphere around the group will also be slightly depressing. Most if not all of the group care most about the youngest members. Finally there is Jungkook who you met like your bandmate Shiro? *Ichigo nodded* Shiro said he gives the mental image of a bunny no matter how much he tries to deny it. He is childish but he is the youngest out of all of us and sometimes he can be the most mature one of us all, he cares about the others a lot and isn't afraid to show it although he can be very clingy when that happens. So there is my description of my group members what about yours?"

"Well like I said before Akuma and jimin have a similar personality although he is also like Yoongi in a way, he is the shortest in the group however he isn't the youngest. He acts cold but has his fair share of childishness and when that happens he is like a baby monkey to its mother he will literally not let you out of his sight, just don't let him know I said that, he usually only shows that side to either myself or Shiro, as we are the only ones that wouldn't tease him about it." Ichigo said

Namjoon chuckled and said "don't worry I won't tell him. What is said in this room stays in this room" Ichigo nodded and said "well I suppose Shiro and Zangetsu both have similar personalities they are both mother hens when they want to be. Shiro and I are the only members of the group that know how to cook so that is left to us. Zangetsu is always concerned about the rest of our well-being, while Shiro is the kind of person to watch from a distance and notice the small signs but only intervene when nobody else notices anything. Then we have Hiiro and Haru, Haru is the youngest of the group and boy does he use that fact to act childish from your personal description of your maknae I can tell you know that they are cut from the same cloth. And Hiiro he is original, you could never replace him no matter how much you would try, he is like an itch that keeps coming back, he silently and discreetly cares about the others but has a funny way of showing it. His way of showing he cares is through fights and arguments, but at the same time he doesn't allow anybody other than himself to make fun and tease his band mates. Unless it's another bandmate"

Namjoon nodded and said "do you want something to drink?" Ichigo nodded and Namjoon walked over to a small mini fridge and passed him a bottle of water before sitting down and looked at a monitor and said "looks like they finally noticed that we left them on their own". Ichigo followed his line of sight and chuckled looking at the frantic members of the group.

They turned on the audio so that they could hear what the others wear saying "Namjoon hyeong, dodaeche neo eodiya?" (Namjoon -Hyung where are you?), Taehyung shouted. At the same time Shiro shouted "Ichigo get your ass out here" the two males looked at each other and Ichigo said "I don't know about you...but I think that I am fine staying here!" Namjoon nodded and then his phone went off.

The Korean male looked at the caller ID and smirked slightly and looked at Ichigo before signalling for him to be quiet and he answered the phone "yeoboseyo" (hello)

"GIM NAMJOON! dodaeche eodi issni? Dangsingwa daleun geulub lideoga uli moduleul eolmana geogjeonghago issneunji al su issseubnikka? Nega eodi issneunji malhaejwo. Ije uliga jeojjog-eulo gal su-iss-eo" (KIM NAMJOON!where the hell are you? Do you know how worried we are both you and the other group's leader just up and disappears not telling anyone. Tell me where you are so that we can head over there now), Seokjin shouted through the phone.

Namjoon placed his hand over the speaker and sniggered before speaking in clipped words "geulaeseo - sinho .... Joh-eun.... .... najung-e ......" (my iPad deleted the translation for this, but is is just clipped words along the lines of "the connection isn't great") and then hung up when he did he looked at Ichigo, there was silence in the room for a minute before he deleted the call from his log and then both he and Ichigo burst out laughing. While looking at the red face of Jin through the monitor.

Namjoon quickly left the room and went to the sejin who was in the room next door and gave the man his phone and said "man-yag nega nae jeonhwagileul jinan ban sigan dong-an gajigo iss-eossdamyeon. Jebal sejin-hyung." (If asked you had my phone for the last half an hour. Please Sejin-hyung.), The man realising what the boy had done nodded and said "han beonman" (only once), before Namjoon left the room and went back to where he left Ichigo.

Namjoon looked at the male and said "want to try and create a song make it look like we are actually doing something productive with the time, because they will eventually think to look in here as it is the closest room that is connected to the CCTV cameras around the building to try and find us. So let's work."

Ichigo nodded and they started to try and create a song. After 30 minutes of discussing and lots of paper balls around the floor of the room did the two males finally some up with the half of a good song to they had gone through a lot of trial and error to do it, (the song that the two bands are to collaborate on has already been made this is just an extra for Ichigo and Namjoon to work on) loud and angry voices were heard coming from the hall way, the two males shook their heads.

Namjoon looked at Ichigo and rolled his eyes and said "they took longer to for them to figure out than I thought." Ichigo nodded and said "I know I wonder who it was that suggested that they look through CCTV footage" Namjoon shrugged and they both went back to working out the other half of the song. Ichigo was playing the guitar melody to see if he could think of something to go after it, while Namjoon played the piano part, (I don't know if he can play the piano but for the sake of this fanfiction let's just say that he can) after managing to work out something Ichigo told Namjoon and was pointing out a change that could be made in one of the parts, when the door opened all noise from the hallway stopped.

Both males looked up from their work to be faced with the surprised and angry faces of their groups. Namjoon raised an eyebrow and said "did introductions not go well or something, you seem angry, what's wrong?" the others raised an eyebrow and Namjoon realised he was still speaking in English and then switched back to Korean "naega malhaessdeus-i, sogaega jaldoeji anh-assgeona, mwonga jalmos dwaess-eo, neo hwanan geos gat-a, mwoga jalmos dwaessni?" (I said, did introductions not go well or something, you seem angry, what's wrong?)

Shiro walked over and smacked Ichigo across the back of the head and said "and where the hell were you for like the last hour idiot?" Ichigo raised an eyebrow, while rubbing his head and said "here working on a song with Namjoon asshole" the members of BTS decided that it would be best that they speak in Japanese so that no one had to constantly switch between languages.

"So you mean to tell me that you have been here the entire time." Yoongi said angrily. Namjoon nodded and said "yeah, if you wanted to know where I was why didn't you just call one of our phones, we would have answered." Jin shouted at him "I DID CALL YOU, YOU ANSWERED AND THEN HUNG UP ON ME AFTER I ASKED WHERE YOU WERE" Namjoon looked confused "I did" Ichigo then added "actually Namjoon you don't have your phone on you. You gave it to sejin-hyung shortly after we left them, so that if you did decided to do some composing you wouldn't be distracted."

Namjoon's eyes widened and he said "oh yeah". He looked at Jin and said "I don't know if sejin-hyung answered or not but whoever it was it wasn't me, he's next door if you want to ask him" the group of 12 walked next door and asked sejin who said that the phone hadn't rang he then walked back into the room to give Namjoon the phone so he could unlock it and Namjoon showed Seokjin the call log where no call from him was present.

"Creepy" Hoseok said. After that they carried on talking about things while Ichigo and Namjoon worked. The others were going to ask them what it was that they were doing considering that the song that they were collaborating on was already composed but when they noticed how concentrated the two were they didn't ask anything, knowing that if they did they wouldn't receive a response.























Till next time

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