Remembering, search and Idol concert in karakura

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(Author's notes)



"Zangetsu speaking"

'Zangetsu thinking'


"Shiro speaking"

'Shiro thinking'




"foreign language"

"thinking in foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

time skips / scene changes

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Bleach nor do I own the characters (other than some OC)

Last time
Both captains nodded and left for the human world. But they were not ready for what they were about to find out.


In karakura town

Rukia was sitting in her classroom at the university she was learning at along with Orihime, uryu, chad, mizuiro, keigo (surprisingly he got a high enough grade to be able to get into university) and tatsuki. They had just finished their lecture and were the only ones into room. They were discussing their notes when Orihime looked behind them and her eyes widened and she said "Captain Kuchiki? Captain Hitsugaya what are you doing here?"

Everyone turned around to see the two Captains in gigai stood at the front of the room looking at them. "Brother what are you doing here?" Rukia asked Byakuya. The raven haired male looked to his sister and said "that is something that you aren't allowed to know, we will be leaving now seeing as the person we need to see isn't with you"

Both males left the room and toshiro looked at byakuya and said "it's odd for Rukia to not be around Ichigo, same with the others, they wouldn't let him go anywhere alone someone was always with him. Something just doesn't seem right here", the taller male nodded and said "I agree something doesn't seem right but then again the idiot could just be ill, do you remember where Ichigo lives?"

Toshiro shrugged and said "not really but I'm sure it won't be that hard to find after all if we head to urihara's I'm sure he will tell us the directions, no?" byakuya sighed and said "I really dislike that man but if we must let's go" and with that they both headed in the direction of Urihara's shop.

At Urihara's shop

When they both arrived they entered the shop and were greeted by kisuke who smiled brightly at them and said "so what can I for you both gentlemen, after all you're a little far from the soul society". Byakuya rolled his eyes and toshiro said "we need to know the direction to the house of Ichigo kurosaki, Head Captain Yamamoto requires his assistance in something which we are not at liberty to discuss"

The smile of kisuke's face quickly turned to one of confusion and the man said "isn't Ichigo still in the soul society?" the Two captains look at each other and then back at the man and said "no he hasn't been in the soul society for around 7 human world years" kisuke now had a look of worry. "I see, I haven't seen him at all since he left to fight Aizen. I will take you to Isshin he might be able to help you more"

The two captains nodded and shared a look before the door was banged open and the group of students ran in about to ask Kisuke if they had seen byakuya and toshiro when they spotted the two in front of them. "Where are you heading?" Orihime asked, "Kurosaki clinic" kisuke said bluntly. The others nodded and decided to follow the three current and 'ex' captains.

When they arrived at the clinic they walk around the side and towards the front door. Kisuke knocked on the door and after about 5 minutes the door was unlocked to reveal a teenager girl with tied up black hair. "What do you want kisuke, I'm in a rush my favourite bands tickets are about to go on sale and I need to hurry."

"Is your father home?" kisuke asked, Karin let the group in and shouted "DAD! KISUKE'S HERE TO SEE YOU AND HE BROUGHT GUESTS" before running back to where a laptop sat on the kitchen table.

After a few minutes the door to the living room opened and in walked Isshin, who stopped mid walk when he caught sight of Byakuya and Toshiro and said "what are the captains of the sixth and tenth division of soul society doing here?"
Toshiro sighed and said "under orders of Head Captain Yamamoto we are here to retrieve Ichigo as his assistance is needed" all the noise that was once in the room from the other people was silenced, a glass shattered against the ground and the sound of a keyboard being typed on stopped.

Once again Toshiro and Byakuya exchanged a look before looking at the rest of the people in the room. They all seemed to be in a state of shock, they both took this chance to head upstairs, "that's his room right?" byakuya said pointing at the door that had a 15 plate hanging on It" toshiro nodded and they both walked towards the door. When byakuya hand was on the door knob footsteps were heard.

"Aren't you at least going to knock to let him know you are entering his room?" Karin said, toshiro looked to the girl and said "you have soul reaper powers like your brother surely you can sense that there is no one in that room."

Byakuya then opened the door to the room, and entering, when they did they both coughed at the amount of dust that had built up. "When was the last time this room was cleaned" toshiro said turning towards the group of people now stood at the door staring at the dust covered room. Kisuke looked around and said "from the looks of it, this room hasn't been used in years... Isshin? Where's Ichigo?" the said man was in shock, "i-i-I don't know, I completely forgot him" the two captains were now worried and they both decided to head back to the soul society and inform the head captain of the fact that Ichigo kurosaki was missing.

Back in the soul society

The large group of people along with the two captains and two Ex-captains made their way to the meeting hall. Of the captains. Byakuya and toshiro told them to remain outside and that they will bring them in when needed.

Inside the meeting hall

"Captain Kuchiki, Captain Hitsugaya, you are back already, but I do not see Kurosaki with you, I presume that he is outside?" Head Captain Yamamoto asked. The two captains shared a look before toshiro turned to the head captain and said "no Head Captain Sir, the substitute soul reaper Ichigo kurosaki is not with us" there was a little outrage from the rest of the captains, before toshiro shouted at them to shut up. Byakuya then continued "as Captain Hitsugaya was saying before he was rudely interrupted yes we do not have the substitute soul reaper not because we didn't bother doing our job but because the substitute soul reaper Ichigo kurosaki is current missing. It seems that we were the last people to see Ichigo kurosaki, when he last left the soul society"

At this point there was a complete and utter outrage from all of the captains. Kenpachi was close to slicing the wall to pieces but figured he would rather not anger the head captain. Kurotsuchi then said "and what of the boy's friends and family surely they have him, if I remember correctly he was friends with your own sister Captain Kuchiki and that Quincy as well. What of them." The two Captains shook their heads.

"We have both been talking with all of the people that were close to Ichigo kurosaki none have seen him in a long time, his room looked as if it hasn't been used in years in human world time. Two of the people that we conversed with were Two Ex captains of the Gotai 13, both of which are outside if you wish to talk with them" Toshiro said, captain Yamamoto was intrigued at the mention of two ex captains and said "bring them in" toshiro nodded and left the room coming back with both Isshin and Kisuke.

Two hours later after everyone had told what they know and the search for Ichigo kurosaki began. After hours of being in his barracks did Kurotsuchi finally appear with a machine that he had created with the help of kisuke. They then went to the human realm specifically to the room of Ichigo kurosaki to test the invention.

Through all of the dust Kurotsuchi managed to find an old strand of hair on the dust covered bed. He placed the hair in the machine and it started to project an image on to the room. Both captain level soul reapers were surprised at what the screen showed. They quickly headed back to the soul society and had a meeting called. Everyone that had agreed to help in the search of Ichigo kurosaki were in the room, (all of the captains and lieutenants, hanatarou, yoruichi, and a few members of the other higher seats of squad 12, Isshin, Karin, yuzu, Uryu, Chad, Mizuiro, Keigo, Orihime and Tatsuki) Kurotsuchi began to explain the machine that he and kisuke had made and then played the scene that was shown in the house of one Ichigo kurosaki.

The scene showed Ichigo sitting on his bed looking out of the window, the scene looked relatively normal until a figure started to form from reishi at the ned of the bed, when the figure was finally able to be identified they all went wide eyed when they noticed that it was a hollow, they were about to jump on guard when they remembered that it was a memory of sought. But strangely enough the hollow that looked almost exactly like Ichigo just looked at Ichigo, it didn't attack instead it spoke much to their surprise "so what do you plan on doing king?" they saw Ichigo turn his head towards the hollow and reply "I would think my best option would be to move away from karakura for a long time. I won't tell my family or anyone I'll just leave."

They saw the hollow nod and heard it say "well don't forget that me and the old man are with you king." They watched as Ichigo nodded and the hollow disappeared in a blinding amount of reishi before being absorbed into Ichigo. The saw the strawberry blond walk over to his cupboard and grab a bag which he filled with his clothes and everything he needed. They watched as he approached his mirror and said "suddenly I'm glad I didn't cut my hair" chuckling when he did so.

They also saw him reach further into the wardrobe and Isshin, Karin and yuzu were in shock at the large amount of money that Ichigo had spare which he placed in his wallet. They watched him leave the room with an empty plate to return a few minutes later closing the door behind him before grabbing his bag and walking towards the window. They watched him opened it, and they heard him mutter to himself "freedom" before jumping out of the window. The scene cut off.

Suddenly ukitake spoke up and said "why don't we track his combat pass from the looks of it he was wearing it when he left the kurosaki residence?" the rest of the group made their way towards the barracks of kurotsuchi's squad and started to search for the combat pass. When the found it they noticed that it wasn't that far from karakura town and Rukia went to go and get it.

When she found the pass she noticed something further down the track that appeared to be for a train and picked it up and recognised what it was immediately she suddenly cursed Ichigo for being this smart. She quickly returned to the soul society and said "dead end it appears he was wise to the fact that we might track him down by wither his phone or his combat pass and threw them both away though I am surprised that his phone is still intact, if it was thrown seven years ago then surely from where I found it, it should have been smashed to pieces."

Isshin looked at rukia and said "where did you find his phone?" rukia frowned and said "on a train track for trains heading towards karakura" Isshin frowned and said "and the combat pass?" "Rukia said "on the same stretch of railway just further up" they all sighed when they reached a dead end. They decided that they would have to try and deal with their problems themselves. For now though everyone from the human world returned to the human world along with a few of the captains and lieutenants that need a break. (Toshiro, Rangiku, renji and byakuya).

All of them were in the kurosaki residence, Karin and yuzu turned on their computers and screamed in happiness. They both looked at each other and said "you won as well..... YES" the rest of the people in the room looked at them in surprise and byakuya said "what's with the screaming?" Karin smiled brightly and said "we signed up for this competition that if you win you get back stage passes to meet the band that are performing here in Karakura as one of the first stops on their world tour. And with the back stage passes you are also allowed to bring a maximum of eight guests with you. And it looks like we both won."

Toshiro raised an eyebrow and said "so what's so important about some stupid band?" yuzu and Karin placed their hands over their hearts and said "some stupid band, I'll have you know that Agma is the best band out there and they are worldwide famous and have been since they debuted over 5 years ago."

Yuzu turned to the group and said "do you all want to go as our guests along with rukia and the others?" the people in the room thought about it for a moment before saying "sure let's see why this band is so great."

Karin then sent a text to rukia asking is she and the others would like to go and she got a reply of 'HELL YES. Apparently all of us except uryu are fans of the group. P.s. when is the concert????'

She replied 'in about a week and a half' she then told the group that the concert was in a week and I half before she and yuzu headed up stairs to fan girl about the fact that they were going to meet their favourite fans.

Meanwhile in Aomori in the dorm of AGMA

Ichigo just received a call and he was now frowning with a very dark aura surrounding him. Everyone else in the group knew he was pissed off. "What happened king?" Shiro asked (he never got out of the habit of calling him king, the others knowing that the two males used to be the same person only one was the hollow of the person, dismissed the strange behaviour)

"Well the manager just told me all of the towns and cities that we will be performing in and who won the backstage passes to meet us all for each of them" Ichigo said grinding his teeth together. Zangetsu knowing where this was leading said "let me guess one of the places that we are performing is karakura town right?" Ichigo nodded, shiro finally understanding the situation said "and that the people who won the back stage passes happen to be one or two of the bastards from our past!?" Ichigo nodded.

Everyone else was pissed as well because Ichigo had informed them of what had happened and they were dead against allowing Ichigo to karakura but knew that they needed to go and couldn't do anything about it.

"Let's just go to sleep we have our concert at Akita tomorrow night and then the performance in Kyoto five days later before that performance" Hiiro said. The rest nodded and they all went to their rooms. Ichigo was just staring at the ceiling when a knock at the door was heard. "Come in" he said

The door opened to reveal Shiro who said "king you really need to sleep, besides think of it this way when those assholes see what you have become without them, and how powerful you are they will be ashamed that they ever forgot you to begin with, they will regret everything, and who will be there to see them grovel at your feet like the pathetic worms they really are. You" Ichigo smiled and said "why is it you always know the right things to say to cheer me up?"

Shiro chuckled and said "are you forgetting that we used to be the same person king, I know when you try to hide things because we both usually tend to do the same things, anyway I think it best that we both go to sleep now or our manager won't let us hear the end of it" the ex-hollow got up and started walking out of the room "night king" was heard before the door started closing a quiet "night shiro" was heard after that.

As the members of AGMA fell asleep all of them shared the same thoughts and they were 'the next two weeks are going to be hell'
Till next time.

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