Chapter Eighteen | Moonlight Sonata

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"BUT OF COURSE, there are plenty of single gentlemen present. What kind of house party would it be if I didn't ensure that some matchmaking could occur?" Lady Torrington said a bit gruffly.

"Mama said as much which is why she was so eager to let me come here after all." Lady Fiona replied.

"And why exactly did your mother not join us?" Lady Torrington questioned, "I do precisely remember extending an invitation to her as well."

Lady Fiona brushed her pale gown, "She was feeling under the weather. Thought it might be best to reserve her energy for the season instead of making her way down to the Chalcott manor and then back to her our home before traveling to London."

"I must say, the women in this age grow feebler. It must be all that water your drink."

Vivienne caught Lady Fiona's eyes and they both struggled to contain their smile.

"Now, there are plenty of gentlemen here that would make delightful husbands. It might be a good time to seek them out before all the vultures descend with their daughters in London."

"Lady Torrington!" one of the other ladies who sat close to them admonished upon hearing the last sentences.

The dowager countess ignored her and leaned into the both of them, "I didn't say anything wrong, and I meant what I said, to both of you." she added.

Lady Torrington caught Vivienne's surprised stare, "Yes Vivienne, I think it's an excellent opportunity to find someone suitable. Do not be afraid, talk to the gentlemen. Or better yet, let them talk about themselves."

Vivienne did not feel better after Lady Torrington's words of encouragement. What if she made an error in the way she spoke and gave away more information then she wanted to? She watched as the duke entered the room along with the other gentlemen.

"Ah, now that the gentlemen are here, shall we have some music to lighten the mood?" Lady Albermay suggested, from across the room.

If it was possible, Vivienne paled further. Although she had improved her playing of the pianoforte, it wasn't as excellent to be heard at a dinner party. To make matters worse, another lady, whose name she could not remembered commented on the fact that it was an excellent idea.

Still, nobody stepped forward and a slow mutter spread through the room.

It was Lord Berkeley's voice that carried across the room in a slow measured but light tone, "Any brave lady willing to demonstrate their fine pianoforte skills?"

It was Lady Fiona who spoke up from beside her, "I shall do it."

"You don't have to dear, if that is not what you wish," the dowager countess said softly.

"I don't mind Lady Torrington," Lady Fiona said standing up. "I truly don't."

Vivienne watched as Lady Fiona and Lord Berkeley exchanged a glance before he dipped his head once and pointed to the pianoforte. Vivienne admired Lady Fiona's bravery as she sat down on the bench, the eyes of lords and ladies fixated on her. She felt a presence beside her and looked up to see Lord Berkeley leaning on the wall of the chaises near her.

"I do hope you didn't force her into this," Vivienne said in a whisper.

"I don't think Fiona can be forced into doing much, Lady Vivienne. She is quite the free spirit."

"Hush now," Lady Torrington said from beside them.

Vivienne immediately quieted as the first notes of the pianoforte were played. The first few notes were hauntingly sad, as if someone was mourning the lost of a loved one. A feeling of melancholy filled her body as Vivienne brushed the corner of her eyes, remembering Agatha. Listening to the music reminded her of the numerous years spent in the village and how her governess cared for her through those times. She was the closest thing Vivienne had to a parent— and now she was lost while Vivienne was slowly easing her way into society, something she ought to be doing with Agatha by her side.

Her home was gone now, only ashes and embers remaining in its place, but she was lucky to have been able to escape. There was some shame and guilt in that because she had survived while others had not. Vivienne clutched the emerald pendant closer as her hand shook, she needed to get her feelings under control. It would do no good to burst into tears among all the other guests.

Lady Fiona ended the final note and the room burst into polite applause. Vivienne looked up to see people congratulating Lady Fiona on her musical ability. A handkerchief made its way underneath her nose and Vivienne took it, dabbing it underneath her eyes. She looked up to see Lord Berkeley's blue eyes peering at her intently.

She passed the cloth back to him, "thank you."

He nodded before a wistful look came upon his face. "She has a way of playing that reaches deep into your soul, pulling at strings you didn't know existed."

"I agree, do you perhaps know which piece she was playing?"

"I believe that many have been calling it Moonlight Sonata for the eerily feeling as though one was sitting alone muddled in their thoughts in the moonlight."

"I certainly felt that." Vivienne admitted.

She watched as Martin appeared in the doorway and announced dinner. It was Lord Berkeley who held out his arm, "May I escort you?"

Vivienne placed her arm on his elbow, "I would be honoured."

The guest began moving towards the dining hall, but Vivienne craned her neck back to see if she could catch a glimpse of Lady Fiona and praise her performance. She briefly thought she saw a flash of red hair but was overtaken by the many guests making their way out.

"You'll be able to speak to her after dinner," Lord Berkeley said from beside her.

She gave him a small smile, "Am I that predictable?"

He laughed slightly. "That is not a bad thing, Lady Vivienne. But I must say if you are to survive the shark infested waters of London, you might need to grow a thicker skin perhaps."

"Some of us naturally have thicker skin and others don't. It can be hard to build, especially if you are not quite born with it," Vivienne commented.

Lord Berkeley pulled out her chair for her and she slipped in. "Well said Lady Vivienne, then I would suggest finding ways to keep safe and avoid cutting yourself at all."

She gave him a grateful smile, "You might be right with that."

Vivienne looked around the table to see that Lady Torrington had switched around a few of the place cards. The duke was at the end of the table but beside him were a couple of ladies chatting away. Lady Fiona was close to her brother, but she was talking to a fair-haired gentleman beside her.

Noticing her gaze, Lord Berkeley commented, "Are you and Lady Fiona getting along well?"

She took a sip of her soup before answering. "I daresay so. It is quite overwhelming actually. Many of the ladies know each other and it can be challenging trying to fit in," she admitted.

"I hope Fiona is making you feel welcome, if not, I could always speak to her."

"Heavens no," Vivienne said glancing at the red-haired beauty. "She has been quite kind and helped me move a bit out of my comfort zone."

Lord Berkeley's blue eyes twinkled, "It might be an inch or two, but it is quite a noticeable improvement."

A short laugh burst of Vivienne before she could stop it and a few of the other guest stopped their conversation to look their way. She could feel Lord Berkeley's amused smile as they shared in the joke. Vivienne looked up to meet Lady Fiona's eyes who looked quite surprised at the outburst as well. She gave the lady a smile and she returned it, but it seemed a tad bit dimmer than it had been earlier on.

She accepted the meat from the footman and turned back to Lord Berkeley. "How have you kept yourselves entertained the last few days?"

"Well, we've done what most gentlemen do. Hunt, fish, drink, and swim. Although not in that exact order."

Her lips curled into a small smile and her eyes lit up, "Is there a stream nearby?"

Lord Berkeley took a bite of his food, "Yes, it is a bit further behind the estate, but the water is cool, and it offers some privacy, making it the perfect place for swimming."

"I shall visit there sometime," Vivienne vowed. Although she didn't know how to swim, it might be a nice place to dip her feet into the cool water.

"James or one of us can take you whenever you wish," Lord Berkeley said graciously.

Not for the first time, she was taken a back by Lord Berkeley's kindness. He seemed so different from his friends. It wasn't to say that the duke was unkind, he was simply apathetic while Lord Berkeley almost held his heart on his sleeve.

"How long have you been staying here?" Lady Albermay asked Vivienne from across the table.

Vivienne sipped her wine before answering uneasily. "I came with Lady Torrington, as she has been kind enough to help me make my debut in London."

Lady Albermay looked over to the dowager before giving her a tight smile. "That is very kind of Lady Torrington."

Not surprisingly enough, Lady Torrington heard what Lady Albermay said. The dowager countess turned her grey eyes back on the lady, "Fortunately, my kindness knows no bounds."

Lord Headfort snorted into the napkin in front of him and Vivienne also watched as the corner of the duke's lips turned upwards.

"It really is due to the kindness of my great-aunt that we are all gathered here," the duke said raising his glass towards Lady Torrington. "Thank you for all that you've done."

The rest of the guest also raised their glasses, "To Lady Torrington," they all echoed.

The dowager countess didn't smile but even Vivienne could see that she was immensely happy which warmed Vivienne's heart as well.


"Lady Vivienne and Lady Fiona seem like they are becoming quite good friends." Cedric, Lord Berkeley commented.

James took his shot before resting the cue stick against the billiards table. He watched carefully as Henry lined up his shot. "That may be good for Vivienne, she seemed quite nervous not knowing anyone"

He paused as he realized that both his friends had gone awfully quiet, "What is it?"

"Vivienne?" Berkeley raised an eyebrow.

"For heaven's sake, it doesn't mean much if I use her Christian name. If you must know, I gave her leave to use mine as well. It can be quite tiring to hear Your Grace all day."

Headfort grinned, "Your Grace, I think you might be losing but would you like to try to beat me or simply give me the money?"

"Sod off," James said gruffly.

His friends laughed, and the other gentlemen gave them a curious glance before returning to their card game in the corner. The room was hazy due to the use of tobacco and he waved his arms when a cloud gathered before his eyes.

"I do hate the smoke," he commented dryly.

"Well then, tell them to stop." Berkeley suggested.

"I wish, it would upset the gentlemen and my great-aunt."

Headfort took a sip of his brandy before passing the other glass to James. "The dowager runs quite the tight ship, doesn't she?"

"That she does, say Henry, you really didn't know that she invited Fiona?"

Headfort shook his head, "It was much of a surprise to me as you gentlemen."

"Well Lady Fiona has created her own agenda for this party." James commented letting the brandy cool down his throat.

Headfort sighed. "She might as well try her luck here. Three seasons and she rejected every suitor. Mama is growing more worried by the minute."

"It's not like she's a spinster yet, I'm sure she will find someone. She is considered quite beautiful you know," Berkeley added softly, avoiding both their gaze.

"Beauty or not, it's high time she get's married and if she finds a willing gentleman here, well I'll be the happiest man on the planet."

James grinned, "Poor lad, he won't know what he's getting himself into."

Headfort returned his grin with a twinkle in his eyes, "Exactly."


Happy Holidays Everyone! This update is extra special because it is also my birthday update :) Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Feel free to leave a heart comment if you did.

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