Chapter Fifty-Two | Rescue

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THE WATER WAS cold, but he disregarded the feeling, using his arms to stay afloat. Meanwhile, his eyes scanned the ocean, looking for Vivienne's small frame. He couldn't see any sign of her above the water, which only meant that she was below. Taking a deep breath, he pulled his body under. The ocean was murky and dark, and he struggled to see Vivienne; but that wasn't going to stop him, not when he'd made it this far.

Breaking to the surface, he took in another gulp of air before returning underneath. He swam further away from the ship, guessing that her body would have travelled in the direction of the waves. James could feel the tightness in his chest, indicating that he would need to break for oxygen again. Just as he was about to swim back up, his eyes caught sight of a blue dress.

Blinking once, he focused on the dress as it fell deeper towards the ocean floor. His heart beat rapidly, it was Vivienne. He longed to grab her right then and there, but his throat tightened. He swam to the surface and quickly took a deep breath, before diving below the waters, towards Vivienne. His eyes stung from being open underneath the water for such a long time but just like the temperature, he ignored the burn. All his heart cared about was saving Vivienne. 

Her body was sinking but James would not let her go any further. With determination bursting in his veins, James swam faster. It was difficult to do so against the currents, but he managed it. His fingers reached out to grab a hold of Vivienne's arm. Relief swept through his body when she was secured in his grasps. James clutched her close to him and began swimming upwards.

When they broke to the surface, he gasped, taking in a deep breath of air. Coughing, he spit out the water that had gathered in his mouth. He focused on Vivienne, trying to place her head above water, but her dress kept trying to sink them both down again. She was extremely pale, skin pruned from the time spent in water. Her eyes were closed, blonde hair plastered to her like a second skin.

James needed to get them both out of the water or they would freeze and catch a cold. He glanced up to see the ship was quite a distance away. Alarm registered in his brain. James had not realized he'd swam so far away. It was too far from him to swim back to the ship with Vivienne's unconscious body. If his eyes were not deceiving him, the ship seemed tilted, and unstable. It would sink soon.

James momentarily closed his eyes  to focus. Water splashed across his face, but he disregarded everything around him. There was only one solution. He had to gather strength and swim towards the ship. It didn't matter if the ship was going down. James could not see any other ships in the open waters and that was their only choice. He was also unsure of Gilford position, but it would be impossible for the Bow Street Runner to spot them in the open waters.

James moved Vivienne so that she was laying on her back. He wrapped an arm around her neck, making sure it was secure enough that she wouldn't slip but not tight enough that her breathing would suffer. Taking a deep breath, James began the journey, swimming on his back. He would ignore his exhaustion; he could do this, save them both.

It was even tougher than James expected. He was only able to swim a few meters towards the ship with Vivienne in his arms. He was a weak swimmer on his back, but he had no other option. His fingers stumbled as Vivienne's head nearly bobbled underneath the water. His grip on her tightened. At this rate, they would never reach the ship.

Water rushed past him, and he heard a faint noise. Ears perking up, James opened his mouth, "Over here!" he screamed, repeatedly.

He wasn't sure if he was hearing someone, or the ocean was playing tricks on his mind. Hopefully, it was the former and someone would be able to hear him. A few meters later, in the corner of his vision a small boat appeared. He spotted a man who seemed to be rowing towards them. James waved his arm wildly to grab the man's attention. As the boat came closer, James realized that it was Gilford. 

"Bloody hell Lennox, I told you to wait but you leapt before I could finish my sentence!" The Bow Street Runner stretched out his arm to help James onto the boat, but he shook his head.

"Help-p her first," James said through chattering teeth.

Thankfully, Gilford obeyed his orders for once and grabbed onto Vivienne before hauling her onto the boat. He helped James next. James did not waste a single moment before he laid Vivienne onto the small boat. He leaned in, trying to hear her heartbeat, it was faint and slow but still there.

So, she was alive. Relief swept through his body. 

"She's bleeding," Gilford pointed out.

James felt the warm crimson blood fall onto his hand. It must have been a severe cut for it not to close in the water.

"Give me your coat," James instructed as he took off his tailcoat and shirt before ripping a piece of the fabric. He tied it over Vivienne's open wound, hoping to slow down the blood loss. That was the best they could do until they returned to his house. James took Gilford's coat and wrapped it around Vivienne's pale frame. It would not do much to provide warmth, but it was better than the cold clammy feeling he felt when he touched her skin.

"You need to take off your wet clothes as well."

James shook his head even as he felt the hairs on his arms and chest rising, "I'm fine. Tell me what the devil happened on the ship."

Gilford looked out in the distance as he continued to row. James wanted to help but he knew his hands could not hold the oar. They were trembling in front of him, and he casually interlocked them, hoping to prevent them from doing so.

"I went to the lower level and like I had assumed, the captain had been murdered at the wheel."

Well, that explained why the ship looked ready to tilt.

"It gets worse. There was a single cabin down there and when I opened the door, I came across a soldier and Westmorland's body."

"Were they alive?"

Gilford shook his head, "Both dead."

A sense of satisfaction swept through James' body. Vivienne's uncle had put her in danger and played a hand in the death of their fathers. While he did not cheer for his death, it seemed that the earl's crimes had eventually caught up to him.

"Why didn't you stay on the ship instead of this puny thing?"

"They had shot multiple holes in the floorboard of the ship," Gilford explained. "The plan must have been to sink it so there would be no evidence. After you shot the other soldier, I got off and went searching for you."

James nodded, even has his head throbbed. He stayed silent as Gilford continued to row them towards the docks. His eyes felt heavy, and he fought to stay conscious. He still needed to be vigilant. There could be other soldiers waiting to ambush them at the docks. The last thing he wanted was for Gilford to be left with the responsibility of dealing with them.

His eyes wavered back to Vivienne; hidden underneath the Bow Street Runner's coat he could barely catch a glimpse of her. Although she was breathing, James knew she needed medical assistance immediately. Gathering strength, James grabbed onto the second oar and began to row with Gilford. The faster they reached the docks, the quicker he could get help for Vivienne.


When they arrived at the docks, James' arms were burning even as his body continued shivering.

"We need to be careful that there aren't any agents here," James said to his companion.

"We should be fine," Gilford said as he reached underneath Vivienne's back to gather her in his arms. James wanted to protest but he knew he did not have the strength to hold onto her.

"What do you mean fine?" James snapped. His legs wobbled onto the cobbled docks, and he had to focus on standing still.

"There is a team of Bow Street Runners whom I instructed to be on the lookout."

They moved around the crates and workers on the dock and James could not remember where his carriage had been parked. He let Gilford take the lead instead. James was aware of the puddle of water that was trailing behind him, but that was the least of his worries. The streets spun before his eyes, and he needed to stop to gather his bearings.

Gilford glanced back at him, "The carriage is right up ahead."

James looked up and he saw Tom standing guard outside. He covered the distance and the boy looked up at them in horror as they approached. James could not blame him. There was blood lining his once pristine tailcoat and he looked like a wet rat.

"What happened to yeh?"

The carriage door swung open, and Agatha clasped her chest at the scene in front of her. "Vivienne!" she cried, tears gathering in her eyes.

Gilford gently deposited her on the seat and James climbed in across from her. He turned back to Gilford and Tom tiredly, "Get Ballard to meet me at the manor. His practice is near St. James street, Tom will show you the shortcuts."

The Bow Street Runner nodded, closing the carriage door. James closed his eyes and tapped the top of the carriage. Across from him, Agatha had Vivienne in her lap and was brushing the blond hair away from her face.

"What in the devil happened?"

James opened his mouth and then shut it. The headache was not going away. His head thrummed making it difficult to focus on the governess in front of him. "Later," he croaked, "right now, we just need to get back to my townhouse."

The governess looked as if she wanted to say more, but she kept her mouth shut. James closed his eyes again, leaning into the side of the carriage. His fingers felt numb, but he knew they were close now. All would be well. The carriage stopped and the footman opened the door. James stepped out first, placing a hand on the exterior of the carriage to maintain his balance.

Preston rushed forward to stabilize James. "Your Grace!"

James waved his hands away. "I'm fine," he repeated before looking back into the carriage. "However, Lady Vivienne is not. Get someone to carry her to her old room. A physician will be here shortly."

Preston bowed then stiffened when Agatha stepped out. It was clear that the man remembered the governess from the morning. "This is Miss. Agatha. She will accompany Vivienne. Make sure that she is treated as any guest would be in my home."

"Very well," Preston uttered.

James wanted to wait and make sure that Vivienne would be safe in her bedroom, but he felt sick. He could not stand for a second longer without hurling up his breakfast. As much as James wanted to be in control, he knew Preston would follow his orders.

"I'll see you inside," he mumbled to Agatha.

The governess nodded and James entered the house. He slowly climbed the stairs, one step at a time. His bones ached, and vision blackened. He was almost to his room. Pushing the door open, he stumbled and collapsed on the bed. Seconds later, darkness took over.


Surprise! In order to celebrate 1 year of posting this story as well as my 8th Wattpad Anniversary, I posted this chapter in advance! James has rescued Vivienne but what will happen next? Were you sad that Viv's uncle died? Anyone worried about James health?

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