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Running away from problems was something he was never good at.

He never failed to face the obstacles put before him. As a great descendant of Dangun Wanggeom, his destiny was to continue what was started before him. And so, he lived in Asadal, ruling the Ancient Korean Kingdom of Gojoseon. His kingdom reigned and never strived, even at the times of drought or great rains. Trading and exploration were the main concerns of the Kingdom and the King always acted in the interests of his people rather than in the favour of the nobility.

Unlike his predecessor, the new King was a blessing to the inhabitants of the Korean Kingdom. He was honest, reasonable, sympathetic, and tolerant. His commanding skills were never looked down upon and endless stories of his victories soared above the lands and beyond.

"Your majesty,"

The King turned around and was met with a frightened state of his closest advisors, Da-woon. Dark brown hair, reaching his shoulders, was put into a half-bun on top and accompanied by a golden headpiece which hang near his temples and reached his jawline. The same deep brown eyes were wide and sparkled slightly, from the tears which were forming or the light — the King did not know.

"What is the issue, Da-woon?" The King asked the male before him.

"The vice Dangun of Beonjoseon is here and is demanding your audience," Da-woon bowed a little, eyes never leaving the King's, "he is angered you did not meet him and is keeping our court alarmed by it,"

The King hummed, "inform him that I shall speak to him shortly,"

"Yes, your majesty," Da-woon bowed and left the chambers of the King.

Looking out of the window once again, the King examined the city's streets which lay before his eyes. When he took the throne, he had requested to move his private chambers in the higher levels of the temple where he would be able to admire the morning sun cover the streets of Asadal every day of his reign. Unusual request for a royal which lands had never seen, but no one would defy the King himself. People loved him and admired him for what he had done. One of his greatest achievements was the truce between Jinjoseon and Beonjoseon after two decades of war his father had begun once. It was peaceful, no lives lost and both sides emerged as victors.

He took one more look at the city and left his chambers, walking slowly towards the hall where a vice Dangun of Beonjoseon waited. The King was aware of the temper that man held but his own tolerance allowed him to avoid havoc between the two. Once the truce became official, the two confederacies' aim was to unite the third one and put an end to brutal lifestyles of all, which is why he requested for the vice Dangun to meet him every five full moons and discuss possible solutions until it is decided. Walking through the corridors whose wooden pillars had ornamental carvings, illuminated by several candles as the sun began to set, the King had finally concluded what should be done with the third confederacy.

"Jung Hoseok," he greeted the male who was sat on a soft cushion before the table the two would usually sit at and drink fine jasmine tea, "five moons did not pass yet,"

The vice Dangun instantaneously rose to his feet and bowed to the King who entered the hall, always respectful of his superior.

"I greatly apologise, your majesty," Hoseok began, head still low, "but it is a serious matter,"

"You can sit," the King said softly and walked over to the table, sitting before the vice Dangun who hesitantly followed the King's lead.

A female servant immediately ran into the hall with and bowed, muttering soft 'your majesties' as she proceeded to pour tea into their cups, but the King put up his hand, stopping her before she could approach the two, turning over to her and giving her a soft smile, "you are free of this duty tonight, this is a private meeting,"

She bowed, "thank you, your majesty," and quickly ran out.

The King looked at the vice Dangun, "I hope it is important, Hoseok," his voice still calm. His hands fell on his knees as his legs were bent underneath him. Hoseok fidgeted in his seat before his head dropped and he sighed in defeat, the King arched his brow.

"Makjoseon sent its troops to our lands two nights ago," the vice Dangun finally looked up and met the eyes of the King whose mouth fell slightly open, brows up and body tense, "and they are declaring war on us,"

"Another war?" The King asked in disbelief, "we will not risk another war, not with Makjoseon,"

Hoseok gulped, his shaking hand grabbed the teacup and he moved it to his mouth, taking a small sip, "their leader is worse than me, he will not give up easily," he let out a nervous chuckle and took one more taste before placing the cup back on the table.

The King did not move, eyes fixed on the vice Dangun's who only was afraid of what the King has to offer. He thought about it while still looking at Hoseok who began to panic. Makjoseon was powerful and mobilised in just fifteen full moons. Their spontaneous attack on Beonjoseon was a warning to the allied confederacies and the King had to do something.

"I will request for a negotiation between us," he finally said, taking the small teacup, sipping the freshly picked jasmine leaves tea. Hoseok's eyes widened and he almost stood up, knocking the table over but the calm aura of the King stopped him from doing so.

"You want to negotiate with Makjoseon?" He asked in disbelief and the King nodded, "Namjoon, you are a madcap!"

Namjoon only hummed in response, teacup still in his hand, "you are aware I do not send troops first; I do not wish for my men to die with no use," he reasoned.

Hoseok was speechless, his hands moving up and down frantically as he failed to form any words. The King was irrational for thinking that he will be able to peacefully negotiate with the Makjoseon. No one wanted peace there and it was obvious that the motifs of their enemy were not of diplomatic origin. For generations, Beonjoseon and Jinjoseon were focused on their own disputes, engulfed into a civil war which had begun while their fathers ruled the lands and were too ignorant towards the Makjoseon who took the time for themselves as an advantage and an opportunity to mobilise.

"I will send a messenger to their lands to deliver my requests regarding on handling the situation," Namjoon continued as Hoseok continued to panic.

"You are leaving me speechless, Namjoon," he finally said, voice low and brows furrowed, "if we do not show them that we are able to fight, they will squelch us like flies with their thumbs,"

The King did not say anything, looking through possible outcomes in this issue. Diplomacy was his first step in bringing stability which is why he was determined to attempt to negotiate with the Makjoseon while no war began yet. His second step was sending troops in hopes of intimidation as Jinjoseon's army held a strong status in combat and brought fear to anyone it stands before. The last step, which Namjoon loathed, was to fight. Fight until the enemy surrenders and agrees on a truce, but he never attacked first. It was a smart move to stay out of the judgements of the courts on other sides who would not blame his confederacy for bringing wars and he would be able to maintain peace.

"It works simply, Hoseok," the King began, setting the cup back on the table and the vice Dangun began to pour more tea by reflex, "if no negotiations work, I send my troops to frighten and if that fails too, I wait for their attack,"

"I always admired your perseverance, Namjoon," Hoseok chuckled lightly, placing the teapot on the small table, looking up at the King, "I would fail to wait for the attack or even use 'proved steps of yours', as your court calls them,"

"This is why I brought us together," the King smiled, placing his hand on Hoseok's which rested on the paper the vice Dangun brought with him, "if you trust me with this, I will prove to you and your people that the alliance with us is beneficial,"

Hoseok looked at his hand which was covered by Namjoon's. The paper was the official statement issued by the King himself which allowed the vice Dangun to travel freely over his lands and enter the court with no issues and no invitations prior and he always brought it with him, putting it out on the table they sat by as a sign of thankfulness, respect and acknowledgment of the terms provided by the truce. The King's hand was warm, soft, and heavy above his own. For the Beonjoseon royals, a hand-on-hand during a tea ceremony was a sign of pure honesty and fortitude to be loyal.

The vice Dangun sighed, "my court will not be pleased by this decision, Namjoon," he simply said, "you are aware of our violent morals and eagerness to fight in any battle shown,"

"I want you to be patient," the King stated, "I do not wish for our pact to break over the Makjoseon issue as we shall stand together until we ally with them,"

"I understand," Hoseok nodded, "I hope there will be a statement issued for my court as evidence of a solution formed tonight," he looked up at the King, eyes full of hopefulness and vulnerability, a rare sight for the vice Dangun of Beonjoseon.

Jung Hoseok was an influential figure in his lands. He ruled the lands the way his ancestors have — weapons by their side to protect themselves from their enemies. Hoseok was a good man, appealing as well. His long flawless face, soft and lacking wrinkles as he was young of age, simply twenty summers since birth. The male had elevated cheekbones which were well defined and his long, black hair shone under the lights due to its health. It almost reached his waist and always neatly kept, either in a half-bun or free of any style. He rarely wore golden jewellery as he believed it was unnecessary on daily occasions, but for festive celebrations, feasts, and royal gatherings he would follow the traditions.

He was a new a new ruler of the confederate state, a descendant of Chidunam, assigned by Dangun himself to be the first vice Dangun of the Beonjoseon.

During the first years of the Kingdom, the three lived in peace and harmony, keeping traditions sacred and lands protected, but after the death of Dangun Wanggeom, the Kingdom fell into chaos and wars. It had stopped after forty years and the treaty lasted for another six-hundred years, until a member of the Beonjoseon's court had been assassinated on the grounds of the Jinjoseon's palace.

Death, burden, misery. The war lasted nearly twenty years, until Kim Namjoon took the throne of his father. He swore to end the war and he fulfilled it, forming a strong alliance with the Beonjoseon four years after he took the sovereignty. He was young and inexperienced, but he did not fail. Now, he is a wise Supreme Dangun, a King, but Namjoon himself did not use the title of a Supreme ruler as he believed himself not worthy of it yet, and he shall prove his honour to hold such status.

"The statement will be issued at dawn," Namjoon informed Hoseok, "I will not allow you to travel at such late time, thus I will provide you a chamber for a rest,"

"I greatly appreciate it, your majesty," the vice Dangun bowed his head, hand still under the King's on the table.

The King smiled widely, his well-structured face softening and deep indentations appearing at the sides of his lower cheeks. He was striking in his own way; his soul and heart attracted many and his physique was extraordinary for his time. He was solid, wide shoulders, muscles on his arms, legs — everywhere. A defined torso which was hidden under the royal robes of his, and the unique height he possessed was enough to make women and men fall on their knees before him worship him as he is a god on land.

Namjoon removed his hand, placing it back on his knees, "the servants will bring you robes and a set of tea for bed, but for now, I would like you to dine with me in the gardens,"

"It is a pleasure," Hoseok attempted to mask his keenness as it was seen as a great privilege to dine with the King himself and many would slay to be in such position.

"Very well, follow me," the King stood up, putting his hands before his chest, and hiding the palms into the wide sleeves, began to walk and Hoseok hurried behind him.

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