3 New Friends

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It was a normal day in France, and by normal that mean Frances Hero named Ladybug swinging around like Spiderman across the place on a school day without Chat Noir.

Adrien was walking up the school stairs to get in and saw Marenette and waved to her and with a shy blush and smile she waved back.

Alya goes to talk to him and Nino who as just got here and made conversation with them.

Adrien's POV-

"So you guys pumped for the movies?" my best friend Nino asked and all I could here was 'You know it' and 'Ya' but I didn't answer and only staired at some new faces. "Wow Adrien you okay, your more quiet today" Alya stated "I'm fine it's just, those girls, I've never seen them around before" I said and they all looked at them.

The three girls saw us stairing and gave us a face that was a mixter of worried and a glare, so the red head took the blind ones hand and they left to find another part of the school to talk. "They seem... friendly" Marenette said nervously looking back at us "I know right, the red head seemed hostile at us, the blind one seemed very confused, and the one with the pink beret seemed to be calm or sterin about the situation" Alya said suspicious. "Ya Alya's got a point, they're like that mysterious group you'd see in the anime Adrien watches, and I don't know first impressions am I right?" Nino said "Well... I'm gonna try to talk to them" I said and walked over to them as my friends watched me.

"Hi, I'm Adrien welcome to our school" I started off and they looked at me, the one in with fire red hair was the first to speek "Greetings I am Roselette Rosewell but you may call me Roe" she said shaking my hand I looked into her eyes and saw a very pretty sight. "I like your eyes, they're very strange yet peculiar" I said and she looked serprised at me "I don't like them everyone says to get contacts" she said "Well I think there pretty" I said smiling. "I trust you" she said and let me into there little circle.

"This is Amy Meadows, the poor sweet girl but was blind at birth" Roe said as she led Amy's hand to mine and I shook her hand gently "It's nice to meet you" she whispered as if she was a shy little girl. "And this is Nubit Allam our very own Egyptian Princess, but we just call her Lotus" and so I shook her hand.
Nubit had a firm grip on my hand "Marhaban" she said and I was way to confused "It is hello in Egypt" she informed me "Oh alright, it's nice to meet all of you" I said smiling. "And it is nice to meet someone who isn't scared or suspicious at Roe's glare" Amy said giggling "Hey that's not funny" Roe said but gave in quickly "Alright it is kinda funny" she said chucking a bit.

"Might you like to meet my friends before we have to go to class?" I asked and they agreed as I led them to them. "Guys this is Roe, Amy, and Lotus" I said.
"Nice you meet you, I'm Marenette" Marenette introdused. "I'm Nino, Adrien's best bro" Nino said punching my arm lightly "And I'm Alya" she said and stuck out her hand and Roe shook it.

"We should head to class before it begins" Roe said "R-right" Marenette said "What is wrong?" Lotus asked firmly "She's always late" Alya said and we laughed lightly about it. As we left for class I heard Roe asked Amy "Are you sure you can go up the stairs, I mean not like you can't it's just-" "Don't worry I can do it, just stay behind me, alright" Amy said and Roe nodded.
As Amy walked away I went to Roe's side "So... what's your favorite color?" I asked "Why do you need to know" she asked curious "Since we are now acoustics, I am hoping to become friends" I said as I walked with her up the stairs.
"Alright, my favoret color is blue" she said "Mine is green" I said and we began a normal conversation.
When we got to class Chloé tackled me to the ground in a hug "I thought no one does that but in anime" Roe said confused. I some how got up and said "Chloé this is my new friend Roe" I said getting her off me.

"I've seen better" Chloé said and crossed her arms "So are you guys... siblings or...' "I am not related my Adrikins" Chloé said hugging me and I just sighed and shuck my head "We're childhood friends since our dad's knew each other" I said in a sigh. She nodded as the teacher came in.
"Alright everyone take a seat we have new students" she said but I thought 'They are not just new students, they're new friends.'

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