Ladyblog but no Noir

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Roe's POV-

It was lunch time when me and the girls were going to hang around our new friends "Hello" I said as I helped Amy on top a chair. "Hey have you guys heard of the Ladybog" Alya asked "No, we haven't remember we are new here... well in France Roe isn't but me and Amy are" Lotus said strongly like a queen then whispered "Sometimes Amy will ask where we are even though we just told her" "I can't see but can hear you, you know" Amy said in a whine and I just bursted out laughing cause no matter how may times this happens I laugh, and I heard Marenette giggle lightly. "Don't worry Amy, and just because she's blind she can douge anything you throw at her... well when it come to walking around in the dark with other people" I said patting het back.
"Really?" Nino asked "Echolocation my friends, the world's best pair of glasses" she said and make a hand motion that was a rainbow.
"Well back to the topic at hand check it out" Alya said "Umm..." Amy waved her hand and Alya said "Don't worry I'll describe it" she said and scrolled down.
My eyes widened as I said a girl with a Kwami and is a Miraculous holder 'She reminds me so someone' I thought suspicious. Then Alya went on about how Ladybug was amazing and I saw Adrien look down in sorrow "What's wrong?" I asked scooting closer to him trying to go away from Alya's ranting spree, he then showed me a picture of the one called Chat Noir. "No one really talks about Chat Noir and he's know as the sidekick of the duo or just a pretty sight for anyone to look at" he said.
I looked back at Alya's phone and asked "You have anything about Noir?" I asked "No, no one is really interested in his and nether am I" she said so I daid "Well... I suppose me and my buddy here will have to find another blog to look up information about the cats meow... oh and by the way a LOT of people are a fan of him" I said and put my arm onto of his head. "Your right, I'll make a small section for picture nothing important" she said and started to type away, I looked at Adrien and he looked at me with awe and so I gave him a small wink to tell him you're welcome.
He blushed and looked away and I giggled at how shy the boy is and nussiled his hair and sat down with him. "Girls may I talk to you in privet?" I asked so we went to the corner of the place.

"You know what this means right?" I asked holding my neckles "Yes..." Lotus said and touched the feather of her headband thingy 'Really what accessory is that?'  "The remembered ones" Amy said and scratched her leg with the one with the braclet and a bats wing. "HEY YOU GUYS GONNA GET OUT OF THE CORNER?" Nino yelled out to us so we went back. I saw a red head boy looking at us but note pasificly Amy "Oh Amy, I think you've gotten attention of a boy" I said and she blushed "R-really... you're not just pulling my leg are you?" she asked "No I'm not come I'll lead you to him" I said and walked over to him with her.

He started to shy up so I said "Hi I'm Roe and this is my friends Amy Meadow" I nugged her side "Oh right... Hi um my friends said you were keeping an eye on me... might I ask why?" she asked so bluntly "Oh yes, I am Nathaniel Kurtzberg and might I ask if some time you would like to motal for me for a picture" he asked holding his notepad to his chest.
"May I do something real quick?" Amy asked so he said "Sure" and she started to feel his face gental not moving anything out of place "What are you doing?" he asked. "I'm blind so I have to feel peoples body's or at least there face..." she said and she started to talk to him "Amy I'm gonna leave you to Nathaniel, we'll meet you after and outside school on the first steps alright?" I said and she nodded. "Please make sure she's save until we meet" I asked him and he nodded and started to talk to her.

I smiled and walked back to the group and sat next to Adrien when there came a ping out of my phone, so I took it out and saw the very small but noticeable section for Noir. "Wow... I'm serprised she actually did that" he said "It's all a matter of wording my friends" I said proudly then he got out his phone and said "Lets all swap numbers" he said and we started to get each others numbers.
"Adrien... you one cool dude" I said "And your one cool newbie" he said and he rased his fist and said "Fist bump?" I smiled and said "Fist bump" and we did.
"AHHH YA US, WE'RE THE FANS OF THE BLACK PANTHER" Nino cheered and wrapped his arms around us "You mean cat?" I asked "Eh, Panther sounds cooler" he said and I rolled my eyes.

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