The Forgotten One

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You trudged upstairs with your bookbag hanging over your shoulder. The school was finally over and done with, at least for now.

You sighed as you threw your bag down on the floor. If only things weren't so complicated... You shook it off and looked in the mirror to check your hair. The feathers you had weaved into the strands were still intact.

You smiled and laid down on your bed, covering your eyes with your arm.

You closed your eyes tighter as you felt a glint of light in them. You removed your arm and saw it was coming from a gold band on your left ring finger.

Your eyes softened as you stared at the simple band. You knew it was on your wedding ring finger, but for some reason, you couldn't take it off.

It's not as if it was glued to you literally. It was more figuratively. If you took it off, you'd feel empty. You didn't understand, but you always refused to take it off when people asked about it.

You sat up and brought it closer to you to inspect it and as you turned it, it said the same engraving as it always had since the ten years you found it. Forever mine. It was endearing, but the weird part was, you didn't know where it came from or who it come from.

It just showed up in the dusty parts of your room and you felt something towards it. So, you began to wear it everywhere.

You smiled and pressed a small kiss to the engraving.

You laid back down and put in your headphones to relax with some music. As your finger hovered over the play button, a faded image came.

It was of someone's fingers ghosting over piano keys. The same image that came every time you played this song. You never knew what it meant, maybe it was your future, someone's past, or a past life you had once.

You shrugged and played the song. As the song's music started a scene came.


"My king, my king!"

"You are finally uniting the world. Thanks to your great deeds... The day we were eagerly waiting is finally..."

"Don't cry like that Amon you old geezer! Old men are easily moved to tears!"

From behind the group, a girl with light blue hair and purple eyes began to giggle. She was wearing a white corset-like top, at the top of her chest blue outlined it, bell sleeves that started halfway up her forearm and ended at her hand with little blue ruffles under it, white waist cape flowed from behind the white skirt with blue ruffles under the skirt.

"I really can't believe it. So many different species... Have about their pasts and entrusted themselves to you, a single great vessel..."

The same girl smiled at the thought of how far everyone had come, the train of thought was interrupted as her gaze shifted to someone blushing while staring at a man, the blush was soon replaced with an expression of sorrow.

"Huh... You cheater~."

"Just give up!"

"He's right, just fall in love with me!"

The blue-haired girl patted her on the head for comfort. She frowned and walked over to the man, once she was close enough she bonked him on the head with her staff.

"Ow! What was that for, Aoide?!"

"For being a womanizer and breaking Leraje's heart!"


"Aoide, go out with me."

The same blue-haired girl rose a brow, but then rolled her eyes. She got up and put down the book that she was reading.

She grabbed his wrist and dragged him outside to a small garden. Once she stopped she placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It was nice going out with you, goodbye lord Focalor."

With that, she walked off leaving him gaping and processing what exactly just happened.


Aoide sighed as Focalor tried to win her over. The poor guy didn't know when to quit. "Focalor quit it."

He pressed a kiss to her hand and held it to his chest. "Go out with me just once," he said.

Aoide narrowed her eyes, "are you done?" She asked. He nodded.

She ripped her hand away from his, "no." She then walked off and left him gaping there once again. Everyone else there to witness the scene began to howl with laughter, especially Leraje.


Focalor was stuck, he didn't know what to do. He'd tried all his normal lines and everything he knew as a womanizer. Surprisingly, none of those caught her eye. How could he get her shining purple eyes to look at him?

He brought his hand to his chin in thought. What could he do to finally catch her attention?

He snapped his fingers as he got an idea. He got up and stormed out of the room, an idea in his mind.

~a little later


Aoide stood there slightly gaping at the sight of a bouquet of purple flowers right under her nose.

She sighed and looked around to see no one around to witness his advancement.

Her eyes softened at the sight of him kneeling down. She sighed for the umpteenth time, "okay."


"Are you deaf? I... Said okay," she said, blushing. She was going to pay for this later.


"You ask for confirmation one more time and I'll slap you silly," she said, raising her hand.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her, "okay, okay." She bit her lip and let out a deep breath, relaxing in his arms.


Aoide hummed in bliss as Focalor's hands ran through her hair. She was trying to read, but once his hands began to groom her hair all she could do was feel sleepy.

Her eyes drooped as he weaved feathers into her hair. "Focalor... Stop," she said wearily. He chuckled and continued.

She pouted and then closed her eyes. After a bit of feeling his hands run through her hair, she fell asleep.

Focalor smiled down at her sleeping face and wrapped his arms around her, laying her on his chest.



He smirked against her neck and continued to run his hands down her curves. He then reached his hands under her shirt to feel her soft (s/c) skin.


He began to trail kisses down her neck and suck on her weak spot. She let out a soft whimper.

He bit her neck, "louder," he commanded. She moaned as he bit several spots on her neck.


He smirked as he felt her squirm under him, this truly was a moment to remember for him.


She looked over to his bare form, her gaze shifted to her nightstand. Sitting there was a lamp, showcasing that she was a metal vessel.

She nodded slightly. "Are... Are you scared of anything?" She asked hesitantly. Focalor's eyes widened.

"I'm only scared losing you."

She hugged him from behind, "you're not going to. I promise."

Focalor laid a hand on hers, "I hope so. Aoide?"

She looked over his shoulder, her long blue hairs spilling over her eyes, "yes?"

He turned to her and held her hands, "marry me."

She chuckled and rose a brow, "that was a more of an order than a choice. Do I have a say in this?" She asked.

He froze and blinked, he then regained his composure. He smirked, "I already know what you're going to say."

Aoide laughed, "where's my ring then?"

He smiled and from the palm of his hand came a gold band with an engraving.

Forever mine.


Aoide smiled as everyone in her underground city was flourishing and enjoying her music. After becoming a Djinn everything changed, the world they knew was gone. Her attire was now a white skirt that reached to her ankles with a slit going down her leg, she also wore a white crossover crop top. A gold necklace rested on top of her chest, as well as gold cuffs on her forearms.

Although, as she looked at all the smiling people she felt a little gloomy. She hadn't seen Focalor in quite a while and was growing lonely.

Ever since becoming a Djinn she wasn't able to see him.

The only reminder she had was the ring he gave her. She sighed, but then perked up as she saw Ugo with Aladdin.

"He's adorable!" She exclaimed.

"Sorry, Leraje! I have too many beautiful girls here in "Alma Torran" for all the others I have just one word, adios!"

She rose a brow as she heard Focalor's voice. Her eye twitched with anger, "lord Focalor, if you don't get rid of the whores you're with, I'm gonna come over there the beat the shit out of you. That's a promise, not a threat."

Focalor paled as he heard this and froze.

Baal sighed, "Focalor, you should really find yourself a wife. Maybe then you wouldn't be a womanizer."

He quickly recovered, "I already have one," he said simply. Everyone's eyes widened.

"WHAT?! WHO?!"


Now it was Aoide's eyes that widened, "why'd you tell them?! I'm gonna kill you!"


"Ugo, there's still negativity in some people. As much as I'd hate to say it, I don't think showcasing Aladdin will allow it to dissipate. Let me help."

"What are you going to do?" He asked.

"I can't say. It's a secret of my tribe, but I can use it now. I think it's the right time."

Aoide waved her staff, a piano appeared and she sat down. Her fingers ghosted over the keys and she took in a deep breath, she then began to play.

theres a point where it tips
theres a point where it breaks
theres a point where it bends
and a point we just can't take

theres a line that we'll cross
and there's no return
theres a time and a place
no bridges left to burn

we can't just wait with lives at stake
until they think we're ready
our enemies are gathering
the storm is growing deadly

now its time to say goodbye
to the things we loved
and the innocence of youth
how the time seemed to fly
from our carefree lives
and the solitude and peace we always knew

Her power as Djinn was music. The power she gained from Solomon allowed her to project her voice to let everyone hear.

theres a day when we'll fight
and we're not gonna fall
theres a day when we'll stand
and a day when we won't crawl

there's a moment in time
and there's no going back
when we're pushed too hard
and we won't hold our attack

we can't just cling to childish things
as evil just grows closer
humanity's in jeopardy
this fight is far from over

now its time to say goodbye
to the things we loved
and the innocence of youth
with a doubt in our minds
why we chose this life
and at times we can't help wondering...

were we born to fight and die?
sacrificed for one huge lie?
are we heroes keeping peace?
or are we weapons?
pointed at the enemy
so someone else can claim a victory?

The purpose of her power was to manipulate people's minds, feelings, and actions. As leader of her tribe she had all that power, but thanks to Solomon it was stronger. Singing this song is allowing her to give everyone hope.

But as the song finishes she's going to disappear. Putting her feeling of hope into her rukh, she's going use this power to send it all to everyone who has lost it.

A tear ran down her cheek.

I'm going to miss you all, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, my people.

My tribe.

My friends.

And most importantly...

now its time to say goodbye
to the things we loved
and the innocence of youth
how the time seemed to fly
from our carefree lives
and the solitude and peace we always knew

I'm sorry... Focalor

After the last note was played, she disappeared. Only leaving her rukh behind to flutter to every misguided soul.

I love you

The moment, the deed was the done. The metal vessel she had broke and vanished into dust, only to be blown away by the wind.

No one had to time ponder on this or mourn because she was quickly forgotten as if she never happened.



"If you use your power, you'll be able to use it once. So, use it wisely," said Solomon.

"Why am I only able to use it once?" She asked.

"The power is too strong for anyone to use and be fine. Even for me. The moment anything about a person is manipulated, it'll be too much power to use. Especially when it comes to their feelings, the feelings you'd want them to have can't come from anywhere. It would come from your rukh. And once the power is used no one will remember you."

She bit her lip and hesitated to answer. "Okay. I'll be sure to be careful."


Just as he said, everyone had forgotten. Everyone expect one person, Focalor.


You sat up and felt your eyes and hair. You hair seemed the same, you went to the mirror and sighed in relief as your (e/c) was still the same.


You didn't have time to think of the scenes that played as your mom called you.


You left your phone sitting on your bed, as you closed the door a bird flew to your window and stared in.

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