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Third Person's POV~

Titan shoved Elisa out of the way before scrambling clear as the laser blast left a scorch mark where she once lay. Titan's head snapped over to Demona, her gray hair falling before her bright yellow eyes. Her lips pulled back to reveal long fangs as she lunged at Demona with a shriek.

Elisa scrambled back as Demona tried to get another shot off on Titan, but the scarred -up female got too close, too fast. Elisa scrambled up and snatched a radio off of an officer, turning it to the communication frequency Lexington usually had on, in case of emergencies.

"Lex! You there?!"

"Elisa? You ok? Goliath said you and Titan were out doing some police stuff?" Came Lexingtons voice.

Elisa pulled out her gun, and took aim, trying to shoot Demona, but she was in a tight grapple with Titan, and she wasn't confident that she could manage a shot like that without wounding the yellow-eyed female.

"It was a trap! It's the Dracons! It was an arms deal, and Demona's here! Titan's holding her off, but she's hurt, and I don't know how much she's got left in her!" She yelped as a piece of debris flew past her head.

"Where are you?!" Lex's voice was urgent.

"The old warehouse district in the south Bronx. You can't miss it! It's the one with the police cars and SWAT outside!" Elisa barked into the radio.

Titan's grip on the laser gun was iron, even with the burning pain she felt. Titan took that pain and transformed it into anger as she glared right at Demona. Titan spread her wings, revealing the scars and tears in them,

"Let's take this outside, Demona." She spat, her eyes flashing bright white before she pulled Demona to herself.

Demona shrieked as Titan put her in a headlock, her bulging bicep keeping her pinned as Titan spread her wings and flew straight up, crashing through the skylight and taking Demona high above the buildings. Demona reached back wildly, trying to claw at Titan's face, to no avail. She then drove her elbow right into the scorched wound from before.

That did the trick, Titan let go with a how of pain, giving Demona the chance to slip free, flapping her wings and taking aim with the gun. Titan then spun mind air, her tail sweeping around like a wrecking back and smacking Demona square in the face. Demona spun away mid-air, and her weapon flew from her hand, plummeting to the ground below.

Titan snarled, flapping her wings again, as she bared her fangs, "What type of gargoyle relies on things made by man in a fight?" She then lunched forward, reeling her hand back and punching Demona in the face.

Demona reeled, before her leg snapped up and kicked Titan in the jaw, "The gargoyle that will survive, and live to see humanities' destruction!" She screeched back.

Titan lifted her head, revealing blood trickling down from her nostrils. She then tossed her head back, letting out a thunderous roar that nearly shook the heavens, before she spear -tackled Demona, crashing into the brick wall of a near by building. It was a blind fury of claws and snarling -- Bestial noises and ungodly howling. Titan grabbed a fistful of Demona's hair and slammed her face repeatedly into the wall as the pair of them slid down its surface.

Demona thrashed, her whip-like tail coming up and smacking Titan in the face, giving Demona just enough leeway to spin around and punch Titan square in the jaw, knocking her from the sky. Titan spiraled out of control, crashing to a rooftop and rolling hard before coming to rest in a heap of folded wings.

Demona soared over her, wiping the blood from her face with the back of her hand, "I must say, Titan, was it? You have a ferocity about you that not even Goliath seems to have within him." She licked her lips, "I think you and I could work well together." She lowered herself, landing on a higher building above Titan, "Come now, your brutality and clear strategic genius, combined with my knowledge of the humans -- we could rid this world of humanity, and claim it for our kind once again!"

Titan slowly postured up, and coughed hard, blood pooling between her hands as it dripped from her mouth and nose. She then turned, her eyes dead-set focusing on Demona as she grinned down at her from her perch.

"This world never solely belonged to us." Titan spat back, before she stood up, glaring up at Demona, "This world was never ours, Demona! It is not the humans' either -- it is merely how evolution and fate dealt their hands!" She unsheathed her claws, "And the fact that you are so arrogant to claim that our kind has the right to commit genocide because we were here first . . . " her lips pulled up into a sneer, "well, you're about as dumb as a rock, aren't you?"

Demona's eyes flashed blood red and she let out a screech that would've made a human's ears bleed. She spread her wings and was about to lunge down at Titan when another roar filled the night sky.

A thunderous, mighty roar.

"You stay away from her, Demona!" Goliath's voice rang out as he descended from above, landing before Titan protectively.

Brooklyn and Broadway landed on either side of her, with Lexington and Angela gliding above and Hudson coming up on Titan's side, and gently taking her arm.

"Easy, lass." He spoke soothingly, "We have you."

Demona glared at all of them with bitter hatred, before she turned, and sprinted to the other side of the building. She leapt off the ledge, and caught a current, taking off and vanishing into the night.

The moment Demona was out of sight, Titan exhaled and held breath and her shoulders sagged with the weight of exhaustion from the battle.

Lex landed before Titan, "Elisa called us." He looked her over, "Are you ok?"

Titan took a deep breath, before she pushed the flyaways of silver locks from her hair, "Who . . .the hell is Demona?" She looked to Goliath expectantly, "I go to sleep for 300 years, and I wake up to get attacked by a genocidal megalomaniac who's hellbent on destroying humanity?"

Brooklyn blinked numbly, "That is . . . a really good summarization of her. Wow." He rubbed the back of his neck.

Goliath's brow furrowed, "Demona has not been seen or heard from in some time." He said, turning to face Titan, "And the fact that she seems to be in league with the Dracon family is even more concerning."

Titan winced and held her abdomen, feeling the searing pain from being shot at with the laser gun, "Also the . . . the weapons trafficking." She blinked hard as a wave of lightheadedness washed over her.

"Let me see." Angela approached, and gently peeled Titan's hand away, gasping at the reveal that Titan's hand was covered in blood.

The wound itself was not particularly deep, but it had a wide surface area, and the skin was burned -- and bleeding quite heavily.

"Ohh, that's not good." Broadway gasped.

"Nothing like a good day's sleep won't fix." Titan replied, trying to maintain a lighthearted smile, "If I live to see daylight. . . "

The others gave her a panicked look and Titan quickly soothed them, "Kidding, kidding. It was a joke."

"Really frickin' bad one, Titan." Brooklyn came up beside her, taking her arm and draping it over his shoulders, "Can you fly back to the tower?"

Titan took a breath and postured up, spreading her wings. She steeled herself to try and take flight, but her legs gave out and she stumbled forward. Hudson caught her, easing her down onto her knees, "Easy, easy . . ."

Titan winced in pain, "The fight with Demona took alot out of me." She admitted, lifting her gaze to the others, "You go back to the tower, I'll find a place to hole up till sunrise."

"Absolutely not." Goliath said sternly.

"Goliath . . ." Titan tried to argue, but her next words turned into a surprised yelp as Goliath knelt down and scooped Titan up in his arms.

"Goliath, what are you-?!" Titan felt heat rush to her cheeks, "I am perfectly capable of-!"

Goliath turned his steely eyes to her and Titan shut up rather quickly, "Do not argue. Let us get you home." He turned and leapt from the rooftop, "Lexington, Broadway, see to Elisa and make sure she is safe!" He called over his shoulder.

Titan stared up at Goliath, before she spoke, her voice soft, "Thank you." she whispered.

He looked down at her, "No, thank you. For keeping Elisa safe." he smiled, "We are in your debt, Titan." 

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