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The roar of New York City never stops. From the insanity of rush hour to the wee hours just before dawn, the lights, the sounds and the people never stop going about their way. It truly is the city that never sleeps. But, unbeknownst to the rest of the world, Manhattan has a few .... one could call them 'Guardian Angels' watching over the people. To the untrained eye, or to someone who didn't know any better, they would see giant bats, or winged monsters. But what do the people of New York see? Well, let's jus say that by day, these guys do a pretty good job of hiding in plain sight: They spend their days perched up on buildings, glaring out at the horizon with fangs and claws at the ready. But by night, the statues come alive and Gargoyles rule the night sky over Manhattan.
Now Gargoyles are few and far between. Most of them have been shattered as the centuries dragged by, but a clan of brave Gargoyles managed to survive against impossible odds: surviving a thousand year sleep, dealing with extreme culture shock, overcoming discrimination and hatred, and enduring countless battles.
The names of these brave souls, given to them from inspiration of the landmarks that had become their home were: Hudson, named after the night Hudson River, Bronx, Lexington, named after Lexington Avenue, Broadway—In honor of the theater—Brooklyn, Angela and the mighty Goliath.
On this particular night, our clan of stone heroes were roosting in their  castle which rested atop Xanatos's tower, the international billionaire who has since turned over a new leaf with his wife, Fox and his son, Alex.
The tower itself was immensely tall, and the castle— a stone marvel dates all the way back to the Viking era—rested on the uppermost balcony, looking slightly out of place but, it was home.
Goliath was down in the bowels of his stone fortress, perched up on a ledge with a book in his massive clawed hand. On the terraces of the castle, Bronx ran back and forth, snarling and barking with glee as he was chased by Lexington.
The night air was cool, and welcoming, and the moon was full, allowing a beautiful light to fall on the city that spread out below. Brooklyn watched the city lights from his perch. The reddish, clay colored being heaved a small sigh as he lifted his gaze the the horizon line.
"What's got ya so quiet tonight, laddie?" Hudson asked as he lumbered over.
"Huh?" Brooklyn looked over before he shrugged "Oh, it's nothing...I was just thinking..." he looked back out to the skyline "All our enemies have been defeated... what's our purpose now?"
"Ah. I see what you mean." Hudson replies with a smirk "Well, we can never know for sure what Lady Fate has in store for us, Laddie," his Scottish accent ringing out in the night "but I wager that the world will always be in need of Gargoyles."
"Hudson's right." Lexington added as he walked over, "We might have a short time of peace now but who knows when bad guys will rear their ugly heads."

Brooklyn's face brightened a little bit, "I guess you're right. Thanks, Lex."  

Lexington gave him a thumbs up before he looked over upon hearing footfalls echoing from the entrance to the terraces. Goliath came into view, his massive form creating a dramatic shadow against the moonlight. 

"Evening, all." He greeted his clan. 

"Hey, Goliath." Lex smiled.  

Goliath  walked to the edge of the terrace and looked out across the city,  "It certainly is a quiet night tonight."  He commented. 

"It's been a quiet several nights." Angela corrected as she landed beside him with Broadway, "Ever since we stopped the quarrymen, no one has risen to claim power."

"Yeah,"  Brooklyn concurred, "almost makes me miss when Xanatos kept trying to kill us."

This earned him strange looks from the other Gargoyles and Brooklyn was quick to defend, "Hey, I said almost." 

"Whatever the case may be,"  Goliath said, "it does not change our purpose.  We live to protect, and even if there are no enemies, we must always be at watch."

"I guess."  Broadway quipped, "But it gets really boring. Can't we go out to the city  watch people?  Or maybe go see a movie?" 

"Without attracting every news new in Manhattan? I doubt it." Brooklyn retorted, "I'm glad humans accept us, but its like we've become celebrities. We can't go anywhere without someone shoving a camera in out faces."

"I'd much rather endure this lifestyle than the one before." Goliath said, "At least we do not need to be worried about the people fearing us. . . what is left of us."

Goliath often would  think about the idea that there were so few Gargoyles left. It greatly saddened him. He often spent most of his stone sleeps dreaming about the glory days,  when they would defend castles and be the monsters that mothers would tell their children about. before bed.  

Little did  Goliath know, what would happen this night,  would change them forever.   

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