Chapter 4: Dream

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Y/N's POV 


I asked as I looked around my surroundings to see that I was standing in an abandoned kingdom. 

I called out as the scent of ash filled the area. 

I called out once more hearing a loud thud behind me. 

???: Y/n. 
A dark voice called to me as I slowly turned around, my eyes widening at the figure holding Pyrrha by the throat. 

"Let go of her!" 
I yelled at him as he looked at him, my eyes widening as I saw his E/C eyes. 

???: Y/N. 
The stranger said as he looked at me. 

Pyrrha: Y-Y/N. 
She gasped as she reached out to me. 

"Put her down!" 
I yelled as I drew my sword, hearing him chuckle as he dropped her to the ground. 

???: Let's see what you've got. 
He said as he drew his sword, revealing its darkened blade with an engraving it. 

An engraving of a dragon's head on its hilt and it's blade. 

???: Let's the best man win. 
He commented with a grin, his E/C eyes slowly dulling as I gripped my hilt. 

I dashed towards him as he stared at me, holding his sword in a stance as I slashed upwards towards him. Hearing my sword clash against his as he stepped back before turning around, thrusting it towards me. I quickly raised my sword as it clashed against mine. Feeling the power of his attack as he stared down at me. 

"S-S-So much power." 
I groaned as I looked up at him, my hands shaking as I held it back. 

???: That's it?
He scoffs before feeling his hand around my throat. 

???: With you, the world shall witness the same thing. 


???: Y/N! 
Another voice called out to me. 

???: Grr, another time Y/N. Another time we shall meet. 

Flashback Ends 

???: Y/N! Wake up! 
I heard a familiar voice as I opened my eyes to see her blue eyes staring at me. 

I asked with shock as she stared at me. 

Emma: What happened to you? You were groaning in your sleep. 
She said as I looked at her arm, seeing her arm. 

"What happened to your arm? "
I asked her with shock. 

Emma: I-I-It's noth-

Third Person POV 

Emma: Y/N. What are you doing? 
She asked as Y/N hugged her tightly. 

Y/N: I thought you were dead. 
He said as he hugged her tightly. 

Emma: Why? 
She asked as she looked at him, glaring at him with hints of anger. 

Y/N: O-Ozpin told me all of you were dead. 
He said as he continued to hug her. 

Emma: Well, I'm here now. 
She said as she rubbed his back. 

Emma: Come on. Let's go to sleep. 
She said as Y/N slowly released her from his hold. 

Y/N: Good night Emma .
He said before laying back in his bed, facing the other way as Emma walked to her bed. 

Emma: I need to tell Ozpin of what Shura told me. 

Somewhere Else 

Ozpin stood in his office as he looked out the window. His hands behind his back as he scanned the courtyard. 

Ozpin: If he returns, it'll be the same as then. 
He muttered to himself as he watched the docking bullheads. 

???: Ozpin. 
A voice called out as Ozpin turned around to see a man with black hair, wearing a white uniform. 

Ozpin: General Ironwood. 
He said as he stood in front of the hologram. 

Ironwood: Glynda told me of your urgent call. Is it Salem?

Ozpin: No. Worse. 
He said as Ironwood looked at him confusion. 

Ironwood: Worse? How?
He asked as Ozpin turned around, seeing the room slowly be consumed with fire. 




A loud roar was heard as Ozpin knelt in front of a burning castle. Hearing people screaming as fire consumed the halls of the castle. Hearing soldier scream as they shot at the creature. 


Ozpin: W-What is this? 
He asked with shock as the creature looked at him. 

It's eyes glaring at him as it growled. It's hand crushing the stone as if it was nothing. 

Flashback Ends 

Ironwood: Ozpin. 
He called out to him as Ozpin slowly turned towards him. 

Ironwood: What could be worse than Salem? 
He asked as Ozpin looked at him. 

Ozpin: The Black Dragon. 

Here is chapter 4 of The Forgotten One! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! What do you all think so far? 

What do you all think should happen next? 

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