Chapter 18

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A year later, Shanta was summoned to Ayodhya. She was running to the palace with Rishyashringa on her heels, a letter in her hands half torn, half tear stained crumpled by her tight fist. Kaushalya met her outside weeping like a baby, clinging to Shanta as Sumitra  looked visibly angry, Urmila had an arm around Sumitra. 

"Where is Lakshman?" Rishyashringa looked around.

" He went to serve his brother and sister-in-law." Urmila said slowly.

"What?" Shanta grinded her teeth. Rishyashringa tightened his arm around Shanta. 

" Where is Ma Kaikeyi?" she asked her voice now straining. Sumitra looked ahead " In her chambers. Believe me, Shanta, Bharat had nothing to do with this. He is innocent, he and Shatrughan are not even here.."

" I believe you"  Shanta hugged her  and swiftly made her way to Kaikeyi's quarters. She swung the door open to see a sitting form of Kaikeyi.

" You loved him the most" Shanta said quietly.

" I love my son, Bharat." Kaikeyi  turned her hard eyes to Shanta.

" He  loved you the most, you broke him. What had Sita and Lakshman  to do with all this? Fourteen years?? He is your son! We are your family,how could you do this? He is my brother, I would have done the same if it was Bharat in his place. Aren't we all your children?" Now Shanta had raised her voice.

" What should I do if Sita and Lakshman follow him everywhere? You?Who are you to say all this? You should hold your tongue, Princess of Anga!" Kaikeyi shouted ,tears coursing down her face in anger or sorrow, Shanta could not make out. If Kaikeyi had slapped her, it would'nt have hurt more that what she said. 

" He was your son, Ma. Bharat is weeping so much, Ma Kaushalya lost me too, she was holding on to Ram fo dear life, father..." she was startled. 

" He is crying out for his Ram. He has fainted. He should be proud that Bharat is to become the king. Bharat will come to his senses soon ." Kaikeyi cut in.

Shanta looked at a bent form behind Kaikeyi. " Manthara!" she thundered as the maid cowered behind Kaikeyi.

" You have destroyed the happiness of the Ikshvaku clan. We lost Ram, Lakshman and Sita for fourteen years but we lost our real Ma Kaikeyi forever because of you and your cunning plots and..." Shanta now was shouting.

" Enough, Shanta! You cannot come here and disrespect me and  my maid." Kaikeyi raged.

" You have no right over me. I have the blood of Raghu pounding in my veins and I have a right over my brothers.  You donot recognise me as your daughter nor can I recognise you as Ma Kaikeyi." Now, Rishyashringa came in and whispered something in Shanta's ears.

" If something happens to my father.." she growled coming close to Kaikeyi.

" your father is in Anga.." said Kaikeyi

" You love  Ram. For the desire of throne, you designed all this. You will repent, Ma Kaikeyi and I hope you will have the strength to live then." Shanta said sadly before rushing to see her father.

King Dasharath was walking aimlessly calling out for his sons. Kaushalya looked steadily out of the window, breathing deeply yet dead inside. Shanta hugged her father making him sleep on the bed. " Shanta.." he cupped her face. " She sent Ram away, Shanta. She sent my Lakshman and Ram. I hate her, I hate her. The curse.. I killed Shravan thinking him to be a deer. His blind parents who were waiting for him cursed me that  I would die pining for my son. It was a mistake! This is my sins returning back to me.  Forgive me Shanta. I have comitted so many sins, sending you away, sending Ram, Sita, Lakshman away, please forgive me.." he ranted.

" Father, I am here. I will look after you. Ram will be back soon." she said tears prickling her eyes. Dasharath had fainted with exhaustion in his daughter's arms. Shanta looked at Rishyashringa who sat beside her holding her as she cried in his arms. " You knew this was to happen." she sobbed.

Rishyashringa could not deny. " Yes. Ram did mention we have to come. And he also told you to be brave, my dear" he reminded softly.

" What wrong had they done?" she whispered deriving comfort from her husband. " Not everything happens for the bad, darling" Rishyashringa said kissing her forehead. Dasharath had woken up.He got up quite rejuvenated. " Shanta! Have you seen your brothers? They run around the palace on their little legs so swiftly..."

" Little legs?" Shanta whispered in horror . Dasharath had gone mad with grief. " No,father. They are all grown up." she said frantically looking at Rishyashringa for  help.

" Yes, time does go by very fast but they are still toddlers, Shanta. See" Dasharath said pointing to an empty chair. " See how Ram sits! He has all the makings of a King now itself!"

" Ram is in Vanvas*" said Kaushalya equally worried hurrying over to her husband. 

" Vanvas?" Dasharath had visibly paled. " Ram.."  

Shanta could not see any more. She rushed outside taking in gulps of fresh air. " He has.." she stuttered. Rishyashringa patted her back, hugging her. The royal physician was called and had announced that the king had a very high fever. 

Shanta went inside to see him writhing in pain. She knew it would be a miracle if he survived. She went near him sat on the floor beside his bed. He reached out for her hand. " Shanta, forgive me..I cannot live further.. Ram.." he choked, his head on Kaushalya's lap. His arm went limp in Shanta's hand. Shanta cried as she tried to feel his pulse. Rishyashringa drew her away from the lifeless body of Dasharath, consoling her softly.

The next day, Bharat and Shatrughan had come back. Bharat had fallen at her feet begging for forgiveness. Shanta had comforted him to her best ability before she too broke down. Ma Kaikeyi looked at her in distress. She held Shanta tightly apologising profusely as Shanta patted Ma Kaikeyi's shoulder, all the bitterness gone. The final rites of Dasharath was over soon and Rishyashringa thought it was best to take Shanta away from Ayodhya. 

" I will come back to see Ram  crowned as the King" Shanta said to Ma Kaushalya before leaving. She hoped to the gods that the fourteen years would soon be over.

*Thank You for reading! Hope you liked it.

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