Chapter 9

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 As Shanta rode to the palace, she remembered how Rishyashringa had whispered to Aadi before fleeing the Ashram. " What did he say?" she asked aloud to Aadi.

Aadi hesitated. " To bring you safe back to Anga"

The next day before the break of dawn, Shanta was waiting for Aadi to arrive inside the palace. A royal attendant came running with a scroll in his hands. " Pardon me, for my lateness,Princess. Aadi instructed me to give it to your highness."

Impatiently Shanta unscrolled it and her face became impassive as she read it.

Princess Shanta,

Forgive me for I am unable to  accompany you today to  the forest due to grave needs in my home . I have arranged someone else for you. He might not be capable as I am but he will do everything in order to protect you. Personally, I feel your highness should not go today.Moreover, we are receiving help from the other kingdoms for the time being. Your safety is more important. Please pardon my absence.

Your faithful servant,


Shanta snorted. She barely had agreed for Aadi to come along, let alone someone else. She set out to the Ashram alone in the dark. After sometime she saw a person walking towards the path she had taken. It was almost noon by that time but she could not see who it was from the  distance. She hid behind a tree till the man came and as he passed her, she realised the familiar clothes he wore. " Aadi!" she whispered furiously.

Startled, he turned around. " I told you,Princess, not to come here alone!" He said in disappoval

" What are you doing here?" she asked ." I thought you had some 'grave needs at home'?"

" I.. I ..." he stuttered.

" Where did you go? Rishi Vibhandak's Ashram?" she cut in.

" Yes" he said meekly looking down.

" Why did'nt you call me?" she asked irritated by now. He didnot answer.

" Rishi Vibhandak has left?" she asked impatiently.

" He left two hours ago." he answered. " You go now, Princess there is no time to waste. I will stay here till You come"

" You came here that early?" Shanta was confused by how he acted. But she didnot want to waste time on Aadi. She ran to the Ashram and came to a hault. She could not see Rishyashringa anywhere. She quitely knocked on the door. She didnot hear the soft footsteps behind her.

Large hands closed her eyes. " Guess who?" a deep  voice whispered in her ears tickling her. She smiled and turned around. 

" I have missed you" Rishyashringa said leading her inside.

" I have too" she replied smiling. Before she could ask him anything, he whispered " Father will be late today. He said so. I can help you. But it will not take just one day. It will need a lot of time. There is no way we could do this without him knowing. Why does he hate women? Perhaps I could change his mind."

Shanta narrated the story of Sage Vibhandaka to Rishyashringa. He was silent. "Not all women are like that" he said. " You don't seem to be like that"

" Can you make him understand?" she asked 

" No. He will not give me a chance to explain if he sees us together. He will head straight to the kill. Perhaps if I had a chance to explain, I can change his mind"

" Then you can't help" she said sadness filling  her voice, looking down at her feet.

Rishyashringa lifted her chin drawing her close. "I have a plan. I can help you."

" He will kill you" she whispered fear evident in her eyes.

" He will not. I have a way to prevent that. Will you trust me ?" he asked his hands on the sides of her shoulder.

" Yes" she said trying to ignore how close he was to her.

" We can leave now." he continued. " Your Kingdom is suffering. I will try my best to put an end to it."

" Thank you" she said overwhelmed, pulling him in an embrace. He hesitated before embracing her back. 

" Do you love me?" he asked quitely.

" What do you think?" she asked him still holding him.

"I love you,Shanta. Not because you were the first I saw. If that were the case, I should have lost my mind  to the women you brought along with you. But I did not. You were the only one in my mind. You will be the only one." he told her

" I love you, Rishya." She closed her eyes taking  in his pleasant fragrance as he relaxed in her arms.

" Will you agree to marry me?" he asked apprehensively. Shanta pulled apart." Marriage? Where did you learn that?" she asked.

" Aadi..He told me a few things today. I didnot want to look foolish in front of you as I did the last time." 

" You are certainly not foolish. You are the youngest sage who can do the ritual to bring rains." she pointed out.

" But still ignorant in the worldly matters as this" he replied.

" What all did Aadi tell?" she asked.

" A bit of this and that. I had requested him to come." his eyes twinkled.

" Idiot, he is" she muttered softly. 

" We should start now." Rishyashringa said.

" Are you sure? I donot want to force you" she said as she stepped out.

" Yes! Is Aadi still here?" he asked

The trio walked back to Anga . " You are a Princess? " Rishyashringa asked Shanta.

Aadi chuckled. Shanta glared at him. " Yes" 

" Why didn't you tell me before?" he asked.

" It was not necessary." she said dodging a branch.

"You have always lived in luxury." he said softly. 

"I have but I donot mind living without it." she said. " What all did Aadi say to you?"

" He said a lot of things. Two hours is a very long time." he replied not looking at her.

" Git!" she muttered to Aadi. " What did you say to Rishyashringa?"

" Let us just say he is not as innocent as he was yesterday." Aadi replied laughing.

Shanta didnot know whether to throttle Aadi or laugh. She stumbled on a peice of rock as Rishyashringa caught her hand. He didnot let it go. They reached Anga sooner than usual and headed straight to the palace with Rishyashringa behind Shanta on her  horse. 

Rishyashringa was awed by the enoromous city and was fascinated by the people who stared at the strange young Rishi  who sat behind their Princess. " It is so beautiful!" he uttered looking at the palace." You live here?"

" Yes." she replied taking his hand. By now, King Rompad and Vershini were outside to welcome the revered sage.

" All of the women here  are so short. Why even the King himself is shorter than you!" he whispered on seeing the Royal family before him as they climbed up the steps.

The way his daughter held the hand of Sage Rishyashringa didnot escape the notice of Rompad. He looked steadfastly at the couple as they came  nearer. " Welcome to Anga, oh sage! We are extremely honoured by your presence." 

" Thank you, Maharaj. We donot have much time. We must proceed immediately to the ritual site." he said.

The ritual took place in the heart of Anga as soldiers were appointed by King Rompad  at every entry and at the forest to withhold Sage Vibhandaka if he was to enter the city. Shanta knew that the soldiers  would add to the fury of the sage. As instructed by Rishyashringa she had adressed every person in the Kingdom to extend thier hospitality to Sage Vibhandaka and please him before he could reach the site.

* In the forests 

" Rishya!" Vibhandaka screamed. " Rishyashringa!" He searched the forests relentlessly for a whole day. He closed his eyes unable to control his anger. His son was lured away, he was sure. He advanced to the nearest city of Anga to search for his son. He would kill every single woman who tried to disturb his son. 

* Thank you for reading so far. I would be thankful if my mistakes are pointed out. Have a nice day.

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