Chapter Ten

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"Ashleaf, I hate to ask this, but can you join in border patrol?" The medicine cat's head turned from Cherrypaw to Brindlecloud. The she-cat's belly was swollen, heavy with kits. "What about adding Poppypaw, Beepaw, or Shadowpaw? I'm busy trying to get Cherrypaw's final assignment ready." Ashleaf blinked and narrowed her eyes. "Plus, isn't Scarstorm suppose to be in order while you're in the nursery? We can't have queens and kits getting sick right in the middle of leaf-bare."

The cream and brown she-cat blinked and shuffled her paws. Anxiety seemed to flare in her eyes. "With Nightfall deathly sick I thought.." "That you should head back to the nursery. Fawnstripe and Mistyheart promised to keep you company." Ashleaf quickly turned her head but Cherrypaw had gotten up. "I'll take her back." The small calico promised as she padded out with Brindlecloud. "Ignore her harsh behavior. She's worried for the clan's sickness." Ashleaf narrowed her ears as she heard Cherrypaw mutter to the queen as they padded away.

Eventually she let out a sigh. Half of the clan had grown sick. The newest warriors, Pebblefall, Palefang, and Owltail where the first to fall ill. Nightfall, Halfdusk, and Echostar were the second. Fear gripped as Ashleaf's pelt. The new leader who had only served for a whole season had already was close to losing lives. "All to this forsaken leaf-bare." She growled as her belly rumbled. She hadn't eaten in what seemed weeks when really it had been days.

Quietly the she-cat padded out of her den, seeing small groups of warriors and apprentices huddled up, waiting to be called for patrol. She spotted Fogfrost and padded over to him, gently rubbing her cheek on his shoulder. He simply blinked for a moment before rasping his tongue on her head.

"I'm shocked you joined us for border patrol, what's next, battle training?" Fogfrost purred as he flanked Bluefrost and Poppypaw. The four padded up a slope that led close to Nettleclan territory. Trees were starting to thin out as they walked along, heading to the stream that divided the two clans.

"Brindlecloud asked me to." The silver tabby mumbled, slightly annoyed. She didn't feel like herself and it surely showed. The cats were silent as Fogfrost padded over to mark the borders. Bluefrost took the chance to pad over to Ashleaf. "Guess what." She mewed, clear excitement in her eyes. Ashleaf only flicked a ear. "Acornleap asked to be my mate! I told him yes! We plan to have kits after leaf-bare."

"That's...nice." The medicine cat mumbled, looking away. Bluefrost gently laid her tail on Ashleaf's shoulder. "You and Fogfrost should have kits then to." Ashleaf jumped in shock before shaking her head. Her face felt hot as the blueish grey she-cat giggled.

Poppypaw seemed to of leaned into the conversation as well, for her blue eyes sparkled. "You'd have wonderful kits Ashleaf! I bet one would be a solid white!" "Enough about kits!" The silver tabby suddenly snapped. Poppypaw's eyes widened, startled. "I-I'm sorry." Ashleaf suddenly mumbled and turned, padding away. She needed space.

Ashleaf had been so focused on her thoughts and the snow around her that she didn't hear the paw-steps. "Ashleaf?" The she-cat had settled down beside the stream. It had slightly froze over, but not much. The silver tabby didn't turn her head, but she knew it was Fogfrost. The tom settled down beside her and gently nudged her. "Are you ok?" He asked in a soft voice, coated in warmth and love.

"I'm scared." Ashleaf was shocked on how shaky her voice was. Suddenly her fears started to spew from her mouth. "So many cats are sick, Nightfall looks horrid. Brindlecloud is having her kits soon." Feeling Fogfrost wrap himself around her made the she-cat suddenly collapse.

"Ashleaf, you need to calm down. You have the best apprentice you could ask for and you have other clans willing to help you." Ashleaf let out a feeble sigh as the tom gently mewed.  She wrapped herself closer to him, closing her eyes.

Moonlight seemed to make the cats in the clearing glow unnaturally. Tonight was a night of mourning. Nightfall had passed away as leaf-bare had started to end, unable to regain his health. Echostar was no better, he stayed in his den while the others rested outside.

Ashleaf's gaze turned to Brindlecloud who weep beside her new kits, Lionkit, Blackkit, and Cloudkit. Lionkit was a golden tom with a faded white underbelly and mouth. Blackkit was nearly completely solid black tom, only also having the faded white underbelly and mouth. His tail was also much fluffier then Lionkit's. Lastly was Cloudkit, who was a light blueish grey.

"To think, they were only born a few days before." Cherrypaw mumbled beside her, her eyes grim. Ashleaf nodded, glancing towards the lifeless body of the old leader.
"And to think they will each grow up without a father." Ashleaf said nothing as her apprentice went on.

Suddenly the flash of grey and white fur caught Ashleaf's attention. She slipped away from Cherrypaw and padded over to Fogfrost, who was quietly watching. His gaze turned to her, blue eyes gazing at her. "Come with me." He suddenly urged softly. The silver tabby blinked and nodded, slipping away from her clan-mates to the outskirts of the clearing.

"Ashleaf, we should make this moment a lighter one. We've experienced a lot pain lately, and no one seems to be in the mood for trying." Fogfrost mew was saddened, so she gently wrapped her tail around his hind leg. "Ashleaf, will you be my mate?"

The silver tabby gasped, her eyes as wide as moons. With a faint purr she nodded, gently licking his cheek. He nodded before turning, letting out a loud mew for everyone to pay attention. No cat objected, they simply glanced over.

"Cats of Nightclan. We have faced many hardships, and many more shall come, but we can not make it a negative experience. We must learn from our failures and our hardships to make our clan a better home for our future kin. Nightstar made Nightclan, knowing he could unite us all together. Would he want to watch us fall apart?"

Cats glanced at each other and a mutter of agreement rippled threw the clan. "With that said then, Ashleaf and I have become mates tonight. May our future be brighter as we lead it."

Slowly cats started to cheer, and Ashleaf blushed. She glanced at Nightfall and let out a soft sigh.

"May your path be the brightest, Nightfall."

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