Chapter One

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"Ginny!" Mother calls from downstairs, not bothering to be kind about it.

"What?" I shout back, annoyance seeping through my voice. It was always so obvious that we shared a hatred for each other, a blind man could see it.

"Come down here and do the dishes!" she orders.

Honestly, I should have expected it. As if she were about to invite me to join her for some tea and crumpets. I almost laughed aloud at that thought. Me and Mother sitting peacefully at the front of the house, the occasion chatter between sips of tea. That was an alternate reality. Better yet, a parallel word where I was actually liked.

It's not that I wasn't liked within my family. In fact, I was well liked. My brothers and Dad always preferred me over my twin, Ava. They all knew Ava to be rather annoying and way too self-absorbed for her own good. Unfortunately, Mother couldn't see it and adored the beautiful girl.

You see, even if the majority of the family got annoyed by Ava, they couldn't deny that she was gorgeous. Her hair was a deep shade of red that reminded me of— No. It didn't remind me of anything. That was exactly it, it was unique and nothing could compare to it. It cascaded down her back in pretty beach ways until it reached halfway. Her eyes were like the colour of the sea. Some days the looked icily blue while other days they looked forest green. All in all, they were nothing compared to my dull, boring brown eyes. Her eyes always remained a mystery to me, because I swear they not only look different some days, they completely change. She had plump pink lips and a petite nose. Her appearance was really the only thing stopping the rest of my family from completely hating her.

I never found myself getting jealous over her. I wasn't really the jealous type. Besides, looks didn't matter much to me. I always thought that it really is what's inside a person, their personality, and not their looks. Unfortunately most people don't see it this way. I knew that hidden inside of Ava was really just evilness waiting to claw its way out. Ava had never been too kind to me, either. I've learned to get used to it. In fact, I found her feeble ways to put me down entertaining.

"Ginevra! Come!" Mother sounds as if she had no patience, but I could care less. The longer she waits the better for me, the better. I would see (well, hear) her slowly getting angrier and angrier. It would be amusing.

It wasn't like she was about to punish me too much, especially with Dad on my side. As much as Mother was really the queen of the household, Dad could usually reason with her. In the end they loved each other, and she could hardly agree when she sees his pleading face.

"Ginevra," Ava said in a sing-song voice. It was okay when Mother called me Ginevra, but not the scum commonly known as my sister. I hated my name as it was, but I had gotten used to Mother calling me it.

"GINEVRA MOLLY WEASLEY, GET DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" I start to think that maybe I had gone too far. I wasn't ready to face the twin devils side by side. One was enough for me. But two, two meant trouble. Well, at least for them it did.

I sigh. Why did it always have to be me? Clearly either of them had two hands and we're capable of doing the dishes perfectly fine. In fact, Mother could easily use magic to do them and it would save everyone a whole lot of trouble.

"Do you want me to get Dad?" I laugh to myself at Mother's threat. She clearly didn't understand that Dad was very much on my side and wouldn't do a thing to make me do the dishes.

"Go ahead!" I shout back at her.

I could here a loud bang from down the stairs; I was almost positive that it was Mother's fist slamming against the table or counter. She had a habit of doing that when she was angry. Unfortunately, that was something that I picked up from her as well.

"Ginny, I'm telling you one last time!"

Then what? I ask myself. What in the world would she do if I didn't come down? Nothing. I wasn't afraid of her.

That, of course, wasn't why I unhinge the attic door and slowly ascend down the ladder. I did it because there was at least some respect that I had left for Mother. It might have been barely handing on, but it was still there.

"Took you long enough," Mother says with her arms crossed once I reach the bottom of the stairs.

"Sorry my room's way up in the attic. Maybe if it wasn't I wouldn't have to climb down so many da—

"Language!" she interrupts.

"—dangerous stairs!" I finish. I wasn't going to say dangerous, but I hoped Mother bought it.

Mother stares at me with a look of puzzlement on her face. So it appeared she did. "Why are they dangerous?" she asks.

I shrug. "They just are. You know, with them being so old and all. Again, that wouldn't be a problem if my—"

"You know there is no more room anywhere else," Mother interrupts for the second time, already knowing what I'm about to say.

"I could always share a room with Ava," I point out. I tell her this all the time, but it's like her ears get shut off every time I suggest this.

"Oh, you know how she is, she wouldn't like it very much," she informs me, like I haven't heard that excuse before.

"Most normal families wouldn't make their kids sleep in attics no matter the cost but seems how our family isn't normal it's understandable." I never was afraid to tell Mother that she was being an idiot to me and that she should stop. Not like she ever listened to me. She only ever listened to Ava. Dad cared for me, but sometimes he had to support Mother and I knew and understood that.

I felt bad dragging Dad into my statement. But I still stand by what I said; our family isn't normal.

My Mother just ignores my statement and says, " dishes, now."

"Oh please, mom, just get someone else to do it," I beg. I hadn't realized that I had a good excuse until now. "I want to get ready for the party! Luna's turning eleven, remember?"

Mother laughs. "Do you really want to embarrass yourself?"

She hugs me tightly in what should be a comforting manner, but it really wasn't. It was like pure torture.

"Let go!" I wrench myself away from her tight grip. "Embarrass myself? You're kidding, right? Luna is actually nice to me! Unlike you!"

I angrily storm upstairs.

"Dishes!" Mother yells.

"No!" I yell back. No way in hell was I doing the dishes now. She always makes me feel so worthless. Like no one cares and it would be better off without me. I'm sure that's true. I tell myself that all the time. But hearing it from someone else only makes me believe it even more.

"And you wonder why I like Ava better!" Mother says bitterly.

"Yet you say you like us the same," I whisper to myself and climb into the attic.

I feel my eyes water but I won't give into the tears. Not today. I also wasn't giving Mother the satisfaction she wanted. She doesn't deserve it. She never really does, with the way that she treats me.

I sit on my bed and sigh. I was so bored. I really was looking forward to going to Luna's party, clearly that wasn't even an option. I considered talking to dad about it, but decided not to bother him.

Maybe I should have just done the dishes. I mentally slapped myself at the mere thought of it, why would I bother? I still could do the dishes, if I really wanted. As much as I hate doing them, at least I wouldn't be bored.

I heave a sigh as I crawl back down from the attic and down the stairs to where Mother stands.

"What are you doing down here again?" she asked curiously, a little annoyance seeping through her tone.

"The dishes," I answer, not meeting her eyes.

"Well, they're already done." I avert my gaze, so that i'm now looking directly at Mother. She has her arms crossed and she stares my down like I'm one of the gnomes (no, not the friendly muggle ones) in her garden. I quickly tore away from her death stare.

"That fast?" I said, bemused.

"Magic," Mother says with a snap of her fingers.

"Of course." I shake my head. Well, I saw that one coming. Of course she wanted me to do more work. While Ava was off at Luna's party I'd be stuck at home doing the dishes.  "So, what should I do now?"

"Help me with dinner," she says it as if it was the most obvious of things.

I sigh. "Alright."

I wasn't in the mood for arguing. Besides, I knew I didn't have much of a choice in the matter anyways.

* * *

"I'm going to Hogwarts!" Ava screams excitedly.

I was only peacefully sitting in the comfort of our living room when the bitchy witch, in the flesh, decides to show up. Or, as I liked to put it, barged in.

"Since when did a mouse move here?" I smirk.

It was a horrible insult; at the moment I was willing to go to any measures to get her to leave. She was annoying and persistent. Or, perhaps, annoyingly persistent. Once she starts to bug me I know I won't be getting her off my heels too easily. But nevertheless, I have to try. Any effort is worth it.

"What are you talking about?" Ava asks, while glaring at me. All of her excitement had faded and turned into pure hatred towards the one and only, Ginny Weasley.

I roll my eyes. "Too stupid to understand."

"Shut up!" Ava spits.

"Whatever." I sigh. "Besides, Hogwarts isn't even that much of a surprise. Did you really think you wouldn't be accepted? For heavens sake, both of our parents are wizards as well as the rest of our family. And you've already shown signs of being a witch."

Yeah, a bitchy witch. I thought to myself.

"Of course not," Ava says, crossing her arms. "You're the one who needed to worry about that."

"What do you mean?"

"Who's too stupid now?" Ava smirks.

"I'm going to Hogwarts," I say, ignoring her comment. "So I don't know what you mean."

"Then where's your letter?" Ava asks, making it clear that she knows something that I don't. It way over-exaggerated, though. I can tell she's only trying to fool me. It's not working in the slightest.

"Mum or Dad probably have it," I suggest, knowing I was probably right.

"If they did, they'd burn it." She laughs.

I roll my eyes. "Dad wouldn't. But Mother—"

I was interrupted; at that exact moment dad steps into the living room; he's holding my letter. I turn to Ava, giving her the 'I told you so' look.

"It's right here," he says

Mother also walks in and snatches the letter from Dad's hands. I silently curse. Leave it to the mother of bitchy witches to ruin everything.

I reach out to grab it but she pulls her hands away. "You really think you're going?" I saw Ava smirk from the corner of my eyes.

"That's not fair!" I shout frustrated.

I knew a was putting on a show, but it was just the spur of the moment. After all, they couldn't really prevent me from going to Hogwarts. Even if they could, Dad would never allow it.

"She has to go," Dad says. I smile gratefully at him. I knew he would defend me.

"Why, Arthur?" Mother asks, glancing over at him with her hands on her hips.

"It wouldn't look very good if we only sent one of the girls to Hogwarts," he points out.

I was glad that he was definitely smart enough to think up some good excuses. Just saying, 'that's not very nice' would never cut it. Mother never easily come to her senses. In fact, she rarely came to her senses with me at all.

"Fine then," she sighs, defeated.

My eyes widened in shock. I never thought that she could possibly give in that easily. I thought sure she would need more convincing. But clearly she has quickly realized that only sending Ava wouldn't look very good on their part.

"Yes!" I shout happily. Maybe I'd actually make some friends there.

* * *

Authors note: yes, I'm changing things around a bit. Deal with it.

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