Chapter 109

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Itsuki (POV)
We're hot in Akari and Sasuke's trail as we can see them just up ahead of us.
Naruto- Sasuke, Akari. C'mon! Why do you keep running away from us?!
Itsuki- Akari stop this right now and just talk to me!
Kaito (POV)
Shikamaru's Jutsu is failing and fast.
Tayuya- Just a little bit more you piece of garbage.
Shikamaru Jutsu completely fails.
Tayuya- Yes! You're mine now!
She gets blasted away by wind and she holds on to a tree for dear life.
Tayuya- Who are you?
???- Allies of the Leaf Village. We're the shinobi of the Sand.

Kaito- Heh. Well what do you know. Looks like we're on the same side........Temari.
Shikamaru- I had heard something about how our village had finally made up with you traitors. But I didn't expect you to change sides so quickly.
Temari- It's not like we attacked the Leaf Village for kicks you know? We were following orders. That's all. Just like we're doing on this mission.
Kaito- We?
Temari- Gaara and Kankuro are helping out the others.
Kaito-.......I see.
She takes off her fan and gets in attack position.
Tayuya- So this time you're on the Leaf's side huh? You guys are all over the place aren't you?
She puts the flute to her mouth.
Shikamaru- The sound of her flute summons her Genjutsu.
Temari- I got it. Cyclone Scythe Jutsu!
She releases a massive razor sharp airwave that cuts down all the trees in its path. Tayuya's flute gets cut in half. She retreats in the dust cloud and we lose visual on her.
Shikamaru- She must be hiding around here.
Temari- Or she gave up.
Kaito- No. She isn't the type to just give up. She's definitely around here somewhere.
Temari- Well since I'm fairly new to this fight, give me the situation.
Kaito- Basically she uses her flute to trap people in her Genjutsu and once she has a victim ensnared, she delivers the killing blow. She the long distance Genjutsu type. Once you showed up and did that Jutsu of yours that counteracted her own, she probably fled to come up with a plan. Now it's three on onw. I doubt she'll show herself again until she cast her Genjutsu again or if revealing herself is absolutely necessary.
Temari- So it's sound.
Shikamaru- That's right.
Kaito- Listen, before we do anything crazy, let me do a quick check.
Shikamaru- And what will you do when you find her?
Kaito- I'm gonna end this fight.
I take off in the direction that she blew away. I search for her for awhile until discover hiding behind a tree trying to fix her flute. I land at the far end of her tree branch.
Kaito- Hey.
Tayuya- (suprised) What are you doing here? How did you find me? Tch. I doesn't matter. I just fixed my flute and now you're-
Kaito- Shut up.
Tayuya- Excuse me?
Kaito- You heard me. I said shut up. I just came here to talk.
Tayuya- I have nothing to talk to you about. Plus you're probably lying.
Kaito- Oh please, if I was lying I would've brought out my sword again and attacked you. So put the flute away and come over here and talk with me.
I take a seat and motion for her to join me. There's a look of confusion on her face but she slowed puts her flute away and cautiously walks over to me. She deactivates her second state and sits next to me.
Tayuya- Alright so you got me here. What do you want?
Kaito- I want you to give up.
Tayuya- And why would I do that?
Kaito- Because I know that you know that the woman over yonder has the powerful to kill you right now. 
Tayuya- Pssh. Yeah right. What's gonna happen is that I'm taking Sasuke and Akari to Lord Orochimaru.
Kaito- Do you still think that's a good idea? Riddle me this. Exactly how long have you been working under Orochimaru?
Tayuya- Ever since I was little. I was nothing before him. I proved to him that I was one of the strongest out of all his other subjects. All I want now is freedom. With all the skills I learned from him and my self teachings, I can finally do what Tayuya says. So when I deliver his vessel and his daughter, then he'll grant me my freedom.
Kaito- I don't think he'll grant you that last wish. Especially after now. We've taken out most of your team and we've stalled you for a day and a half now. As soon as you're arrive, he will slaughter you on the spot. I really don't want that to happen to you so why don't you come back with me? I can have the Hokage pardon your crimes and you can stay in my spare room if you want. So what do you say?
Tayuya- I........I accept. I surrender.
Kaito- Thank you.......Tayuya.
I pull her into a hug and she returns it after a second.
Tayuya- Thank you fir saving me........baka.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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