Chapter 118

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Akari (POV)
I feel someone shaking me and I wake up to see Sasuke kneeling beside me.
Sasuke- Good. You're finally awake. We need to go.
Akari- Ugh. My head is just pounding. What happened?
Sasuke- Well, that last clash of yours took you both out but now that you're awake, we need to leave. Don't worry, I beat Naruto and it seems like Itsuki ain't moving anytime soon either.
I immediately sit up and scan the area for him and I find him floating in the water.
Akari- Oh god no.
Play music here
I get up to go get Itsuki but Sasuke holds me back by my wrist.
Sasuke- No. We have no time. We need to leave. Others might be coming.
I snatch my hand away and run as fast as I can to Itsuki. I get to him and pull his dead weight back to shore. Once on dry land, I fall to my knees and place his head on my thighs.
I could feel tears escape my eyes as I cradle him. The rain begins to fall even harder as if it's a response to my tears.
Sasuke- Oh ain't this just perfect. Can we leave now? He isn't dead you know?
Akari- Will you just be quiet for a minute! This is the last time I'm going to see him for a long while so let me just have this okay?!
Stop music
I go back to holding him close to me and caressing his face. That is until a kunai lands right in front of me.
???- Found you.
Both Sasuke and I go wide eyed and we look up to see Kyoko of all people standing on top to the Madara statue.
She leaps off and lands on the ground before us.
Kyoko- You know something Akari, that was some spectacular battle. I mean you finally managed to win something for once. I was watching from the shadows this whole time and I got to observe a little bit of both nine tails and seventeen tails's power in action. But now that both of them are out for the count and both you and Sasuke are spent, I'll be taking Naruto and my brother now.
I clutch Itsuki tighter to me in defiance and Sasuke just stares on.
Kyoko- I see. So you plan on protecting him to the end. A part of me is kinda happy that a woman would go so far for him but, I'm still going to take him even if I have to finish what I started back at that hotel. It really shouldn't be a problem because even in your second state, you still can't beat me. You are still weak girl.
Akari- Go fuck yourself you clan killing cunt.
Kyoko- Hmph.
She begins to walk towards us slowly but stops.
Kyoko-......Well it looks like luck was on your side today. I can sense three powerful chakra signatures coming this way. I'll leave you be this time but I will take him one day.
She leaps away leaving Sasuke and I alone again.
Sasuke- You heard what see said. We gotta go now.
I sigh and take off my headband around my arm. I take a rock and draw a line through the leaf symbol and place it in Itsuki's chest.
Akari- This is goodbye for now Itsuki. I love you.
I move in closer to his face and feel his soft lips on mine for the first time as I kiss his unconscious self. After a few seconds, I back off and lay his head on the ground and get up.
Akari- Okay. Let's go.
With that Sasuke and I leave the Final Valley and head to Orochimaru and the darkness.
Gin (POV)
Kakashi, Reo, and myself have been following Pankun as he leads us to our students.
Kakashi- It's starting to rain harder. Will it wash away their scents?
Pankun- No problem. We're already close enough. This way.
We break the tree line and enter the Final Valley. We leap down the sides of the cliff and there we see them. My little bro and Naruto laying side by side.
Reo- Damn it. We're too late.
I quickly rush to Itsuki's side and kneel beside him. I place my fingers on the side of his neck to check for a pulse.
Gin- Oh thank god he has one.
Pankun- How did it come to this?
Reo picks up the headband Itsuki's chest.
Reo-........It's Akari's.
I get up and pick up Itsuki bridal style. Kakashi does the same with Naruto.
Kakashi- We were too late.
Gin- Forgive me little bro for I wasn't here to help you when you needed it the most. Knowing you though and how much you care for her, you must've put up one hell of a fight.
Pankun- That's not all. There's another scent here too. It's faint so that means whoever they were wasn't here long.
Gin-..........I see.
I reposition Itsuki to backpack carry and we depart to the top of the cliffs.
Pankun- The Final Valley huh? To think these four would do battle here. It's pretty ironic don't you think?
Kakashi-........Yeah. Would you look at that river. It's course might be changed a bit due to the battle but the water rages on for eternity like this epic never ending battle, as eternal as the two founders of the Hidden Leaf Village, forever standing as these statues. Naruto and Sasuke. Itsuki and Akari. As long as they live, the cycle will continue.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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