Chapter 12

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Timeskip to that night
I managed to get to the very top of my tree multiple times just because. Sasuke and Naruto finally made to the top of theirs and so did Kaito. Now we're just sitting here.
Sasuke- Let's go back.
Naruto- Alright.
Itsuki- Yeah I'm game.
Kaito- I'm hella tired.
We climb down and go back to the house. I had to help kaito walk because he was tired. We entered and saw everyone eating.
Tazuna- Where were you four. You look like what the cat dragged in.
Naruto- We made it to the top. Itsuki had to be a show off and did it multiple times.
Reo- That's Itsuki for ya. Always pushing himself.
Kakashi- Anyway, that's good news. Now we move on. Starting tomorrow, Kaito, Naruto, and Sasuke will be added to being bodyguards for Mr. Tazuna. Itsuki, you could've been guarding Tazuna but you decided to hone your craft more. You have dedication. I like that about you, but tomorrow you have to join us in guarding Tazuna ok?
Itsuki- Yes sensei.
We sit down and eat our meal.
Tazuna- It a few days, the bridge will be finished. I have you to thank for that.
Inari's mom- You've all done great but you still gotta be careful.
I could feel some staring at me and sure enough it was Inari.
Inari- .....why?
Itsuki- Hmm?
Inari- All this stupid training is just a waste of time! Gato's got a whole army! They'll beat you and they'll destroy you! These cool things you all say don't mean jack! No matter what you do, the strong always win and the weak always lose!
Itsuki-......You calling me weak kid? Listen, that may be you but that ain't me. So don't put me down on your level got that?
Inari- How about you just shut up?! Just looking at you and Naruto make me sick! You don't know anything about this country! You're just butting in! Always laughing and playing around! You don't know what it's like to suffer and be treated like dirt!
Itsuki- You don't know shit about me!
Naruto- Listen to yourself whining and complaining like a little victim! You can whimper all day for all I care.
Itsuki- You're nothing but a spineless coward.
Sakura- You guys went too far.
Itsuki- Believe me Sakura, that was tame compared to what I could've said. I leave the table with Naruto.
Akari *mind*- Itsuki....
Timeskip the next day
Were going to the bridge. We left Naruto at the house because he was still asleep. We get there and everyone all the workers have been taken out.
Tazuna- What is this? What happened? Someone was here. Someone got to them!
Itsuki- Reo sensei, I'm guessing they made their first move?
Reo- Most likely.
Just like that, the mist rolls in.
Kakashi- You guys get ready!
Everyone draws kunai knives while Kaito unsheathes Izanagi.
Kakashi- I knew he was still alive.
Reo- He was itching for round two.
Sakura- Kakashi sensei, it's Zabuza isn't it? This is his Hidden Mist Jutsu.
Suddenly multiple Zabuza clones appear in front of everyone of us.
Itsuki- Hmph. This is gonna be a good one.
Reo- Go on Itsuki.
I take out another kunai so that I can duel wield. The clones attacked and I take them out one by one in a matter of seconds. The last one I killed had his head cleaved off.
Zabuza (echo)- So you could see they were water clones huh? The brat is improving. The real Zabuza and his other two partners appear.

Zabuza- Looks like you've got yourself a rival Haku.
Haku- Indeed.
Cloak guy- Aw man. You always get the good ones. Let me have him and the black haired girl. You can have the other dude and sword fellow.
Haku- As you wish Makoto.
There's a long silence between us.
Kakashi- Well well. So I had it right. It was all an act.
Tazuna- An act?
Reo- With a cute little mask.
Sakura- Huh?
Sasuke- Big phony.
Itsuki- You lying bastards.
Kakashi- I they look chummy to me.
Reo- Bet they've pulled the same stunt for awhile now.
Sakura- He's got some nerve facing us again after pulling that trick.
Reo- And hiding behind a mask. Who does he think he's fooling?
Itsuki- Ok, we're gonna body him. Team 11, on me.
Haku- He's Impressive. Even though they were at 1/10 the strength of the original water clone Jutsu, he did destroy them all.
Makoto- Please. He ain't shit.
Zabuza- That move still gave us the first advantage. Now use it.
HM- Right.
This Haku person starts spinning like a tornado and comes too us while the Makoto guy comes from my right.
Sasuke- I'm fighting them too. Sakura can defend Tazuna.
Itsuki- Alright. Here they come guys. Prepare yourselves!
Indigo: That's the end of this chapter. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Peace.

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