Chapter 132

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Itsuki (POV)
Itsuki *mind*- Okay Itsuki. Calm down. Your friends faces are all over your body and are spouting hurtful things at you. That's okay. Perfectly normal for an Itachi style Genjutsu. My earlier tactic of stopping the chakra didn't work. Hopefully Sakura or Kaito can hear me.
Itsuki- K-Kaito, S-Sakura. I need....some assistance. N-Need your
I get touched and immediately everything is as it should be. Reo and Kakashi are still fighting Itachi and Sakura and Reo have their hands in my shoulders.
Kaito- You alright bud? I see that you were caught in a Genjutsu.
Sakura- But it's ok. We tunneled our chakra into you and broke Itachi's hold.
Naruto- But what about the Shadow Clones?
Chiyo- What Shadow Clone? He's used no such Jutsu since we've been here.
Sakura- Yeah, all of a sudden you and Itsuki freaked out and you started shooting off your Rasengan at absolutely nothing while Itsuki kept swinging at kicking that air with his lightning fists. Don't you guys remember any of that?
Chiyo- I'm afraid he's using more than just a visual Jutsu.
Kakashi- I think it's about time for the main event. Better get it together you two.
I punch myself in the face to refocus.
Reo- Come on you two. Let us show you how it's done.
Reo and kakashi rush in and immediately Itachi starts weaving hand signs.
Itachi- Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu.
Multiple flames shoot out from his mouth and Reo and Kakashi zig zag in and out to avoid them.
Sakura- Woah. What a dodge.
Reo- He ain't done yet.
Itachi- Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu.

The fireball comes directly for us and we all leap out of the way in different directions to dodge it. When the smoke cleared, only Kakashi stood with his lighting blade Jutsu in hand while the rest of us took cover behind the tress.
Kakashi- Lightning Blade!
He rushes forward to hit Itachi with it but Itachi sidesteps and leaps in the air. Naruto leaves his hiding spot and leaps in the air above Itachi.
Naruto- Rasengan!
He nails Itachi directly but with the help of my Sharingan, I was able to see that Itachi made a Shadow Clone at the last second and the clone took the hit. Once Naruto hit the ground, there was an explosion and he used it to return to cover. Now Itachi stands alone scanning the trees.
Itsuki *mind*- He sees us. I know he does. Even with us being so far out of sight, we both have Sharingan so if I can see him, he definitely sees us.
Itachi- So there was Kakashi. Then there was Naruto. But what about you Itsuki? Why don't you come out and fight? Out of all the people here, you have the most reason to want to kill me. I did slaughter our entire clan after all. Stop hiding behind that tree of yours and come out and fight.
Suddenly, a dense fog comes rolling in.
Itsuki *mind*- This isn't some regular mist. This is the Hidden Mist Jutsu.
I look around to locate Kakashi but I don't see him. All I see is Kaito.
Kaito- Where is this mist coming from?
Itsuki- This is most likely Kakashi's doing. Keep your guard up and pay attention to what Reo and Kakashi do next.
Kaito- Right.
Itachi- The Hidden Mist Jutsu. Quite an effective technique to prevent one from casting a Genjutsu. Unless of course, one possesses the Sharingan. Kakashi, can we please stop this childish game of hide and seek?
Kakashi comes out from behind a tree.
Kakashi- Sure. Why not.
He throw three kunai at Itachi but he weaves and does his fireball Jutsu at point blank range taking out Kakashi and dispersing the mist. Or so I think.
???- Wind Style: Tornado Uppercut.
Reo sensei manifests from the actual air right behind Itachi with his right arm wrapped in spiraling unforgiving wind.
Itachi- Shit, I totally forgot about you!
It's too late as Reo drives his fist into the chin of Itachi and sends him rocketing up into the sky.
Kakashi comes out from the ground and uses a tree to leap up into the air. He grabs hold of Itachi and looks him in the eye. Another Kakashi comes out from the ground.
Kakashi- Now it's your turn. Attack him and my clone!
Itsuki *mind*- Don't gotta tell me twice.
Kaito and I bolt from our hiding spots and a make a dash for the clearing. Kaito leaps up into the air with Naruto and his clone while I stay on the ground.
Naruto- Giant Rasengan!!

Kaito- String Of Fate: Single Blade, Thousand Blades!!

Both attacks connect creating a massive explosion and sending Itachi right towards me.

I encase myself in storm chakra and I make two hand guns and point them at Itachi.
Itsuki- Checkmate bitch. Storm Style Secret Technique: Lightning Shower Rain!!!
I rapid fire many lighting energy beams and light Itachi up until a explosion commences.

Itsuki- Done and done.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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