Chapter 145

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Itsuki (POV)
I was able to defend myself while Chiyo managed to come out unharmed as the father puppet deployed a chakra shield to block the iron sand.
Sasori- You've made some changes I see. And a chakra shield at that. A definite upgrade since I last played with them.
The puppet lowers the shield but is crippled due to the Iron Sand.
Sasori- You have to do more than just block it. You have to dodge this Jutsu to survive. Or at least I thought until you Itsuki Uchiha negated my attack with your own. You continue to fascinate me dear Jinchūriki. You shall make a fine specimen indeed. As for you granny Chiyo, is that it? Is saving the girl all you could manage? (Chuckles) The Iron Sand has crept into every crevice of that puppet. As long as I have the Third's magnetic power, that puppet is worthless. Let's see......yes. I think it's time I attack all three of you at once. Just to make sure the two of you are really dead and the Jinchūriki incapacitated, I'll use my most lethal form.
Giant Iron Sand shards hover above all three of us.
Sasori- You won't get away this time. One puppet, two people, and a kid who can barely use his newfound eyes. What's the answer to this you witch?!
All the shards come falling down.
Sasori- Which one of you will die?!
Itsuki- Rotation!
They crash down upon us. I manage to knock most of the shards coming for me off course but one made it through my rotation and sliced down from my left shoulder all the way down to my left thigh. Sakura managed to get out unscathed as the mother puppet activated her chakra shield. Much to my surprise, Chiyo activated a chakra shield in her right arm.

Sasori- Just an arm but still rigging your own body. We puppet masters are all alike. Our minds work the same don't they?
Chiyo- Of course. Now I understand.
The mother puppet becomes the same as the father puppet.
Sasori- Once the Iron Sand gets in, it's the end of the line. The puppet's useless. So granny, what now?..................Hmph. Take away all of their puppets, and even the greatest masters are nothing.
Chiyo dislodges that puppet arm of hers just as another round of Iron Sand filter out of the mouth of the Kazekage puppet. We watch on as the sand takes a new shape into some completely different.

Chiyo-........I could I let it come to this? How could I be so blind. And now what will I do? Kids I'm begging you, you must get out of here now. Hurry.
Neither of us move. I stare in at Sasori ignoring her request for my leave.
Chiyo- Why are you children just standing there? I told you before, there's nothing either of you can do here. Not against this. You must leave it to me, now go. Run!
Itsuki-.................And do what? You expect me to run and hide and leave you here to die? Well then clearly you don't know as well as you think you do.
A crimson lightning aura surrounds me in an instant.

Itsuki- I am more than just beast. I'm am more than just my eyes and bloodline. I am a fucking human being with actual feelings and morals. I know a very special friend of mine said this in our very first task as a ninja. Those who break the rules are scum. But those who abandon their friends are worse than scum. Don't you get it? I'm never going to leave my friends to die. Even if it gets me killed doing so. I'm gonna stay here with you wether you like it or not. And besides, I can't leave until Sasori here is nothing but an unrecognizable bloody mush beneath my sandal. Now, there's only one way we're getting rid of the Kazekage puppet and I'm sure Sakura knows it too.
Sakura- Yes. Lady Chiyo, I see you Jaune more puppets. You can use me to fight him. My body is made of flesh and blood. He can't stop me nor Itsuki with that Iron Sand.
Chiyo- I only have one arm now. I won't be able to support you like last time and I can only use one of you. Itsuki, we won't be able to hang support at all.
SI- I'll be fine.
Itsuki- These puppets of his pack somewhat of a punch, that is true. But, big bro Gin taught me well over these last couple of years. It's time that I put his training to good use.
Sasori- Oh lord not this again you fool.
Itsuki- Now Sasori, please tell me,(slowly wipes some blood from his chest and licks it of his finger) in what way would you like die?

Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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