Chapter 149

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Itsuki (POV)
More lightning strikes the ground as the storm intensifies. Eventually faces begin to appear in the clouds.

Sasori looks on in awe but is undeterred.
Chiyo- Itsuki, the antidote has worn off and you don't know how to use this new power of yours! Stay out of this! You too Sakura.
Itsuki- I know but.......I can't help but feel so alive right now. It's like I don't want to stop. Like I need more..........destruction.
Sasori- Hmph.
He orders his puppets to come.
Itsuki- Yes! Come to me!!!
Sakura abs and Chiyo's puppets rush to my side and we engage the enemies. Sasori's puppets ram into my Susanoo but it has no affect whatsoever. I raise my Susanoo arm and smash it down on a group of puppets completely destroying them. Sakura and the other of Chiyo's puppets begin the punch and kick anything in their direction. My Susanoo forms a dark blade in its right hand and cuts the opposition in half.
Itsuki- Storm Style: Thundercloud Punishment!
Series of cloud to ground lightning strikes begin to hit all around us.

Puppets get taken out left and right as puppet parts fly. Three of Chiyo's puppets stack on one another to form a triangle. They do a hand sign and open their mouths.
Chiyo- Three Treasure Suction Crush!
They create a mass vacuum of air and crush the puppets caught in it by the sucking air.

More still come our way. A blade forms in the other hand of my Susanoo. I leap in the air and I begin to spiral along with my Susanoo.
Itsuki- Spinning Blades Of Agony!!!
We spin so fast we literally become a spiraling black column and we crash into the mass of opposition taking a chunk of them out.

More waves of puppets come. My blades dissipate and bawls up its fists instead. My Susanoo swings with a right haymaker to take out the first group. It follows up with a left hook to take out another and finishes off with headbutt that causes another group of puppets to smash into the ground causing a crater. One lone puppet comes at me all by himself with only a sword.
Itsuki- Bitch please.
My Susanoo uppercuts that punk and sends him rocketing up into the sky and beyond.
Like this

I fall back to create some distance and catch my breath due to using so much chakra. Then it hits me. The antagonizing excruciating pain from my eyes comes forth like a speeding train. Blood flows more freely out of them and I get taken down to one knee. My Susanoo begins to slowly fade and my guard is wide open. More puppets come my way to finish me. I react too late but suddenly Sakura and one of Chiyo's puppets get in the way and punch it to pieces.
Chiyo- You ok Itsuki?
Itsuki- I'm (huff) doing fine. (Huff) I can still fight.
Sakura- Are you sure?
Chiyo- Good. Stay sharp both of you.
IS- Right.
Itsuki *mind*- Damn it. We've destroyed numbers f Sasori's puppets but it looks like he focusing more on the ones that remain. Only one antidote left and if any of us take any damage, we're going to be in some pretty deep shit.
Chiyo gets cut from out of nowhere by one of Sasori's puppets but Chiyo quickly counters by using one of her puppets to punch it into a boulder. More and more of Sasori's puppets close in on us like trapped rats.

Itsuki- Are you all good Granny Chiyo?
Chiyo- Don't you worry about me Itsuki dear. Right now you just focus on Sasori. I'll keep the other puppets in check.
Itsuki- Right.
By now my Mangekyō Sharingan has reverted back to the three pinwheel Sharingan and the storm I created has moved on and finished.
Itsuki *mind*- Ok Itsuki. Got to play this smart. You only have so much chakra left and you can't take a hit or else you're fucked. Blowing Sasori up into pieces didn't kill him so that's out. That thing in his chest kinda acts like a heart so maybe if you destroy that, Sasori dies. It's a hell of a risk but it's worth a shot.
I stand up along side Sakura and we charge once more. Two of Chiyo's puppets join in as we face another wave of Sasori's puppets. Chiyo's puppets take on Sasori's puppets while Sakura and I duck, dodge, weave, strafe, and flip our way past them. Sakura then pulls out a ninja tool.
Sakura- Take this!
She throws it and it transforms into some creature head and careens into Sasori.

It gets him and pins him to the wall causing a great impact which sends me sailing behind a boulder.
Sakura (POV)
With Sasori trapped and sealed, I finally relax.
Sakura- We finally did it.
Chiyo- He can't move. That sealing traps every ounce of chakra stored in a person's body. Using his chakra threads is impossible now. It's over Sasori.
Lady Chiyo collapses.
Sakura- Lady Chiyo. Here the antidote.
I rush over to her but suddenly something rises under the crimson robe next to her.

Sakura *mind*- Sasori?! Then that means the one that's sealed now.....
I look back to see in fact that the Sasori sealed in a husk.

I run as fast as I could but it's too late. Sasori thrusts the poison blade at Chiyo but out of nowhere, Itsuki gets in the way and takes it to the middle of his chest.
Sasori (POV)
The Jinchūriki just jumped in the way of me killing the old hag.
Sasori- You.......You idiot!!!!! Look what you've done!! How in the hell an supposed to report to Kyoko now?!!
Itsuki- (coughs up blood) You see Sasori, (spits up more blood) the thing is that-
My eyes widen as blood shoots out from in front of me. I slowly look down only to see a a hand wrapped in crimson lightning coming out of my chest from behind me. I slowly turn my head to my left and look into the bloody eyes of my killer as my blood covers his entire body.

Itsuki (real)- You won't live to tell Kyoko anything. Checkmate bitch.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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