Chapter 152

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Itsuki (POV)
After paying our respects to Lady Chiyo, we made our triumphant return to the Sand Village. From there, we had Granny Chiyo buried and we left the Sand shortly there after.
Back in the forest near the hideout
Kyoko (POV)
Instead of arriving in a spectral form, I decided to come here in person to check out the aftermath of the battle with Zetsu and Tobi.

We come across one of Deidara's arms.
Tobi- Well what do you know. Looks like Deidara's a goner too. Blew himself to bits from the looks of it. Don't you think Mister Zetsu? What about you Ms. Kyoko? They're probably body parts scattered all over here.
???- Get your hands off of that you fool.
Driving appears from behind a tree.
Tobi- Hey, he's alive!
Kyoko- Where are they? More importantly, where's my brother?
Deidara- Don't look at me. I did my job. It was Sasori who messed it all up and got himself killed.
Tobi- Man you must have had a close shave huh Deidara? But you're in one piece. Well uh nevermind.
Deidara- Tobi even the Buddha loses patience when insulted a third time. One more word and there'll be no doubt about the cause of your death.
Tobi- (scoffs) You're just gonna bomb me to death right?
Zetsu- That was the third one.
Deidara- Death by suffocation!

Timeskip to the next morning
Itsuki (POV)
We managed to reach the village and Kakashi and I were sent to the hospital due to our strain with the Mangekyō Sharingan. We rested with everyone else until Tsunade, Shizune, and Gin came in the hospital room.
Tsunade- Good job Kakashi, Reo. Well done.
Kakashi- Lady Tsunade.
Kakashi tries time get up but is too exhausted.
Tsunade- I examined you earlier, and it's going sometime before you can return to duty. It's bed rest for you for at least a week.
Kakashi- Guess I'm not surprised.
Tsunade- As for you Itsuki-
Itsuki- Oh shit.
Gin- Looks like Kakashi isn't the only one who needs to practice with their new Sharingan hmm?
Itsuki- So you heard about that huh? Yep. I somehow got the Mangekyō Sharingan right before the battle started and I managed to pull off a Susanoo mid battle.
Tsunade- I see and yet you're not in as bad a shape as Kakashi.
Reo- Must be that other chakra that's helped to heal.
Itsuki- Probably. But even so, there's no time to rest. Gin, Tsunade, Sakura and I have something very important to discuss with you.
You probably already know because of the messenger bird we sent you when we arrived back in the Sand Village.
Tsunade- I see..........Tell me everything.
Timeskip to the rooftop of the Hokage office.
Itsuki- Sasori of the Red Sand told me. Sakura was a witness so you can believe her just as much as me. Sasori said that it was an reward for killing him.
Gin- 10 days at the Tenchi Bridge Huh.
Sakura- It's already been four days since then. We only have six days left.
Tsunade- Yes, but can you trust your source?
Itsuki- It was his last words. He may have been a bitch but at least he was an honest one.
Gin- But what if it's all a trap by the Akatsuki and they're using orochimaru as bait. They could be there at full force. What then?
Sakura- If it's a trap then we'll fight them.
Gin- Sure but Kakashi is out of commitment for a week and with only six days until the rendezvous. Plus both Team 7 and Team 11 have been undermanned since Sasuke and Akari left.
Itsuki- That may be true but I'm not about to let this chance to slip away. You know more than anything about how important Akari is to me.
Tsunade- Well there's no point in stopping you so this is how it's going to go. Both of you are going to need to find a third person and assemble a new team. Reo can't lead your team this time because he already has another assignment.
Shizune- Lady Tsunade.
Tsunade- What is it?
Shizune- If that's the case, why not deploy a different team to investigate? And even if you feel you must send Sakura and Team 11, Naruto and Itsuki must not go in this mission.
Itsuki- Excuse me? And why the hell not?
Tsunade- Shizune. Like you Shizune, Sakura, Itsuki, and Gin are among the few shinobi I trust implicitly. That's why this mission has to involve the remaining members of both teams.
Shizune- Wouldn't my team serve just as well m'lady? Why not send us?
Gin- It wouldn't be the same. All four kids are driven by a desperate need to find their list teammate and comrade. They've pledged their lives to rescue Akari and Sasuke. That kind of desire to honor their pledge is why they will succeed. That's where you are different from Sakura and Itsuki.
Shizune-........Yes I understand.
Itsuki- Well then it looks like we gotta start searching for some teammates huh?
I sprint pass Gin and Tsunade and leap off the railing into the village.
Itsuki *mind*- Wait for me Akari. I'm coming to get you.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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