Chapter 174

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Itsuki (POV)
Gin and I were going over strategy when Kaito and Sakura yell out to all of us.
Sakura- You guys! Come here a minute! Hurry!
Kaito- Yeah! You may want to see these!
A of rush over to their position.
Naruto- What is it guys? Is something wrong?
They show us what they were holding. It was Sai's personal picture book and a photo of some girl.
Naruto- That's Sai's book.

Itsuki- But who's the girl?
Kaito- This is Eliane's sister. And it has a lengthy message on the back.
Yamato- What are both items about? Can you tell? If we figure it out, we might be able to learn something about the two.
Sakura- I know. That's what we were thinking. I tried reading the book but......
Naruto- Well what's it about? What kind of story is it?
Sakura shakes her head.
Sakura- Actually, I'm not all that sure.
Itsuki- Why is that?
Gin- Go ahead Sakura. Take your time.
Sakura- There aren't any words or dialogue at all. I don't know. It seems like it's about the two boys on the front and back cover.

Sakura- Each of them has his own story, starting from either end of the book. And then, if you read them all the way through, they eventually meet in the center. If you start on the side of the black haired boy, all the pages are alike. He's always on the right side. But the character on the left changes with every turn of the page.
Itsuki- Hey now wait a minute. There's something else too. His outfit and weapons change after every page. And his weapon changes after every opponent.
Yamato- It seems like, like it's the story of a young boy vanquishing his enemies.
Sakura- Looks like it. And after each fight, I think he claims their weapons and armor for his own.
Itsuki: Reminds me of Skyrim. Good times.
Indigo: I'm not even mad at that one. I freakin love Skyrim.
Sakura- Every page, it just keeps going. Oh wait a minute.
She checks the other side of the book and it's other same for the other boy.
Sakura- Yep. The layout is in reverse but the boy with the white hair has been drawn in the exact same way.
Gin- So it's actually a story about how both boys mature and gain experience with each fight.
Naruto- But wait. If both are fighting their way in from the covers, what happens when they meet in the middle?
Sakura- That's the problem. Look here.
Itsuki- I don't get it. What is that?

Naruto- Kind of freaky.
Sakura- I went through the whole thing and these pages at the center are the only ones that are incomplete.
Naruto- So is anybody as creeped out as I am?
Sakura- He said he hadn't finished it yet but why wouldn't the face be drawn in?
Itsuki- Hey uh, the black haired kid looks a lot like Sai don't you think?
Sakura- You're right.
Kaito- Was he drawing himself? Abs what's the deal with the white haired kid?
Sakura- It could be his brother don't you think? So the pages in the middle and the boys on the cover are of Sai and his brother.
Kaito- Speaking of siblings, get a load of this.
He reads a message that was written on the back of the photo of that girl.
Itsuki- Damn. So the girl is Eliane's sister Morita.
Kaito- Yeah but it doesn't explain how just like the book with Sai and his brother. Although I think we have a pretty good idea what happened.
Naruto- His older brother.
Yamato- Could it be?
Yamato checks him comms.
Yamato- My clone's reporting in. Looks like we got ourselves a location.
Itsuki *mind*- We're so close. I know where you are now Akari. Finally after 2 and a half years, I've finally found you. I'll be seeing you real soon. Wait for me okay?
Gin- You guys ready then? Now is the time you four have been waiting for. Let's go get them back.
KSIN- Right!
Indigo: That is the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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