Chapter 179

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Itsuki (POV)
Yamato- We'll get going after I create a lookout.
He goes to do that but suddenly, Kunai knives rain down from above and we all take evasive maneuvers. Kabuto lands in front of Eliane and Sai.
Kabuto- My my. Thought we've given you people the slip. But what am I talking about? I'm dealing with a Uchiha who's power is above average and we have one of Orochimaru's experiments with him. I guess I should've expected as much.
Itsuki- Oh my fucking god. You just don't quit do ya four eyes?
Kabuto- Hmph. Sai, Eliane, judging from the circumstances, it appears that they've taken you as captives.
Itsuki- Nah I'm done with this. The two of you stay seated where you are. Get up and I'll put you in the ground as well.
Two of Naruto's clones are on a rock above Kabuto and readying the Rasengan. One poofs away once the Rasengan is complete and the other rushes Kabuto. Kabuto simply steps to the side and kicks the clone causing it to poof.
Kabuto- That was pointless.
Naruto- So what? It may be pointless but we won't know unless we give it a shot!
I activate my Sharingan and rush into action. Yamato uses his wood style jutsu to make wooden pillars rise up from underneath the ground. Kabuto grabs both captives and leaps into the air on the wood pillars. Yamato makes a wooden ramp for me and I use it to sprint Kabuto down. He sees me coming and smirks. He tries to leap away but I catch his foot.
Kabuto- What?!
I yank him back down and throw him with a great force into the rock. His body completely shatters a hole through the rock and he lands on the other side with the captives. Apparently there was a hornets nest inside the rock and now they're starting to swarm Kabuto.
Itsuki- Serves you right ya bish.
Kabuto gets up and starts to flail around as the hornets swarm him. He eventually kills them all with his Jutsu and observes us. He cuts loose both Sai and Eliane.
Kabuto- I must say, watching you people fight is truly pathetic. Especially you Naruto. You're the most pathetic of them all. Itsuki, you just got lucky that's all. It won't happen again. Even if you did manage to beat me, it's pointless. People change. Sasuke is no longer the boy you knew long ago and Akari is the same way. In fact, she's embracing the role as the daughter of the snake with grace.
Kabuto is interrupted as Sai grabs one of Kabuto's arms and yanks it back. Eliane gets in front of Kabuto and sweeps his legs and he goes tumbling forward while Sai has him pinned.
Kabuto- Sai. Eliane. What I'm the hell do you two think you're doing? You have a mission. You're liaisons between Danzo and Lord Orochimaru. What's the meaning of this?
Eliane-......You said it yourself. People change. If that is true, then so can we. But there also some things we can't change. Itsuki, Naruto, the bond that you two spoke of. I want to see it. Show it to us. We want to see it for ourselves.
Gin- Keep him pinned Sai. Do your thing Yamato.
Yamato traps Kabuto in wood binds and creates a wood clone to watch him. Naruto and I eye the suspicious duo.
Itsuki- Listen, I really hope you know what you're doing.
Sai- Well I'm curious about the bond that all four of you seem to share that keeps you guys going after the two of them. I can't say we know what it means but we want to understand it.
Eliane- Watching the two of you made me realize the bond I had with my sister is still there. If what you said back in the hideout and when you captured me was true, then perhaps we can figure out why by observing the bond between the two of you, Sasuke, and Akari.
Kabuto starts to laugh.
Sakura- What's so funny?
Kabuto- You people obviously don't know the real Sasuke or Akari.
Gin- All right fuckface, tell us where they are.
He grins but doesn't say a word.
Gin- Okay so we can do this two ways. You don't want to make me pick.
Kabuto-.........They're probably done training and retired to their rooms.
Sai- That could be true. Sasuke and Akari began training with Orochimaru. There's no reason to believe he's lying to us.
Naruto- All right. Then let's get going.
Eliane- However, their rooms is somewhat vague.
Kabuto- Even I don't know exactly where they are. The inner recesses of this place are riddled with isolated rooms. We're not just talking about one or two.
Itsuki- Ok and? We'll just have to search one by one until we've found them. I've come too far for a bunch of damn rooms to stop me.
Kabuto- Well you could do that. There's always a chance you might stumble upon them if you search at random. However. If you aren't careful where you look, you might accidentally stir up the hornets nest. Lord Orochimaru's private quarters are also located there as well.
Gin- See, was that so hard?
Kabuto- Heh. You think I gave you this information because you threatened me? Oh no. That's the farthest from the truth.
Gin- So you think we won't make it back alive.
Kabuto- Well you will but the others won't.
Gin- I guess we won't know that until we try. Let's go team.
We re-enter the hideout and begin running through the halls looking for their rooms. We come to a split in the hallway that lead in two directions.
Gin- Alright. We need to split up here. Team Reo and Team Kakashi. If things go south, infuse you're chakra. Everyone ready?.....Move out!
We take the left while the others take the right.
As we run along, I can't help but think of the day when we first had our first exercise. Then our fight with Zabuza, Haku, and Makoto. The memories keep coming. From the chunin exams to our battle at the Final Valley.
Itsuki *mind*- Akari.....Akari!.......Akari!!......AKARI!!!!
We come across the first room
And bust open the door to find nothing. We keep running and opening doors to find nothing.
Itsuki- (getting agitated) God Damn it!
Kaito- Calm down. We're almost there. Just keep it together.
This process keeps going on for some time. Opening and closing doors. Finding nothing and sprinting to the next. Over and over and over and over and over and over and OVER AGAIN!
Itsuki- AKARI!!!!
Somewhere in a dark room inside the hideout
Akari (POV)
I open my eyes and stare at the blue hue of my eyes in my reflection.
Akari *mind*-.............Itsuki.
His voice rings out throughout the hideout.
Akari- My beloved calls to me.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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