Chapter 186

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Eliane (POV)
It's been a week since our run in with Sasuke and Akari. Since then, both Team Kakashi and Team Reo have been getting along quite well. We've gone on missions but none too dangerous. At this moment in time both Team Kakashi and Team Reo have some downtime to relax. I'm spending my time in the library with Sai. We're at a table and we're both reading books.
Sai- Hey check this out. "In order to be more quickly understood by others, one must first draw them in and warm them to one's self. For example, when addressing someone or others, if you persist in maintaining formality, a reserved air follows and never allows for the gap to be bridged. Have confidence. Just take the plunge and call out people casually or you could come up with a nickname or some term of endearment. By doing so, those you speak will feel closer to you and will begin to think of you as a friend." Makes sense. What do you think?
Eliane- I mean, I guess the book is true. You met me in The Foundation and we've been friends ever since. Although it has been a hot minute since we've actually made new friends on our own. Then again we were trained to not feel emotions so I can see why you're having difficulty with this concept. But even so, I'm glad to see you're finally trying to move from with this and take some initiative. Just think. Right now, someone you haven't met is out there wondering what it would be like to meet someone like you.
Sai- You think so?
Eliane- Trust me. I know so.
Eliane *mind*- Hopefully the same can be said about me.
???- Are you guys reading art books or something?
It was Sakura.
Sai- Ms. Sakura.
She comes around the table and sits next to me.
Sakura- Never really pegged you two as readers.
Eliane- Well you thought wrong pinkie.
Sakura notices Sai's books on human emotion and making friends. He gets embarrassed and covers them up.
Sakura- Naruto and I were about to visit Kakashi sensei in the hospital. If you're free, you two wanna come?
Sai- Kakashi sensei?
Sakura- Well you are apart of Team Kakashi now. Don't you think you should meet the leader
Sai- Yes I guess that's understandable.
Eliane- You two go ahead. The rest of my team are headed to Itsuki's new pad to throw him a surprise party for his adoption. Him and Gin are in Tsunade's office getting the final documentation settled. So when he comes home, we'll be there to surprise him. You guys and come around later if you want. I heard the process is gonna take awhile so you two have time. Later guys.
I get up and take my leave.
Itsuki (POV)
Tsunade- Alright and the final papers are done. Before I make this official, Gin, your thoughts?
Gin- We both have lost so much in our lives. I lost my first family. Then when I was adopted after the war, I lost my brother Shisui. And then the entire clan. When I was told that there were survivors and that I was going to train one of the survivors, I knew that I had to teach and instill what I had to learn. Not only new jutsu and how to survive, but to be kind and benevolent. But as time went on, the relationship that Itsuki and I had transcended to more than just bring Master and protege. It formed into an unbreakable bond of brotherhood. The brother I had lost yet found again in another. (Turns to Itsuki) Family isn't always blood. It's the people in life who want you in theirs; the one's who accept you for who you are. The ones who would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what. I love you little bro and that's never going to change even after I'm gone. (Tears flow)
Itsuki- Right back at you dude. I just want you to know that you mean the world to me. Only a heart and soul like yours would give so unselfishly. From the many things you've done for me these past couple years, to all the times you were there to pick when I was at my lowest. Those actions show how much you really care. Even though you can be a pain in the butt sometimes (tears flow) I'm truly blessed and glad to have a brother like you.
Not a single dry eye was present as Shizune broke down and Tsunade followed suit.
Tsunade (still crying) Then it's official. You two are now legally family. Congratulations you two.
Before I could even make a move, I get bear hugged by my now official big brother Gin.
Gin- One of the happiest days of my life. C'mon, let's go. You too Tsunade.
Tsunade- I Uh okay. Shizune watch the office while I'm gone.
Shizune- Yes ma'am.
We leave the office and head to my place.
Tsunade- Let me go on ahead. I'll meet you guys there. I have a quick errand to run.
Before either of us could say anything, she had dashed down the street leaving nothing but dust clouds.
Itsuki- Well Damn. In a rush much?
Gin- Like seriously. I know she's my best friend in everything but dude come on. Oh well let's keep heading home.
We make in to my place a few minutes later.

We get inside and it's pitch black and quiet.
Itsuki- Look I know this my new place an everything but it isn't normally this quiet.
Gin- It's too quiet.
I slowly reach for a kunai while Gin grasps the handle of his blade.
Suddenly the lights come on and the room with filled with congratulations signs and banners and balloons. All the while Sakura, Naruto, Sai Kaito, Eliane, and Reo are here with the biggest smiles on their faces.
NSSKER- Congratulations on your adoption Itsuki!!!!
I can't help but smile. That night was one I will treasure for the rest of my days.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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