Chapter 24

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Itsuki (POV)
The sand ninja girl rushes forward with her bladed fans at the ready.
I leap into the air while Akari and Kaito comes from her left and right. She dodges a swipe from Akari and jumps over a slice from Kaito.
Itsuki- (weaves hand signs) Storm Style: Laser Senbom Barrage!
I shoot a bunch of lasers from my mouth down towards the sand ninja. She maneuvers around them and then leaps at me.
Akari- Oh no you don't! Earth Style: Earth Wall!
A rock wall emerges from the ground and blocks the girl's path from me. I land back on the ground and the wall gets destroyed. She's on the other side.
Sand ninja girl- Give me your scroll now.
Itsuki- Not happening.
Sand ninja- Grr (puts away fans) Wind Style: Zephyr.
She sucks in air and I run towards her. Right as she released the attack, I flip over her, grab her head mid flip, and throw her into the air as my feet hit the ground. She lands on a branch and starts to run away and we go after her. She turns around mid jump and throws shuriken at us. We avoided them but I had to land on the ground. She appears behind me.
Sand ninja- Sorry but this one test you're gonna fail. Now hand over your scroll now! I will kill you!
Itsuki- Hmph.
Two snakes burst from the ground and go after the sun ninja.
Itsuki- Thanks Akari.
Akari- No problem.
The sand ninja leaps into the air to get away from the snakes while activate my Sharingan. I throw a kunai at her.
Itsuki- Now Kaito.
Kaito- Got it.
Kaito (who was still in the branches) jumped right after her. The Kunai missed but she kept her focus on it and didn't see Kaito.
Kaito- Fire Style: Fire Sword Jutsu!
His sword ignited into flames and he stabbed it right into the sand ninja's left shoulder.
Itsuki- Stay on guard Akari. Chances are this girl isn't alone.
Akari- Right.
The sand ninja pushed off of Kaito and she fled deeper into the forest. Kaito lands near us soon after.
Kaito- She said she was alone. She thought it was a good idea to come alone as to not raise suspicion. She's gone for now.
Akari and I notice a little bamboo pole sticking out of the ground.
Akari- Alright. Let's make up a password that only us three will know.
Kaito- But why?
Akari- So that if we ever get separated and we find each other, we'll know if you're the real you. They're gonna come after our appearances too. Not just sneak attacks.
Kaito- Got it.
Akari- Don't trust anyone who doesn't know it. No matter what.
Itsuki- Got it.
Akari- Okay. The question will be when is my birthday. The answer will be (whispers) I never told you.
Kaito- Ok but why?
Itsuki- Just go with it.
Akari- Ok then. I'll take the scroll for now.
I hand her the scroll and something nails me in the neck.
Itsuki- Ow. The hell was that?
Akari- What's wrong?
We hear the sound of wind screaming coming from deeper into the woods. Suddenly a big thing of wind comes our way.
Kaito- What is this?!
Itsuki- We gotta take cover!
We go find cover but the wind carries me off. I tried calling out to the others but I was too far gone.
Akari (POV)
I hid in some bushes kunai at the ready. I heard rustling behind me and I stood up and turned around to find Kaito.
Kaito- Man that was weird.
Akari- Stay back. First answer the question. And answer it quietly.
Kaito- Right. (Whispers) You never told us.
Akari- Good.
We hear more rustling and Itsuki stumbles from behind a tree.
Itsuki- Hey guys. You alright?
Kaito- Sorry bro. You gotta stay back.
Itsuki- Huh?
Akari- What's the password Itsuki.
Itsuki- Right. The answer is July 25th.
Kaito- Fire Style: Fire Sword Jutsu.
His sword catches fire and he sends a fire slice at Itsuki but he dodges.
Itsuki- Hey what the hell?!!
Akari- Gotta admit, you do a solid Itsuki impression but only three people know my birthday and you sure as hell ain't my mother. It's you!!
The person impersonating Itsuki gives a creepy smile and licks his lips.
Impersonator- Aren't we the clever one. Hello again Akari.
There's a burst of smoke. When it goes away, some woman stands in its place.

Impersonator- I'd figured you would of told your friends. It's not really important.
Akari- True. They know everything else about me except that. I said that as a trap.And you stumbled right into it you snake.
Impersonator- (takes off hat) You're one to talk. But either way. I'm impressed. You certainly haven't dropped your guard after all these years have you? This is going to be very entertaining. I finally get to see how far you've come. (Licks hat a little)
Kaito *mind*- I don't know what's going on but she gives me the creeps. But where is Itsuki?
Somewhere in another part of the forest
Itsuki (POV)
The wind blasted me into a tree.
Itsuki-Ugh Damn. Gotta get to the others.
I start to get up and there's a sound and a shadow looms over me. I look up Sigh.

Itsuki- It just had to be a giant freakin snake. Fuck.
Indigo: That's The end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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