Chapter 27

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Itsuki (POV)
Woman- Well isn't this something. His Uchiha blood has finally come to surface. I think I might play with him a little longer and learn his full power.
I dash and leap from my branch to her. Once I get to her, I start a series of kicks while keeping myself in the air. She blocks most of them with her forearms. That is until I curb stomp her right arm into the ground and finish off with a backflips kick to her jaw that sends her stumbling back. She recovers and we dash at each other. I throw a right hook followed by a left and she pushed my fists to the side and came at me with an uppercut but I leaned back to avoid it. She followed up with an axe kick and I had step back and duck to dodge another one of her kicks. I stand back up quickly and strafe her punches until I caught her fist.
Itsuki- Time to fly!
I toss her high into the air and she landed on a tree. She started moving super fast moving from tree to tree trying to throw me off guard. Somehow her lower half turned snake and she dove right for me but I jumped in the air before she could hit me.
Itsuki- Storm Style: Laser Circus!
Like this:

Multiple Lightning arcs out of my hands and hits the woman directly. I land on the same branch as her.
Itsuki- Storm Style: Roar of Raijin!
I shoot a contracted blast of lightning out of my mouth at that connects causing an explosion.
The smoke clears and she's on her knees. She smashes the branch with both fists and I run the opposite way and run up the tree. I backflip off of it.
Woman- Huh?
I land on her shoulders back to front. (Like How your dad or Mom would put you in their shoulders so that you'd feel taller.) I cross my legs around her neck and lock them.
Itsuki- Let's go for a ride.
I lean back and that causes her to stumble back until we both are going down to the ground floor.
Woman- Ahhhhh!!!
I see a branch coming up and yank on her somemore with my legs. Now she's upside down and I'm horizontal. We smash into the tree with her landing directly on the top of her head while I just landed on my stomach.
Itsuki: Basically What I did 👇

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Itsuki- Yeah! I just piledrived your bitch ass with my feet!
Her body goes limp and I get up and back away. The body starts to shake like its having a seizure then it just becomes this brown glob.
Itsuki- Fuck! Substitution!
Kunai knives rain down and I jump off the side. I take out my kunai and it into the tree to decrease my momentum. I land on a lower branch and got decked in the face by this woman. She kicks me in the gut, knees me in the face, delivers a spinning back elbow to my jaw and finishes with a spartan that sends me on my back.
Woman- What a disappointment. Even with the Uchiha blood, you still couldn't defeat me. Your ancestors weep. The Uchiha clan should thank me for killing you. Silly little worm.
I start to move and I sit up and smirk at her.
Woman- What's with that smi-
She didn't finish as letter bombs that I secretly put on her back go off. I leap back and throw multiple kunai. They all have string attached and I have them circle around her and stab into her to immobilize her.
Itsuki- (string in mouth) So long bitch!
Scorch Style: Searing Prison!!
Intensely hot flames burst from my hands and I put them on the string. The hot flames travel down the string and once they get to the woman, it traps her in a prism of Intensely hot fire. I could hear nothing but her screams as she gets burned alive. After a couple seconds, I make the fire go away and Akari and Kaito stands next to me.
Akari- Here, let me help you.
She helps me stay upright as I start to sway due to how much chakra I used. I hear the string snap and I look up to see she or whatever it is coming our way. It's face is slightly melted off but there's another one beneath it. It does a hand symbol and both Akari and I are paralyzed.
It- Such mastery of the Sharingan at such a young age. (Voice changes to a male voice) You're a true Uchiha after all. Your seventeen tails power needs a bit of work though. Yes, you'll do nicely too.
It's headband goes for the hidden grass symbol to the hidden sound symbol.

Itsuki- Who are you and what do you want?!!!
Akari- Leave him alone.....father!!!
IK- Wait what?!!!
Itsuki- That means......
It- Yes. I am Orochimaru. As for what I want, that's going to have to wait in we cross paths again.
He somehow has our scroll in his hands and he burns it.
Orochimaru- First, you'll have to defeat the hidden sound ninja who serve me.
Kaito- What are you talking about? Why don't you just get the fuck outta here huh?!! We never want to see your ugly ass face ever again!!
Orochimaru- Oh, him and I will meet again.
He does some hand sign and his head and neck extends towards me. His fangs are bared.
Itsuki- Fuck!
I suddenly get pushed to the ground and land on my face. I grab my face and turn around on my back and I see that orochimaru is biting into the front of Akari's neck. His head retracts and a symbol appears on where the bite was.

Itsuki- What the hell did you do?!!
Orochimaru- I must say, that was not my plan but this works out just as greatly. I'll still be keeping an eye on you Itsuki but Akari my dearest daughter, you are weak. If you want the power to realize your dream, you'll seek me out one day.
He fades away into the the tree and exhaustion finally takes over and I black out.
Indigo: That's The end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Peace.

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