Chapter 39

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Itsuki (POV)
Akari was huffing and puffing pretty hard before she started to keel over. Rai sensei appeared below and caught her.
Reo- Not bad. Not bad at all.
Itsuki- Hey Akari! That was a good fight! You had me on edge there for a second!
Akari- Well you know me. Don't can't me out until you knock me out am I right?
Kaito- For sure. Oh I can't wait until it's my turn.
The medical people come and take Hideo away on a stretcher.
Reo- Alright, up we go Akari. You're coming with me. We have to deal with a certain something.
She gets up and they leave the area.
Proctor- Ok then. Let's go ahead and get started with the second round.
It was Sasuke vs one of Kabuto's teammates and Sasuke won after getting his ass beat most of the match. He went away with kakashi and we moved on to the third round.
Akari POV)
I was in a semi dark room with Sasuke, Kakashi sensei, and Reo sensei. Sasuke and I were placed in this circle thing.

We were told to remove our upper clothing so we did.
Indigo: She kept her bra on so don't get any ideas
They started to write red symbols starting from our marks down to all over our bodies.
Kakashi- Ok. It'll be over quickly. You two ready?
Akari- Do it.
Sasuke- (nods)
Both Reo and Kakashi do a bunch of hand signals.
RK- Curse Sealing.
Reo puts his hand right on my curse mark at the base of my neck. There's a bright light and intense pain.
SA- Ahhhh!!!
After a couple seconds of what feels like eternity, my mark is sealed.
Reo- That should do it. Now if it starts to act up again, the seal should keep it at bay.
Kakashi- But remember, this curse sealing Jutsu is only as strong as you are. It derives it's power from the strength of your will. If that will ever weakens, if you ever begin to doubt yourselves, the curse will be unleashed in all of its fury.
Sasuke passes out but I'm still holding on.
???- My, how you two have grown. To think that you two would become strong enough to perform the curse sealing Jutsu.
The voice was fathers.
I turn around just in time to see him walk out from the shadows.

Kakashi- You.
Orochimaru- Long time no see Kakashi, Reo.
Reo- Orochimaru.
Orochimaru- No offense boys but I didn't come here to see you. My business is with that boy and my daughter behind you two.
Akari- Why you..
I get up and rush him but Reo holds me back.
Reo- You're not getting these children.
Kakashi- What's your game?
Orochimaru- This Sound village that everyone's curious about? It's mine. You see, I created it. I think you both understand without my saying anymore.
Kakashi- You and your wild eye ambition.
Orochimaru- Oh yes indeed. As always. But to play the game, as you put it, I need pieces on the chessboard, willing pawns to do my bidding.
Reo- So Sasuke and your own daughter are one of your pawns?
Orochimaru- Not a pawn. They are far too valuable than that. As for the others, well you know how it is in the game of chess. Pieces must be sacrificed.
He starts to walk closer towards us.
Kakashi- Stop! Don't come any closer!
Reo- Akari, if he takes one more step, I want to run to the dojo and watch the fights with everyone else.
Akari- But I can stay and fight. I'm not that spent.
Reo- This is no time to be arguing.
He does some hand signals and suddenly wind picks up in here. A very powerful spinning orb of chakra appears in his right hand.
Reo- Tornado Rasengan.

Kakashi- Lightning Blade.
This stops father in his tracks.
Kakashi- I don't care if you are one of the Sannin, the three shinobi of Legend.
Reo- We swear, if you take one more step towards these children, one of us will die right here right now!!
Father just let out an evil laugh.
Reo- You find this comical?
Orochimaru- Poor boys. All of your efforts in vain. Do you really think the seal will hold? Do you honestly think you can keep them from their truest desires? You knock immediately right
Akari- Never! You'll never have me you bastard!
Orochimaru- (chuckles) Ah Akari. You cannot stop it little one. At some point, you will come for me in search of the power to change. (Turns to leave) Unless your senseis carry out the threat to kill me. Now is their chance. Take it if you dare.
Reo and Kakashi sensei don't attack as we sense father's evil bloodlust and power. Father walks off and disappears in the shadows.
Akari *mind*- Damn you Father. I promise to get stronger my own way and kill you.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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