Chapter 44

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Itsuki (POV)
Itsuki- That's a Uchiha Scroll on your back. Sasuke and I are the only survivors. Just who is hell are you?!
???- My name is Gin Uchiha. I am one of the last Uchiha like yourself and Sasuke.
Itsuki- But this doesn't make any sense?
Hokage- You see, Gin here has been on a mission for years gathering intel on a certain group that we will not discuss right now. He was actually in his second year of this mission when he found out about the Uchiha massacre.
Gin- One of the saddest days of my life. I thought I was the only one who lived. That is until I scraped with Itachi and he revealed he spared his little brother Sasuke and another Uchiha child Itsuki.
Itsuki- You fought Itachi?
Gin- Yeah. One of my toughest fights to date. Made me use my Manegekyou Sharingan.
Itsuki- You've unlocked your Manegekyou Sharingan?
Kakashi- He has. Matter of fact, Gin here is one of the best shinobi Konoha has to offer. He's on par with the Great Sanin.
Itsuki- So what does this all have to do with me besides being a Uchiha.
Hokage- Simple. Although your outburst with Gaara was on grounds for disqualification, we decided to let you stay. All the finalists have been given a month starting yesterday to train for the final fights. Gin here will be your sensei for the next month. He's gonna help you control the brother and sister wolf inside of you.
Itsuki- But why can't Reo sensei train me? He's just as capable.
Reo- Well you see, I'm already gonna train a certain Akari. And the thing is, she's your first round fight.
My mind goes back to the words she said before the prelims started and I get a serious face on.
Itsuki- Well then, it's about damn time. She wanna fight ya boy so bad? Then I'll give her all the smoke.
Gin- I'm starting to like this kid Reo.
Reo- He sure is an interesting one.
Hokage- Indeed.
Itsuki- On that's all nice and dandy but can someone get me out of this shit?!
Gin gets me out of the chair and I leave with him.
Gin- So Itsuki, tell me about yourself.
Itsuki- There's really not much to tell. I was a happy boy growing up until that day. After that, I was stuck doing odd jobs and other things just to eat. Eventually I got a real job and managed to get enough for a low income apartment. And this was all the while I was 8-10. I then started my process to become a ninja and only recently discovered that I discovered that I have a harbinger of death residing in my stomach.
Gin- Interesting. Well I'm sorry you had to go through that.
Itsuki- Don't start that shit. I don't like to be pitied for what I've gone through. Half of the village already does that while the other half straight up hate me because I'm a demon.
Gin- You're not a demon. You may hold one in you but that doesn't make you it.
Itsuki- Tell that to other people. It's not gonna work out well. Look man, where are we going? I thought you were supposed to be helping me train.
Gin- I am. Follow me, I know just the spot.
We arrive a spot with a waterfall and we take seat on the rocks.

Gin- Ok, Do you notice anything about your chakra when you are and are not going berserk?
Itsuki- Well, if I had to base it off anything, the color of my regular chakra is blue with lightning sparks here and there because of my Storm Style. Whenever I'm in the other mode, my chakra is red and black and it's more intense.
Gin- I see. Welp I'm gonna help you have a little bit of control over the seventeen tails chakra. First and foremost, I need d you to completely drain all of your regular chakra.
Itsuki- But why?
Gin- Because you're gonna use your other chakra to do something like this. (Nips thumb) Summoning Jutsu!
He smashes his hand on the ground and in a poof of smoke I see a cool creature.

Itsuki- Holy shit! That's fucking amazing! I never knew this type of creature existed!
Gin- Yeah well, you're gonna be apart of it. Now drain your chakra.
Timeskip to sunset
After doing Jutsu after Jutsu, I was finally spent. Gin grabs a Scroll from the lions mane and tosses it to me.
Gin- Open it and write your name in your blood. Then place your fingertips under it in blood.
I nip my right thumb and right my name in the scroll and then I cover my fingertips of my right hand in my blood and place them in the scroll.
Gin- Good, now close it and let's see what you can do.
Itsuki- Alright....Summoning Jutsu!

Itsuki- A lion cub?
Lion cub- Not just any lion cub. I'm the son of Tyrian, Gin's main lion partner so you better watch how you're talking to me.
Gin- While it's not a full grown lion, you did summon Ajax. How's it going buddy.
Ajax- It's going well sir. The family is doing well. Is there something you needed?
Gin- No, the kid was just practicing. You can go  home now.
Ajax- I'll take my leave then.
He disappears in a poof of white smoke.
Gin- Alright kid. Training is over for today. Let's head to the hot springs to relax.
Itsuki- Sounds good.
We leave for the hot springs and we relaxed until I feel asleep.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully y'all enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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