Chapter 6

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Itsuki (POV)
Zabuza disappeared in the mist.
Naruto- He vanished.
Sakura- Sensei.
Reo- He'll come after Kakashi and I first.
Kaito- Who is the he anyway?
Reo- He is Zabuza Momochi. The ex leader of the Hidden Mist Assassination Unit.
Kakashi- He's also the master of the silent killing technique. As the name suggests, it happens in an instant without sound or warning of any kind.
Reo- It's so fast, you pass from this life without realizing what has happened.
Kakashi- The Sharingan can't fully neutralize it, so don't lower your guard.
Kaito- You don't gotta tell me twice.
Akari- Stay focused guys.
Itsuki- I mean if we fail, we only die.
Sakura- How can you say that?
Kaito- It's the truth after all.
Itsuki- I was just keeping it real.
The mist becomes thicker and it gets even harder to see. We eventually lose sight of Kakashi and Reo sensei.
Sakura- Sensei!
Itsuki- Everyone, eyes and ears open.
The mist around us disperses and we see Reo and Kakashi charging up their chakras.
Itsuki *mind*- I feel his bloodlust in the air. One tiny movement of anything is game over. Elite level ninja with the goal to kill. I've never felt something like this before. This is crazy.
Reo- Itsuki, calm down. I'll protect you I promise. You're not gonna die while I'm here.
Zabuza- I wouldn't be so sure.
That came from behind me and I turn around and there he was in our circle.
Zabuza- It's over.
He swings his sword while we all jump back trying to escape it's range. Within a blink, Kakashi had a kunai in Zabuza's stomach while Reo had slit his throat. Zabuza was bleeding water. Another Zabuza appeared behind Kakashi and the one in front of Kakashi became water.
Naruto- Sensei look out!
It was too late though because Zabuza cut Kakashi in half. Thankfully that Kakashi turned out to be a water clone as well. Reo was behind Zabuza in an instant with a kunai to his throat.
Reo- Don't move. Now it's over pal.
Naruto- All right!!
Zabuza starts to chuckle.
Zabuza- It's over? You really don't get it do you? His technique was nothing but a crass imitation. I'll never be defeated by a mere copycat ninja like him.
Kakashi- Say it to my face.
Kakashi comes from nowhere and stands in front of Zabuza.
Zabuza- You are full of surprises though. You already copied my water clone jutsu when your friend made his little speech. Very skillfully executed. You made your partner say those words to draw my attention while you hid in the mist and waited for me to make my move. Nice try but I'm not that easy to fool.
Another Zabuza appeared behind Reo and the other just became water. Zabuza swung his massive sword at Reo but he ducked but didn't the kick that followed an he was sent flying into kakashi and the both flew back and they landed in the water. Zabuza jumped into the water and disappeared. Kakashi and Reo surface.
Kakashi- This isn't normal water.
Reo- It's way to dense.
Zabuza- (appears behind both of them and weaves signs) You fools. Water Prison Jutsu!
RK- No!
They become trapped in a water bubble.
Zabuza- This prison may be made of water but it's stronger than steel. It's hard to fight when you can't move. So much for the great Kakashi and Reo. I'll finish you two later but first, your little friends must die. Water Clone Jutsu!
Another Zabuza appears from the water and stands before us.
Zabuza clone- You think wearing a headband makes you a ninja? When you've hovered between life and death for so many times it doesn't faze you, then you may be called a ninja. When you've become so deadly, your profile is entered in my bingo book, then you may have earned the title ninja. But to call upstarts like you ninja is a joke.
He disappears in the mist.
Itsuki- Where'd he
I didn't get to finish as I get kicked in the gut and I flew back. My headband came off my waste from that kick.
Zabuza- You're just brats.
Kaito- Crap.
Akari- Itsuki!
Sasuke charged Zabuza and threw shuriken at him but they were sliced away. He kept into the air to deliver and axe handle punch but Zabuza caught him by his throat and threw him away with a lot of force. Kaito was next as he ran at Zabuza with his sword. The clashes for bit while Akari ran behind Zabuza.
Akari- Earth Style: Bullet Rock Technique!
She sends a big rock to Zabuza. He simply shoves kaito off of him and hits him away and cut the rock in half.
Akari- No way.
He was in front of her in an instant and punched her in the face and sent flying into a tree. He eyed me still on the ground and started making his was towards. Naruto got in his way and got kicked in the face for his troubles. Zabuza stopped and stepped on my headband.
Itsuki *mind*- Damn. I said I wanted to be the best ever. I can't do that if I die here. I made that oath. I want to be the best and protect my friends. That's my ninja way.
I get up and charge at him.
Sakura- Itsuki don't!
Zabuza- (chuckles) You've got guts kid but you're a fool.
Itsuki- Whatever. Sto
I didn't finish as I get decked in the face and I tumbled towards Tazuna and Sakura.
Sakura- What were you thinking charging at him by yourself?! Even Sasuke couldn't get to him! We're only Genin! We can't defeat a Jonin! What did you think you'd accomplish by that?
Itsuki- Shut up.
Sakura- Huh?
I rise to my feet with my retrieved headband in my right hand.
Itsuki- Hey douchebag with no brows. Write what I'm about to say in your bingo book then shove it up your ass. The ninja that will become the greatest and most powerful is me. (ties headband back around waist) His name is Itsuki Uchiha.
Author: He's giving him this type of look

Author: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Peace.

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