Chapter 86

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Gin (POV)
Orochimaru still has his tongue wrapped around Tsunade's neck.
Gin *mind*- Crap. I can't attack Orochimaru without Tsunade getting caught up in it. What do I do?
Tsunade slowly begins struggle but by bit until the tongue is completely off her neck much to Orochimaru's shock.
Tsunade- I can't give in! I have to give it everything I've got!
With the tongue still in hand, she yanks Orochimaru to her and decks him in the face with an overhead left punch. He falls to the ground but Tsunade yanks him back into the air before touching the ground. She leaps up after him. She throws a right which he ducks but gets nailed with a left jab followed by a three piece combo and a roundhouse kick that sends him towards Manda. She lands on the blade handle and holds Orochimaru by his tongue again but I can tell she's at her limit.
Orochimaru- Everyone has their limits. Yes even you.
Tsunade- Shut up!
She yanks him up and kicks him in the gut.
Gin- Tyrian, I'm going in.
Tyrian- Be careful. The Susanoo takes a major toll on you.
Gin- I know.
I hop off of Tyrian and give chase to Orochimaru who's on the ground running away. Tsunade joins my side and we gain on Orochimaru. Throw spectral Uchiha beads at Orochimaru. He jumps and dodges the attack but gets meet with a knee to the face from Tsunade. He flys back towards me and hit him with a Susanoo right punch that crushes him into the ground. I fist rises and Tsunade comes by and stands him up by his neck. She proceeds to wail on him with rights and lefts making him look like a rag doll. She uppercuts him to me and I smash him with a Susanoo double axe handle smash. He crashes into the ground and creates a crater from the impact. Tsunade and I slowly walk towards him as he struggles to get up. Tsunade's chakra intensifies around her right fist.
Tsunade- Give my regards to hell.
She completely wrecks Orochimaru with a right hook to the jaw that sends him sailing into the air. I throw another round of Uchiha beads at him whic connect and cause an explosion.

Orochimaru lands on Manda and doesn't move. Kabuto comes to his side and cradles him in his arms.
Jiraiya- It's over.
Gamabunta- Yeah.
Tyrian- It's about time. My fight with Shikaku was a lot more fun.
Manda- Ugh. He made me clumsy and careless. I'd eat you both right now, but I won't be swallowing solid food for weeks thanks to this hole in my mouth. But if we meet again well, he'd better hope we don't. With that Manda poofs away. My eyes begin to bleed and my Susanoo fades. My eyes go back to normal and I collapse to my knees and grasp my eyes in pain.
Tsunade- Gin!
She comes to my side.
Tsunade- Are you ok?
Gin- Yeah I'm fine. This is just what happens when I use my Mangekyō Sharingan sometimes. I only use it when necessary and it's really helpful in a pinch but as you can see, it has it's drawbacks.
Tyrian- Hey fellas, look.
The white smoke begins to disappear and through it I see Orochimaru and Kabuto barely standing in their feet.
Orochimaru- you refuse to heal my arms do you? Very well then. I don't need you. There is one other way.
He looks up at us and he partially has a different face.

Orochimaru- I will destroy the Leaf Village. Depend on it. I hope we'll all meet again very soon when I once more walk among you. (Chuckles) Until then my dear old friends oh and Gin, when your pupil wakes up, tell him that she has no place in this world and that he can't change her. He'll understand. As for all of you, when I return with the Elixir of life, I'll show you what it means to be truly immortal.
Kabuto- We'll meet again.
Order sinks into the ground and Kabuto poofs away.
Gin- Well shit. They got away. I guess it's for the best right now because we're all fucked up.
Jiraiya- You're not wrong.
After a bit, we all bid farewell to our respective creatures. Once they were gone, we all gathered around the unconscious kids.
Jiraiya- Tsunade, you never could recognize a fools bet when you saw it.
There's a silence that overtakes us.
Tsunade- Crap. The side effects of the Jutsu.
Gin- Hmm?
Tsunade begins to get wrinkly and older looking.
Gin- Ohhhhh.
Tsunade- If I rest a bit, my younger form will be restored. I'll go into town. Then when Naruto and Itsuki have recovered, we head back to the Leaf Village.
Jiraiya- Tsunade.
Tsunade- No more first names. You know what you have to call me now. Well, the only exception is Gin because he's Gin.
Jiraiya- What?!!!' That makes no sense!! Totally unfair!!
Gin- Sucks to suck Jiraiya. Hehe.
Itsuki (POV)
Naruto and I have recovered and we're currently sitting the bar we met Tsunade in just grabbing some food before our journey home.
Naruto- What?!! The Fifth Hokage?!!
Tsunade- Mhmm.
Naruto- Unbelievable. I'm out of it for a couple minutes and I wake up to find out she's the Hokage.
Jiraiya- Is Uh, something bothering you Naruto? What's wrong?
Naruto- C'mon. Shouldn't the Hokage be kind and wise and everything? Like the old man used to be? Well she's mean and greedy. And with a nasty temper. And she's not that smart.
Itsuki- Not to mention a thirst trap. I mean she's old but looks hella because she feels good that way and it's a way to attract dudes. But with all you said Naruto, it's no wonder she can't get a boyfriend and get laid. Probably why she hits on Gin all the time. Man talk about thirsty.
Tsunade- Alright that's it!! Outside you two!!!! Now!!!!
Itsuki- Hmph. With pleasure.
We go outside and Naruto and I stand a few feet across from Tsunade.
Tsunade- I may not be anyone's idea of perfect but I am Hokage now. And even though I shouldn't dirty my hands on little squirts like yourselves, I want you two to come at me at the same time. I underestimated Itsuki and had to use both hands to take him down. I'm not making that mistake again.
Itsuki- Hell yeah you did. You're looking at the ninja who's going to be the best in the world.
Naruto and I both dash in. Naruto goes for a right hook but Tsunade ducks. I counter by going for a right uppercut and nail her.
Itsuki- Yes!!!
Tsunade- Sorry but you didn't hit me.
Itsuki- What?!!
She swipes up with both hands making both Naruto and I stagger. I look forward to see she's about to flick me.
Itsuki *mind*- Fuck.
I brace for impact but it never comes. Instead the soft sensation of lips on my forehead comes. I open my eyes to see that yes Tsunade is indeed kissing my forehead.
Itsuki- Umm Wha?
Naruto- What just happened? She kissed my head too.
Tsunade- (gentle smile) You'll grow up to be fine men.
I couldn't help but smile.
Naruto- You bet!
Itsuki- Oh hell yeah. For sure.
Jiraiya- Ok lets go home everyone. To the Leaf Village.
Gin- Finally.
Itsuki *mind*- Alright!! Now we can get home and Tsunade can heal Reo and Akari. Just hold on a little longer for me Akari. I'm coming.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. We just hit 4K views my boys!! I remember awhile ago that this story besides my MHA story was the least viewed story out of all my works. I still have no idea what the hell I did to have so many take the time out of their day to read my story chapter by chapter. I truly appreciate it. No lie. Thank you for everything. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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