Chapter 91

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Akari (POV)
Sakon- Ah the curse mark. Kinda hurts doesn't it?
I charge at Sakon only to be booted in the face and put back on the floor. I look back up to see Sakon has curse markings on him as well.

Sakon- Come on now. You didn't think you and Sasuke were the only ones who have this did you? One should use the curse mark so recklessly kid. Although, it doesn't really look like you've got much of a handle on it do you? If you unleash the curse mark for too long, the curse will start to eat away at your body. You're in the early stages so it shouldn't sink it's teeth into you just yet. But once it spreads through your body, your former self will be gone, never again to return.
My curse markings go away.
Tayuya- I'm exchange for the curse mark's power you will be tethered to Lord Orochimaru. All semblance of freedom will be lost to you. To gain one thing, another must be left behind. What is your purpose in life? To stay here in this backwater village, hiding with your little friends and the seventeen tails Jinchūriki? Surely you haven't forgotten that the Akatsuki is after him. More importantly Kyoko Uchiha.
Sakon- You mustn't lose sight of your purpose. Life in this village for you is a prison. You're being kept in the dark from secrets about you.
Akari- What do you mean?
Sakon- If you want answers, sever your ties from this pathetic place. Once you do that, you'll receive the answers and power that you crave. Remember your purpose.
With that they all leap away and disappear into the night.
Akari *mind*- What secrets is he talking about? What is it about me that I don't know?
I get up and go home.
I get home and open the door.
Akari- Mom I'm home.
No answer.
Akari- Mom?
Still no answer.
I proceed upstairs and go into my room. There I see my mom sitting on my bedside holding a paper.
Akari- Uh mom are you ok?
Mom-.......I see that he's made his move.
Akari- Who?
Mom- Orochimaru. I'm not blind. That's his curse mark on your neck isn't it.
Akari- .......Yeah.....
Mom- And now he's sent those four to get you.
Akari- Wait how do you know about that? That just happened.
Mom- I have my ways. I know them after all. They were my comrades.
I'm shocked.
Akari- How? Mom what are you talking about?
Mom- I am not your mother Akari. I am simply a caretaker Orochimaru assigned to watch over you.
My world begins to shatter.
I was sent to watch over his greatest experiment yet. That's right. I said experiment. You were made by him but not in the normal way. You were made in his lab. You're not human Akari. You never were.
Those words hit me like an oncoming train.
Mom- After these years of caring for you, I've learned to love you and I want to see Orochimaru's downfall. I have nothing more left to give in this world and I taking his experiment with me.
The paper begins to glow and so do the same walls.
Akari *mind*- Paper bombs!
Mom- Die with me Akari.
I quickly bust out through my bedroom window and fall to the ground below. The explosion of my house followed as I hit the ground. I get up and watch as my home burns.
Akari *mind*- I'm not human. What am I? Who am I? I need answers. I need to see my dad. Once I have my answers and power, I'll kill him and then I'll kill Kyoko. In order for me to do that though, I need to leave this place. It's time for me to go rouge. But first, I have to say goodbye to him one last time.
Play music
I'm at Itsuki's house sitting up against the wall watching him sleep and thinking of the stuff that could've been.

I get up and approach his sleeping self.
Akari (whisper) I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to hurt you Itsuki. I'm sorry that I won't be able to be by your side anymore. It hurts me greatly to think about that. I always want to be by your side forever. But it seems life had other plans for us. I must leave you now. I wish things could've been different. Before I leave I just want you to know that.......I love you Itsuki Uchiha.
I bend over over and kiss his forehead.
I open the window and jump out of it but before I close it I look at Itsuki one last time.
Akari (whisper)- Goodbye my love.
With that I close the window and leave his apartment. As I'm walking towards the village gate, none other than Kaito approaches me.
Kaito- Hey are you ok? I was awoken by a loud sound and I got up and saw a building on fire close to your place so I got up to see if you were alright.
Akari- I'm fine. Go back to bed.
Kaito- Oh ok. Hey, where are you headed anyway? Your home is back the other way and this is the only road out of the village.
Akari- I'm going to go train.
Kaito-.............Not with that look in your eye. I can tell when you're lying to me. You're not leaving this village. You're not going to him. Think about Itsuki. Do you know how heartbroken he'd be.
Akari- I've already made my peace and said goodbye to him. Listen, I don't want to do this but now I have no other choice. He's given me no other choice. I'll miss you my friend.
I instantly appear behind him before he can comprehend and I pinch a pressure point in his neck and he passes out. I catch him and place him on a bench. 
Stop music
I head down the road and run into Sasuke.
Sasuke- You're leaving too?
Akari- Orochimaru has answers and the power I seek. I don't belong here and I never will.
Sasuke- Same here. Let's get out of here and seek Orochimaru.
Akari- Sounds good to me.
We fist bump and leave the village. Once we make it to the outskirts outside the village, we run into the sound ninja four kneeling before us.
Sakon- We've been waiting on you Sasuke and Akari.
Sasuke- What's with the change in attitude?
Sakon- It had already been decided that once the two of you abandoned the village, you two would be our new leaders. Please forgive the rudeness we displayed earlier Sasuke of the Uchiha clan and Akari daughter of the snake.
Sasuke- Hmph. Like I care.
Akari- Rise and take us to my father.
Tayuya- With pleasure.
Sasuke- This is only the beginning.
Akari- The beginning of a new era.

Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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