Chapter 27

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Gin (POV)
Jiriaya and I successfully infiltrate the Hidden Rain.

Jiriaya- That was a lot easier than I thought. Perhaps too easy.
Gin- Definitely too easy. But we gotta press onward either way.
Jiriaya- Yeah.
We skip on cloaks to cover our faces and enter the village. We do some investigating with the locals and come across information regarding this "Lord Pain" and "Lady Angel." Another thing we learn is that Pain's jutsu makes it rain and the rain tells him what everyone is doing. A strict ruler he is. And that also means he knows we're already here. Now it's only a matter of time until Pain crosses paths with us. Jiriaya comes up with a plan to set up a fake bar and lure in some lower level gennins to tell us what we need to know. Sure enough two Gennin come in.
Jiriaya- Come on in gentlemen.
Gin- Please take a seat. You won't regret it.
Ninja 1- Just two.
Ninja 2- We'll have two sakes and some snacks please.
Gin- Right away gentlemen.
The two ninja get to conversing amongst themselves
Ninja 2- It isn't Sunday is it?
Ninja 1- I guess something must've come up for Lord Pain. Maybe he's going to go to another nation or something.
N2- Yeah. I don't recall it raining this hard on other days y'know.
N1- Maybe he's up to something that requires a lot of power.
N2- But if it keeps raining like this...
N1- Hey watch what you say. Lord Pain gives som much of himself for us and this city and you know it. So stop your whining.
N2- Yeah ok. I guess you're right.
Jiriaya- (clears throat) Sorry to keep you folks waiting.
N2- Hey you didn't bring us our order.
Gin- No no gentlemen. It's your lucky day you see. You two get to enjoy our grand opening special.
N2- Seriously?! Alright!
N1- So what is it? Tell us!
Jiriaya- It's a little thing I like to call the Club Frog Torture Special.
We reveal ourselves as ninja of the Leaf. Both of them fly out of their chairs and brandish their kunai.
N1- Who the hell are you guys.
Jiriaya- Actually we're the ones who's going to be asking the questions.
The throw a smokebomb and try to escape but the door is unsurprisingly locked. I'm fact, the door turns into frog guts and trap the both of them
Gin- Guessing from the headbands, you're rouge ninja loyal to Pain.
N1- What the hell is this place?
Jiriaya- You're inside the stomach of a toad. No matter what you may try, you'll never be found here. No one will ever come to your aide.
N1- But who are you?
We ignore the question and Jiriaya pulls out a feather.
N1- What are you going to do with that?
Jiriaya- Tickle you of course. If you don't want to die by laughing, then I suggest you answer my questions.
Gin- Tell us all you know about your leader, Pain.
The tickling doesn't work.
Gin- Can we try my method now?
Jiriaya- But I was going to turn them into frogs since they won't comply.
Gin- Well you can turn one of them into a frog. If the other still doesn't give in, I'll roast his nuts off.
Jiriaya- Sounds fine by me.
He goes ahead and turns one of the ninja into a frog.
N1- Lord Pain lives in the tallest tower on the west end of the village. That's what people say anyway.
Gin- See? Was that so hard?
N1- Actually, no one knows very much about Lord Pain. He's a mystery.
Jiriaya- What do you mean?
N1- They say he's of Fūma Clan lineage. But no one has ever seen him up close. Some people go so far as the claim that he doesn't exist.
Gin- Ww walked through town just awhile ago and everyone we talked to sang his praises. Wouldn't be surprised if they kiss the very ground he walks on or lick his feet.
N1- In this village, Lord Pain is considered a god. It's not a question of if he exists. He's always out there watching everyone of us. He has a representative that do things like ceremonial rights, speeches, and the issuing of orders. That's all done through Lady Angel.
Jiriaya- He's your leader isn't he? So why must he hide himself from people he rules over.
N1- For times just like this.
GJ- Well that makes sense.
N1- You're not one of the hold overs from the previous Hidden Rain are you? Just who the hell are you?
Jiriaya- Nevermind about us. But what's this stuff about the hold overs from the old Hidden Rain?
N1- You really don't know a thing do ya? Outsider huh? Until recently those remnants of the old days would try and infiltrate our land. But that wasn't a concern anymore. Only very few, very lucky foreigners like yourselves managed to slip in from the outside.
Gin- Isn't a concern? What do you mean by that? Heard this land was going through Civil War.
N1- I'm not surprised. This land is closed to the outside. But I'll tell you the truth. The Civil War here ended a long time ago and we were triumphant. That's why Lord Pain is do legendary. He conquered the Hidden Rain all by himself.
Jiriaya-.......I can't believe it. No matter how powerful this Pain might be, the leaded of the Hidden Rain was Hanzo of the Salamander. Everyone in the Shinobi world knows about him.
N1- Yeah that's right. And not only was Hanzo extremely powerful, he was also cautious. He made it very hard for anyone to come near him. He surrounded himself with bodyguards twenty four hours a day. He required full body searches of anyone who approached him. Even children.
Jiriaya- So how was Pain able to defeat Hanzo? Just what ability does he possess?
N1- I already told you. We don't know much of anything about him.
Jiriaya-........I just can't believe it. There's no way he could've defeated Hanzo by himself.
N1- Heh. Of course he could. He's a god. He wields formidable jutsu. Even so, that isn't the real reason to fear Lord Pain. What's truly frightening about him is his merciless heart of unbending steel. He has systematically eliminated all ego questioned or threatened his vision. He didn't stop at destroying Hanzo. He killed his parents, his wife, his child, relatives and friends. Even their infants. He killed all of them and burned their homes to the ground. Then he killed Emissaries of villages allied with Hanzo. He erased them all. It was retribution. Is that not godlike?
Gin-..........A god huh?
N1- That's right.
Gin- Then what exactly is your god trying to accomplish? Even a couple of lowly fodder like yourself must know that much.
N1- His are the works of a god. We couldn't know what he has in his mind.
Gin- I see. Then enough about your god. At the very least you should something about the Akatsuki
N1-.........Never heard......of it.
Jiriaya- Your arms and legs are bound but that's not all this trap does. Your pulse is also being measured. And if you lie, I'll know instantly. Now go on. Tell me everything you know. Otherwise Gin here will make sure you can never produce children or ever use your genitals again.
He refuses to talk.
Gin- Fine then. We'll just go ahead and talk to this god of yours (flashes Sharingan) in person.
Indigo: That's The end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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