Chapter 36

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Akari (POV)
Akari- The hell is wrong with you? You expect me to believe a founder and his forgotten sister helped you? Madara Uchiha should be long dead. You're just playing with me.
Kyoko- Ugh you stupid little girl. Madara is still alive. His sister may or may not be. Haven't heard from her in years. Whether you choose to believe my words or not is completely up to you.
Akari- You're out of your mind.
Kyoko- Each of us live dependent and bound by our individual knowledge and our awareness. All that is what we call reality. However, both knowledge and awareness are critical. One's reality might be another's illusion. We all live inside our own fantasies. Don't you think that's true Akari? It's like the fantasy that you live in where you think you can actually kill me, and yet somehow by the end of all of this, you'll end up with my little brother. Or how you think you doing all of this for the sake of him. You stab him in his back, attack his friends, betrayed his trust, you hurt him multiple times, and you cause him grief and heartache. Yet you still claim to love him. I don't think so.
Akari- How dare you! Who are you of all people to question my love for him?! You-
Kyoko- Silence whore! You're trapped in a mistaken reality just like the rest of the Uchiha clan were! However, unlike them, there is no place for you in the new world! You will be erased from existence and I personally shall be the one to see it through!
Kyoko- Fuck you and your new world bullshit! I love your brother and I always will even after I take my last breath! It's you that's living in a mistaken reality for you think I'm still the same little girl you beat up all those years ago. I'm a whole different breed from then to now. You have no fucking idea what kind of animal you're dealing with!
Kyoko-........You exude confidence. So sure of yourself that you'll end my life today......Good. You say you're a different breed? I'll take you up on that....for now. I want you to keep up that same energy when I unleash the power that my eyes carry.
Akari- Then what are you waiting for? Unleash your Mamgekyō Sharingan. Do it already or are you just too afraid to be outclassed and beaten by of the likes of me?
Kyoko sighs and finally gets up from her throne.
Kyoko- The Mangekyō Sharingan are very special eyes. Once awakened, they only progress to darkness. And the more they are used, the faster they are sealed. The Mangekyō eventually lose their light and the user goes blind.
Akari- Exactly who and what are Madara and Ahmya?
Kyoko- Madara Uchiha. The first to tame the Nine Tailed Fox. A mortal man who is both my comrade and mentor. Ahmya Uchiha. The Fenikkusu of the Uchiha Clan. The First and only mortal to gain control the deity known as the Seventeen Tailed Two Headed Wolf, the Annihilator of the long lost Wolf Clan also known as the protectors of Wolf God. Also my comrade and personal mentor. Both Uchiha are the only ones to uncover the other secrets of the Mangekyō Sharingan. That is Madara and Ahmya Uchiha.
Akari *mind*- Holy shit......are they even human at this point?
Akari- What's the other secrets of the Mangekyō Sharingan? What other visual things can it do? Does it do more than just tame Nine and Seventeen Tails?
Kyoko- Yes.......the most important one of all.
I am told of the story of Madara and Ahmya Uchiha. How they had siblings named Izuna Chiasa. All who honed their skills and techniques at young ages and therefore unlocked their Sharingan early on in life. Then all four killed off what was most precious to them and unlocked their Mangekyō Sharingan. They used their new visual prowess to unite the clan under themselves and Madara became the leader with Ahmya being second in command. But soon both Madara and Ahmya's light began to vanish and their Sharingan became close to being sealed. In desperation Madara and Ahmya stole their siblings eyes for themselves. Doing so made them obtain new light and it never faded from their new eyes. An Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. The Uchiha Clan ended clashing and later forming an alliance with the Senju Clan. Then IT happened. Obsessed with obtaining more power, she targeted the ungodly yet extremely peaceful giant, Seventeen Tails. She wiped out the Wolf Clan and made Seventeen Tails disappear up until it's emergence in Itsuki. She was greatly injured in her attempt and the news spread of what she did. The leader of the Senju Clan who would eventually become the first Hokage ordered Madara to put down his monster of a sister. Madara secretly hid and rehabilitated his sister while claiming he killed her. This would be part of reason why he and the leader of the Senju clashed. Madara may have lost the battle that day, but he still lives on with his visual prowess intact. He's been hiding himself amongst the shadows and created a new organization with his sister in the Akatsuki. Sixteen years ago when Nine Tails attacked the Leaf Village, it was Madara's doing. But like his previous bid for power, the Fourth Hokage stopped that. Madara is a bitter defeated loser now and his sister is a shell of her former young self. She's a fragile old woman. They are no longer worthy of grasping the Uchiha's true greatness. I shall be the one who surpasses them both and I shall bring about the new world. And once it becomes time, I shall obtain a new set of eyes as well.
Akari- You don't mean.......
Kyoko- Oh no. I can never do that to my dear Itsuki. It's a good thing I went back to my house and snatched my parents eyes before I left the village for good.
Akari- I've heard enough. You won't get the chance to achieve anything after I'm done with you today.
Kyoko- It's impossible. You can't win against my Mangekyō Sharingan.
Akari- I'll rip them out of your skull and smash them to pieces.
I take off my cloak and toss it to the side as I get prepared for the biggest fight of my life
Akari- Your life and dreams will fall by my hands whereas I shall continue to prosper and and get rid of every single threat to Itsuki's life until it's just us living happily ever after away from everything! Ice Style: Hundred Arrows!
I summon a bow of ice and rapid fire hundreds of arrows with a single pull of the string.
Kyoko- Fire Style: Blazing Explosive Kunai Maelstrom!!
She starts throwing hundreds of kunai with explosive tags at the same time as me firing my arrows. Ice arrows meet explosive kunai causing this thing to kick off with small explosion after small explosion resulting in nothing but a cloud of smoke and fire.

I toss my bow to the ground and rush throw the cloud of smoke and engage Kyoko in lightning fast punches.
Like this

As fists fly, I finally catch her with a headbutt right to her mouth. As she stumbles back holding her mouth, a shadow clone comes from behind her with two handfuls of shuriken.
Akari *mind*- Even through all of that, she was able to make a shadow clone?
The ends of my hair turn to snakes and wrap around my hair to block the shurikens. Both Kyoko and her clone back off and my serpents go for them. Both of them leap up out way but my snakes snag onto the ground and yank me forward purposefully.
Akari- Explosion Style: Ignition Kick!
Kyoko *mind*- Shit!
My foot makes contact with the Kyoko on the right and it triggers a small extra from the sole of my foot. Both of them get caught but they disperse into black flames like the Amaterasu. I quickly back up to not get caught up in the flames back Kyoko comes through it and kicks me right in the stomach and sends me crashing into the wall making it crack. I don't get time to recover as she pins my arms above my head and starts laying into me with shot after shot. Blood sprays out of my mouth as she delivers rapid punches to me stomach. She continues with forearm and elbow strikes to my face. My nose pops signaling that it broke. Kyoko doesn't stop as she keeps bashing my skull in with her brute force of punches, each punch making my blood spray and leak more and more from my body. The sheer force and impact is causing the wall to crack and weaken even further. The onslaught continues until she backs up and relishes being covered in my blood. I flip her off and she Spartan kicks me in the chest and the wall finally gives way. Out into the storm I go as I dive headfirst towards the ground. I open my mouth and regurgitate a new healed up me and throw the old body away.
Akari- Summoning Jutsu! Diablo!!
Diablo arrives and catches in the nick of as I was about to hit the ground.
Diablo- Akari are you okay?
Akari- I'm fine. It's Kyoko. We're settling this once and for all.
Diablo- I see. And where is she?
Akari- Up above. It's the top of the tower. I need you to get me there.
Diablo- Will do.
Diablo wraps his body around the entirety of the tower and starts making his way up. Halfway up Kyoko comes divebombing out of the hole down towards me with her Mangekyō Sharingan out on display. As she gets closer, I cut her out of the air with a uppercut to her chin.
Like this

She's instantly on her knees and knees and loopy as all hell. I flip over her and hit her in the back of her skull with a running knee.

I fall out on my knees too as exhaustion begins to kick in. Both of us are beat up, very bloody, and very bruised. We finally reach the hole that I made and Kyoko is finally getting her bloody and soaked self up. We lock eyes and sprint at her and tackle her back inside the tower as Diablo poofs away.
Like this.

We both got the ground and it splits open and we freefall multiple stories all the way down to the deep pond at the base of the tower.
Kyoko (POV)
What feels like hours only turns out to be mere seconds as I reawaken underneath the water. Thinking fast, I swim up to the surface of the water and get on top of it. I begin puking up water mixed with my blood.
Kyoko *mind*- God damn this girl. Doesn't know when to give up.
I look around the surroundings to see if Akari is around. Suddenly the water turns purple from underneath. The color gets brighter and brighter until she surfaces, only she's powered up.

Kyoko *mind*- Oh things just keep getting better and better.
Kyoko- Alright. You finally decided to get serious huh? Let's see what you got cunt.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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