Chapter 40

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Akari (POV)
As the next day came and gone, we gathered up our strength and left the cave and made our way to another Akatsuki hideout hidden deep within a forest. Night fell and now we're in a small conference room with our team, Kisame, Fudo, Madara, and Kyoko.
Sasuke- We the Taka will destroy the Leaf.
Madara- Easier said than done. So how? What's your plan?
Akari- Go for the elders. Danzo first.
Kisame- If you aim high, the one's below will shield them. It's not going to be as easy as you think. And you six Taka don't have the strength to topple this kind of thing by yourselves.
Suigetsu- Tch, listen Kisame. You really shouldn't make ghetto mistake of underestimating us. We still haven't settled that little game of ours we started the other day. So let me show you-
Jugo- Stop it Suigetsu! Enough!
Suigetsu unsheathes his sword and slides across the table to Kisame. He swings but Kyoko gets in the way and stops it with her bare hands.
Madara- Sasuke, you haven't trained him very well.
Karin- Suigetsu are you that stupid?! This isn't the time or place!
Suigetsu- My objective is that sword of his, Samehada! I've been traveling with Sasuke and Akari only to get my hands on that thing!
Jugo- Alright Sasuke. What now?
Sasuke- Fine by me. Do whatever you think you have to Suigetsu. But know this, you cannot win against him yet.
Suigetsu- Gee thanks for the vote of confidence there Sasuke. Have a little faith. I'll treat you to some tasty sharkskin.
Kyoko releases the sword and Suigetsu backs off. Nakano smacks Suigetsu over his head for being a nuisance.
Madara- The Akatsuki is low on manpower right now. We should avoid unnecessary skirmishes.
Suigetsu- Heh, the pot shouldn't be calling the kettle black y'know.
Madara- We share common interests. So from here on, Taka will work together with the Akatsuki.
Sasuke- Oh is that right? And just what's in it for us?
Kyoko- A tailed beast.
Sasuke- Tailed beast?
Madara- You don't know about them?
Karin- Of course we do. They're enormous amounts of chakra that physically manifests as beasts like the Nine Tails and they're held within hosts that-
Sasuke- So what does that mean?
Kyoko- They're chakra monsters. Long ago the first Hokage collected several of them and kept them under his control. Each time a Great War was threatened, he used them to maintain a power balance, distributing them to other lands starting with the Five Great Nations as proof of alliances. You could call them the ultimate chakra weapons. Not a bad proposition now is it?
Sasuke- How generous of you.
Kyoko- However, if you betray the Akatsuki (looks directly at Akari) I'll finish the job we started and slaughter the rest of you.
I narrow my eyes at her.
Fudo- There are nine beasts in this world. Well, there was until the Seventeen Tailed Two Headed Wolf re-emerged some years ago. The Akatsuki has collected six beasts so far. Only the other four remain.
Madara- Taka and the Akatsuki will split up to hunt the last four.
Kyoko- However, you're not allowed a crack at Seventeen Tails. He's reserved for Pain, myself, or Madara.
Sasuke-.......You still don't have him or Nine Tails yet?
Kyoko- Eight Tails is your target. Naruto and Itsuki the Akatsuki will handle.
A  feeling despair and sadness flushes over me as I'm in a position where I can't protect Itsuki.
Akari *mind*- Itsuki, please stay safe love.
We successfully infiltrated Kumogakure and made our way to Storm Cloud Ravine were we encounter the Eight Tails Jinchūriki.

Sasuke- Are you the Jinchūriki host of the Eight Tails?
ETJ- That's Lord Eight Tails sir to you. No wait you say Lord Jinchūriki sir got it?
Sasuke- I'm here to capture you.
ETJ- Nah Uh. Now here's what you say. Freeze, let me capture you sir please. Ya got it?
Akari *mind*- (dumbfounded) Is, Is he rapping? You gotta be kidding me.
Sasuke- Suigetsu take the right.
Akari- Nakano partner with him. Jugo you're to the left. Karin you're support so cover our rear.
Suigetsu and Nakano go on the offensive and attack.
ETJ- Now let's see. I'm in the midst of my rhymes. Y'all are bustin my time. I gotta spit my lines fools, ya fools.
Suigetsu brings his sword down on the Jinchūriki but he moves. Nakano intercepts him and goes for a punch. The Jinchūriki dodges and Nakano craters in the ground instead.
Jugo- We're not supposed to kill the Jinchūriki you know. Remember what the Akatsuki told us? Suigetsu? Nakano?
Suigetsu goes back on the attack with the same sword slice. He connects with the Jinchūriki but he tanks it with his forearms.

Suigetsu- Tch, come on.
ETJ- Only one who gets to dig me is me yo. So stand back and stay back, or you're gonna get whacked fool.
He rips the sword from Suigetsu's hands.
Jugo- Just step back Suigetsu. Nakano.
The both of them regroup on us.
ETJ- I am peeking at you.see you're not quite through. But in all your crew, your brain cells are few.
Jugo- Stop joking around!
Jugo rushes in but to our surprise, he's easily flat backed.
ETJ- My powers are flash and there's still more in my stash. Eight Tails that be me. The rapping Killer Bee, yeah. This battle you initiated but I'll leave you humiliated. So before you get disintegrated, Ow! Bit my tongue.
Karin- What's up with this guy? He's completely crazy but he still managed to take down Jugo.
Killer Bee- You made me bite my tongue, fools.
He picks up Jugo by the Akatsuki cloak that we all wear and tosses him to our feet.
Karin- Are you okay?
Jugo- Y-Yeah.
He doesn't get up as he's hurt.
Sasuke- We'll handle this. Akari.
Akari- Yeah.
Sasuke and I approach the Jinchūriki with caution.
Killer Bee- Just who in the hell are y'all fools, ya fools?
Suigetsu- Would you just shut up already?! You're getting on my nerves!
Killer Bee- Yo who are ya? Why do you want to capture me? What's the deal yo?
Sasuke- I'm under no obligation to tell you.
Suigetsu- Why do we have to fight such a weird rhyming guy in the first place? This whole thing is a pain.
Akari- It's to obtain more power as quickly as possible. If you don't like it, leave. And we also have to confirm the Akatsuki's promise. Whether their pledge to give us a tailed beast is true. Regardless, we're the ones who's going to use the Akatsuki. Not the other way around. And I'd be damned if they try and lay a finger on Itsuki. All of you keep that in mind. Now let's do what we have to do and bring this guy down.
Indigo: That's the end of this one. Hopefully you guys enjoyed it. Later indigo fam. Peace.

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