Chapter 44

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Warning: Highly emotionally stuff in here. Suicide trigger. Read at your own risk.
Tsunade (POV) the wolves radiate chakra as they stand in my now partially destroyed office.
Itsuki (seven tails)- RAWRRRRRRRRRR!!!!
Reo, Kakashi, and Guy attack the wolves so we incapacitate them enough to send back into the seal. The tails of the wolves whip around and smack everyone in the vicinity. I get sent crashing over my desk. Thankfully Gin's eyes are not damaged. I get up only to see the wolves eying all three elders.
Tsunade- Hey!
The two headed wolf turns their gaze to me.
Tsunade- You want to fight so bad, fight me! You will go back into your cage and give us back our boy!
Two more tails sprout out making nine tails total.
Tsunade- Shit.
The wolves charge at me with unbelievable speed and they crash into me and send us both through the window behind me and we crash to the ground below.
Tyrian- Lady Hokage!
Gamabunta- Tsunade!
The dust clears and the wolves have me pinned beneath them. They let out a ear piercing roar right in my face. I react by head butting one in their mouth. I follow up by freeing one of my arms and punching the wolf in the throat. The wolves get sent flying high into the air. They recover mid air and land on the roof of a separate building. The people of this village are starting to take notice and are now screaming for their lives.
Tsunade *mind*- Not good. Need to end this NOW. Everyone else who was in my office jump out and land on buildings surrounding the wolves. Tyrian and Gamabunta aide in trapping the wolves.
Kaito- Itsuki stop this man! You can't let them take over completely! Fight it!
Eliane- That's not Itsuki anymore. Our pleas can't reach him.
The wolves let out a low growl as they contemplate their next move.
Guy- Lady Tsunade what do we do?
Tsunade- I don't know!
Other ninja of the Leaf join in to help us with this problem before us.
Ninja 1- Have we no way of sealing that monster?!
Reo- We're try to come up with a solution.
Ninja 2- We gotta kill it!
Tsunade- Out of the question!!
I eye the wolves as they glance over everyone encircling it. It focuses back on me.
Tsunade- Everyone stand down!
Reo- Are you crazy?! They can level the village right now if they wanted to!
Tsunade- It seems they are intent on me. Let me try something.
Kakashi- Absolutely not! They are too dangerous!
Tsunade- Trust me, I know what I'm doing!
The wolves come leaping off the building and makes a mad dash to me. I don't move and stand my ground.
Everyone- Lady Tsunade!!!
The wolves stop mere inches from and let out another ear piercing roar directly in my face.
Their roar

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They settle down a bit and stare at me.
Tsunade- You're hurting. That's ok, I am too. I fell in love with your older brother and now that he's gone, I don't know what to do with myself to be honest. And I know I can say all the words coated in sugar to help you feel better but it won't help. You're allowed to feel this way. Just know, when this storm rolls over and the sun shines once again, I'll be there on the other side to be there for you as Gin once was.
The wolves let out a soft growl and run on all fours past me. I follow them with my gaze and watch as they run and leap over buildings making its way to a particular building in that direction.
Tsunade- The morgue. They're heading to the morgue!! Kakash, Reo, with me! The rest of you, make sure everyone else is safe!
We three take off after the wolves as quickly as we can. When we reach the morgue, the front door is off it's hinges as an imprint of the wolves is shown. We enter quickly and thankfully the staff is unharmed, shocked but unharmed.
Tsunade- This way.
Play music all the way
Kakashi and Reo follow me down a series of hallways and we reach the room that holds Gin's body. It's been busted open as well and inside we see the wolves collapsed on its knees, cradling Gin's head. They give Gin a nudge as if asking him to get up. They let out a low whimper and whine. Seeing this makes my tears flow again.
Kakashi-.......I've gone through some seriously sad moments throughout my life but this...........
Reo- That's not the wolves anymore. That's Itsuki.
The pair of wolves rear their heads back and let off a sound sounding roar that doesn't stop. Slowly the skin begins to peel off.
Reo- What in god's name are we watching?
Tsunade-......This....This is the cry of a boy that only wanted a family.
We watch on as the skin continues peels away. It's sad roar becomes more human like as Itsuki finally gets exposed. A Susanoo rib cage appears around the exposed parts of of Itsuki and start building from there. The sad roar completely fades away as the wolves are gone and Itsuki is all there's left. His screams replace that of the wolf as new Susanoo of which I've never seen before encases him.

Tsunade- How unfair to him. His power grows thanks to the loss of his brother. A cruel world indeed.
Itsuki passes out and his rests on the chest of his big brother.
Kakashi- Things will only be more difficult from here.
The next night
Itsuki (POV)
What the fuck is life anymore. Why am I still here. I'm more broken now than I ever was before. I so broken that I can physically feel it now. Yet here I am alone in the cemetery, looking over my dead brother as the rain pours down.

I don't know why god keeps me alive anymore. At this point, I'm just breathing and waiting for death. I.......I don't want to do this anymore. I'm done. Who am I to try and save me from myself anyway?
I have my kunai clinched in my hand. I raise it up and press it up against my neck. I take another glance at Gin as rain mixes with my tears. My hand begins to shake uncontrollably.
Itsuki *mind*- Do it! Make this pain end!! Make your suffering end!!! Just do it!!! It's better off this way anyway!!! JUST FUCKING KILL YOURSELF ALREADY!!!
Itsuki- FUCK!!!!!!!!!
I throw the kunai away as far as I can and just bawl as I sink to my knees.
Itsuki- (sobs) You must be disappointed huh big bro? I know if I would've went through with it, you would send my soul straight down. Disappointed in the way I wasted life and threw it out. But if this pain is gonna last forever, don't you think it be ok if we just say you gave me angel wings?!
I feel arms wrap around me from behind. It's Tsunade.
Tsunade- The unfortunate reality is that you will indeed feel this pain and grief forever. You will not simply "get over" the loss of Gin. But you will learn to live with it. You will heal and rebuild around the loss you have suffered. I promise to you that there will come a day when the tears of sorrow will softly flow into tears if remembrance and your heart will begin to heal itself. Your grieving will be interrupted by episodes of joy and you will hear the whispers of hope. There will come a day when you will welcome the tears of remembrance as a sun showering of the soul, the turning of the tide, and a promise of peace. But for now, let it all out and scream until you can't scream anymore. Cry until there's no tears left to cry. And after it's all said and done, let's start rebuilding together for I will look after you from now on.
Her words act as a signal to just let everything I've kept inside from the past and present out. I hope and pray that this is the last time I lose someone I love.
Indigo: Alright first of all, thank you for the birthday wishes. It really means a lot. Second of all, 800-273-8255. That number right there is the suicide prevention lifeline. I've been where Itsuki is at and like him, I attempted to unalive myself. I took a knife and was ready to slit my wrists. I had bottled everything inside until it I just couldn't anymore. What ended up stopping me was the image of pain I'd put the people who love me through. I put the knife down and I ended up getting help. This space is a safe space for all. If you ever want to talk to somebody, you can talk to me and seek professional help if you are having suicidal thoughts and tendencies.  This has been Indigo. Over and out

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