Chapter One: The Beginning of a New Life

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Aizawa was on a thin thread today as he was heading to class. When he arrived and entered the classroom.

His expectation was exactly what happened.

The class was a mess and a fight between Bakugou and Todoroki was going on, again.

Aizawa thus went on a already thin, that somehow got thinner without breaking, thread.

"SHUT UP!" Aizawa yelled angrily with his quirk activated, stopping a certain angry pomeranian from exploding one of his best students.

The class recognized their teacher's anger quickly and went to their seats. That is when Aizawa started class. And this time around, he wasn't goig to sleep through it.

No, this time, he was going to give his 'brilliant' students hell.

A few minutes later, the class was found trying to beat Aizawa in a match. One vs one. Aizawa was originally aiming to get some adrenaline in him. But it didn't work.

So he told his class they had a 20 minutes break. Then they would fight him head on. All of them. They were shocked, yes, but didn't aegue with him.

After 20 minutes went by, they just now started to set up a plan. Right when Aizawa started to listen too.

"Remember to surprise your opponent. Not in just an ambush or anything like that. No, in intelligence as well. Make sure to plan when they aren't listening.

Now come on. Just attack me already"

Aizawa's very thin thread was about to break, and the only way it will stay sturdy is to get some real adrenaline in his veins.

He hoped this would satisfy his secret desires. His students then attacked him directly. Using various fighting techniques, actually only two, he dodged and counter-attacked his students easily.

Good thing he trained every day since he earned his quirk. At least his good for nothing mother was of some use to him.

Aizawa had learned piles upon piles of martial arts, fighting techniques, and various other things to help him in a fight.

And in his training years, he found something he thought didn't exist: Qi.

Suddenly, all of those cultivation methods became useful. But he found out the energy when he just started his career in teaching. Thus he never had time to try and cultivate. Nonetheless try and ascend.

But if this didn't work, he knew he would soon enough. And unsurprisingly, it didn't. His adrenaline only barely kicked in. He was only serious for a minute or two before all of his students were knocked out.

Aizawa screamed very loudly in anger. His eyes turned a more blood red than it was usually. He used a martial technique to jump to a nearby window and get out of the school quickly.

Just as he got out, the school was put on lockdown. Good riddance. His mind was made up, he would do something that he never thought of until last year.

He would become a villain.

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