Chapter 3 ~ Sleepover

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Hey guys! I finaly got my computer back so now I can update this fanfic! I know things are kinda boring right now but trust me...things are coming *insert evil smirk here*. If you want to hear the song mentioned in this chapter, it's at the cover. I also thought that the picture of Hiccup on the cover is so cute so I put it there ^-^.

Elsa's POV

It was Friday and I couldn't wait for the weekend. I walked in to my last class of the day and sat down. I had this class with Merida and Hiccup, we all sit next to each other. I was really tired, my eyes were closing. Merida noticed so she kept tapping me awake.


I walked out of class with Merida and Hiccup trailing behind. "So, since tomorrow is Saturday who's house are we going to for the sleepover?" I asked.

Merida turned to me and spoke with her Scottish accent. "Uh, we went to yer house last week so we're gonna go to Hiccup's house tomorrow." She spoke as we walked towards the parking lot. We waited until the rest of the gang came. Anna went to her new best friend's house. Looks like she has her own group now. We all got into our cars and drove off.

I walked into my house and ate a snack. Luckily I didn't have any homework today. I trudged up the stairs and went into my room, I threw my backpack on the ground and sat on my bed. I grabbed the white slip from the fortune cookie and read it. So, acording to this piece of paper...i'm in danger. It's just a piece of junk from a cookie! How is this real?! I threw it in my little garbage can and chuckled, if this was real, something would've happened already. I decided to ignore it, and if something did happen I could just call 911. Simple as that.


I got out of the shower and put some confy pj's on and jumped in my bed. I searched through my phone for my faveorite song. I grabbed my teddy bear and closed my eyes. I let the music flow through my room.

When your legs don't work like they used to before

And I can't sweep you off of your feet

Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?

Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

And, darling, I will be loving you 'till we're 70

And, baby, my heart could still fall as hard at 23

And i'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways

Maybe it's just a touch of hand

Well, me-I fall in love with you every single day

And I just want to tell you I am

My phone rang and I groaned. I looked at it and Hiccup was calling. I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Well, I was listening to Ed Sheeran my favorite singer. Then, you called and ruined it. So now I'm talking to you and holding my teddy bear, Hiccup Jr."

Hiccup chuckled. "I'm so sorry my queen. I didn't mean to disturb you."

I laughed. "Very funny Hicc."

"You still have Hiccup Jr.?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, I still do. How couldn't I, you gave it to me." I smiled. "Anyways, what did you call me for?"

"Well, I was going to ask what movie you want to watch tomorrow?"

"I want to watch...Jack and Jill!"

Hiccup laughed. "Ok. Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Good night, sweet dreams Elsa."

"Night Hicc." I hung up and set the phone down. I turned off the lights and got in my blankets.


I woke up at 11:23 and went to the get ready. I went downstairs to eat a quick breakfast. I quickly washed my plate. I walked to the living room because I heard the T.V. playing. Anna was on the couch...sleeping. I lightly shook her.

She slowly opened her eyes. "Hey sis."

I turned off the T.V. "I'm going to have a sleepover, remember?"

"Yeah, I remember." She sat up and took my hands. "Before you leave, I need to tell you something!" She excitedly said.

"Go ahead." I smiled and gestured for her to continue.

"Ryan asked me out!" My mouth hung open.

"What?! Please tell me you said no."

"I said yes for your information." She crossed her arms.

"But he's a bad influence! He'll cheat on you! He'll-"

"Elsa stop!" Anna put her hand over my mouth. "You're just jeaolus that I have a hotter boyfriend." I pushed her hand away from my face.

"It is not because he's hot or not. I just don't want you getting hurt!" I stood up. "I'll be going to Hiccup's house." I walked towards the door.

"I'll be fine, stop worrying about me. I'm old enough." I sighed and went outside. I drove all the way to Hiccup's house.

I knocked on his door. Hiccup opened it, smiling. "Hey Elsa!" I hugged him.

"Hey." I walked inside. I saw Merida and Jack sitting on the couch.

"Your hair is in my way!" Jack yelled.

"Then get yer face out of ma hair! What are ye trying to do, smell it?!" Merida retorted back.

"What? No! Is your hair trying to smell my face?! Because my face smells good!" There was an awkward silence. "Mer, does my face smell like peppermint?"

"What? A'm not smelling yer face!" Merida exclaimed. Hiccup and I bursted out laughing.

"Really Jack? P-peppermint?" Hiccup said as he was crounching from all the laughter. Rapunzel came a few minutes after all the comotion.


It was seven p.m. so we decided to play the movie. We all sat in the living room. Merida, Hiccup, and Rapunzel sat on the couch (Hiccup was between both girls). Jack and I were on the floor. The movie started and I snuggled closer to Jack. He put his arm around me. After like 40 minutes, I started to doze off. I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.


I woke up on Jack's lap. I quietly stood up, trying not to wake him up. When I turned around to look at the couch, I saw Hiccup and Merida laying on top of eachother. Awww. I ship them together.

"Me too." I snapped my head towards the sound.

"Punzie? You heard that?"

"Yeah, you said it outloud." She giggled. "We need a ship name for them!" I laughed and shushed her.

"Not too loud." Rapunzel covered her mouth.

"Sorry, what about...Hiccmer?" I shook my head.

"Merihi?" Rapunzel asked.

"Ew no. That sounds like a disease."


"Nope." I popped the p as I said it.

"Well, you got to at least help me!" She whispered-yelled. Rapunzel looked annoyed.

"Ok, fine. Hmm...what about Mericcup?" Rapunzel's eyes widened.

"Ahhh! OMG YES!" Rapunzel screamed.

"Punzie!" Hiccup and Merida woke up.

Merida gasped. "Hehe, sorry." They both moved away from each other.

"That's f-fine." Both their cheeks redened.

Rapunzel and I giggled. "Mericcup it is." I whispered.

We all went to prepare breakfast. Jack was still asleep while we were cooking. Hiccup was making scrambled eggs, Rapunzel pancakes, Merida sausages, and I filled some cups with orange juice. After that, I walked back to the living room and sat next to Jack

I lightly shook him. He turned around and muttered something. I giggled softly and shook him again. He shot straight up and yelled. "No!" My eyes widened in alarm. The gang all ran out of the kitchen.

"Jack, are you ok?" I worriedly asked. I grabbed his hands, he was so shaky.

"Y-yeah, just a bad dream." He turned away from me. "I'm fine."

I told everyone else to go finish cooking. They all headed back. "What did you dream about?" I softly asked. He turned back around.

"It was nothing..." I caressed his cheek.

"Let me try to help."

"Elsa, no. Let it go." Jack coldly said. He rarely acts like this, his cold tone scared me a little. I stood up and walked back into the kitchen.

I hope you guys enjoyed this really long chapter! I'm sorry for not updating in a long time but to make it up to you guys, I made a long chapter. I love you guys! Don't forget to vote, comment, follow, and add this book to your library! Bye! Oh and next chapter, I'll promise that there will be a different POV, yay!

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